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Is Consciousness Universal?

Is Consciousness Universal?
For every inside there is an outside, and for every outside there is an inside; though they are different, they go together. —Alan Watts, Man, Nature, and the Nature of Man, 1991 I grew up in a devout and practicing Roman Catholic family with Purzel, a fearless and high-energy dachshund. He, as with all the other, much larger dogs that subsequently accompanied me through life, showed plenty of affection, curiosity, playfulness, aggression, anger, shame and fear. It was only later, at university, that I became acquainted with Buddhism and its emphasis on the universal nature of mind. As a natural scientist, I find a version of panpsychism modified for the 21st century to be the single most elegant and parsimonious explanation for the universe I find myself in. We Are All Nature's Children The past two centuries of scientific progress have made it difficult to sustain a belief in human exceptionalism. Related:  The WalkMindfully Minding

Do Schizophrenics Live in Parallel Universes? By Xavier Ortega | Ghost Theory The Anomalist posted a link to an article in Psychology Tomorrow titled Do Schizophrenics live in Parallel Universes?. In Quantum physics, objects can exist in different states at the same time. Do schizophrenics live in multiple Universes? Dr. Usually sufferers only have a single personality, but could they, in fact, be living in parallel universes? String theory proposes that our universe is like a bubble existing alongside similar parallel universes and the parallel universes may come into contact with one another. Many scientists do not believe in multiverses, but others feel that any world that is mathematically coherent can in fact exist and each one is as likely as any other. Life after death could even continue in a parallel universe that infrequently interacts with our own. A new ‘psychological’ idea, from Mind Valley, called quantum jumping involves meeting up with your twin self in a parallel universe. Tune into Red Ice Radio:

Collective consciousness Why Screwing Things Up Is Crucial to Your Well-Being “Where there is perfection there is no story to tell.” ~Ben Okri Somehow I’d gathered my courage and volunteered from the audience during a local improvisational theater show. And before I knew it, I was up on stage with the troupe, being welcomed, supported, and seamlessly gathered into the scene in a way that only professional improvisers can do. I left the stage high as a kite from the adrenaline rush, returning to my seat and enthusing to my friend that I wanted to start taking improv classes right away! What I didn’t realize until I was several weeks into my first class was something I have since accepted as a truism: Improv theater is basically boot camp for perfectionists. A group of which I am a card-carrying member in good standing. In class, I understood intellectually that I was supposed to relax and go with the flow, but I didn’t know how to actually do that. The problem was, I was also always stressed about it. It was okay for everyone else to be fallible, merely human.

Scientists Report Teleportation of Physical Objects From One Location To Another The concept of teleportation comes primarily from science fiction literature throughout human history, but things are changing. It’s 2015 and developments in quantum theory and general relativity physics have been successful in exploring the concept of teleportation for quite some time now. Today, numerous teleportation breakthroughs have been made. One example is the work of Professor Rainer Blatt, at the University of Innsbruck. They were successfully able to perform teleportation on atoms for the first time, their work was published in the journal Nature.(1) They were able to transfer key properties of one particle to another without using any physical link. Another study was published by a team of University of Queensland physicists in the journal Nature in 2013 demonstrating the successful teleportation with solid state systems. (2) A process by which, again, quantum information can be transmitted from one place to another without sending a physical carrier of information. Sources:

How to Explain Complex Ideas (Like Tech) to Those Who Don’t Understand How to Develop Gratitude for Mindfulness Gratitude is considered by some as the greatest of all emotions that can be cultivated for mindfulness. Recent studies are beginning to show that gratitude has a unique relationship with wellbeing, and can explain aspects of wellbeing that other personality traits cannot. An attitude of gratitude goes hand in hand with mindfulness. You’re grateful when you’re aware of what you do have rather than what you don’t. Gratitude is a skill that you can develop. Think of something you’re ungrateful for.Perhaps you’re ungrateful in your job, a relationship, or your place of residence.Now think of all the things that are good about it. When someone has hurt you, or you’ve done something wrong, you have a conflict in your mind. Try this approach to begin allowing in forgiveness: Understand that hating someone else doesn’t actually hurt that person at all.List all the beneficial things that have emerged from a situation. An alternative practice would be to do a forgiveness meditation.

The Illusion Of Matter: Our Physical Reality Isn’t Really Physical At All Niels Bohr, a Danish Physicist who made significant contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory once said: “if quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet.” Quantum physics has left scientists all over the world baffled, especially with the discovery that our physical material reality, isn’t really physical at all. “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” It seems philosophers of our ancient past were right, our senses really do deceive us. Again, our physical material reality really ISN’T physical at all. Scientific understandings change continuously throughout human history. The notion that the atom was the smallest particle in the universe fell with the discovery that the atom itself is made up of even smaller, subatomic elements. At the turn of the ninetieth century, physicists started to explore the relationship between energy and the structure of matter. What Does This Mean? Sources:

Qualia In philosophy, qualia (/ˈkwɑːliə/ or /ˈkweɪliə/; singular form: quale) are what some consider to be individual instances of subjective, conscious experience. The term "qualia" derives from the Latin neuter plural form (qualia) of the Latin adjective quālis (Latin pronunciation: [ˈkʷaːlɪs]) meaning "of what sort" or "of what kind"). Examples of qualia include the pain of a headache, the taste of wine, or the perceived redness of an evening sky. Daniel Dennett (b. 1942), American philosopher and cognitive scientist, regards qualia as "an unfamiliar term for something that could not be more familiar to each of us: the ways things seem to us".[2] Erwin Schrödinger (1887–1961), the famous physicist, had this counter-materialist take: The sensation of color cannot be accounted for by the physicist's objective picture of light-waves. Definitions[edit] Saturated colors are a commonly used example of a quale. There are many definitions of qualia, which have changed over time. Daniel Dennett[edit]

Letting Go, Trusting, and Allowing Yourself to Be Happy and Free “Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh First, let’s be clear about something… Surrender is not about giving up, handing power over, or failing. We are so used to striving and trying so hard for an outcome that anything outside of that formula seems like self-sabotage. It isn’t. Surrender is the beautiful soft space of acceptance. It’s that arms-wide-open energy that is deeply rooted in trust. Why do we want to embrace surrender? This is how we experience a life of real freedom. At first, the journey into surrender can be very destabilizing. Surrender allows us to step into our lives ready to receive, completely able to manifest, and willing to embrace everything—the good, the bad, and the ugly—with an open heart. To really understand surrender we need to look at its opposite. Can you relate to any of these scenarios? 1. Are you comfortable with moving on quickly? 2. Do you see that as a clear sign you need to back off? 3. By Choice

Big Bang Discovery Opens Doors to the "Multiverse" Bored with your old dimensions—up and down, right and left, and back and forth? So tiresome. Take heart, folks. The latest news from Big Bang cosmologists offers us some relief from our humdrum four-dimensional universe. Gravitational waves rippling through the aftermath of the cosmic fireball, physicists suggest, point to us inhabiting a multiverse, a universe filled with many universes. (See: "Big Bang's 'Smoking Gun' Confirms Early Universe's Exponential Growth.") That's because those gravitational wave results point to a particularly prolific and potent kind of "inflation" of the early universe, an exponential expansion of the dimensions of space to many times the size of our own cosmos in the first fraction of a second of the Big Bang, some 13.82 billion years ago. "In most models, if you have inflation, then you have a multiverse," said Stanford physicist Andrei Linde. Lunchtime Comic Mismatches "I'm a fan of the multiverse, but I wouldn't claim it is true," says Guth.

5 Tips For Butchering Your Life...So You Can Finally Live Emancipating One’s Self Takes Patience, Grace and a Level of Brutality In Order to Hack Away at That Which Doesn’t Serve In Growth I had been a free-spirited artist who put my dreams, passions and convictions aside to adopt a life that I thought was necessary in order for me to ‘grow up’ and ground myself. You know…to live the American Dream. I became a wife to a safe man who took care of me financially, while taming me into ordinary. I was part of a relationship of comfort, convenience and normalcy. Then I woke up. 2013 was when I purposely and methodically butchered away my life, my Self, the heavy skin from 10 years of marital and personal discord, as well as sever the restraints of that which I had grown to know as my cage. I was left in pieces—hacked, chopped, bloody and raw. That was the most challenging and painful set of events in my entire life thus far. 1. Let’s face it—we can’t truly predict the future outcome from any one decision. After all, control is all just an illusion.
