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15-Minute Ab Workout

15-Minute Ab Workout
Every move in this workout strengthens the muscles of your abs, back, and hips. But this core routine, from Mike Mejia, M.S., C.S.C.S., also loosens your hamstrings, lower back, calves, hip flexors, and other areas, so you'll finish feeling stronger and stretched. Perform the ab workout as a circuit, moving from one exercise to the next without rest. Pause 60 to 90 seconds after each circuit, and do three circuits in all. Do the workout 3 days a week, taking at least a day off between workouts. (Kick it up a notch! Pike WalkStand with your legs straight and your hands flat on the floor. Straight-Arm Side BridgeLie on your left hip with the outer side of your left leg flat on the floor and your upper body propped up on your left arm. Glute Bridge with AbductionLie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Hindu PushupStart with your feet shoulder-width apart and your butt high in the air. Related:  hybridmmafitness

Building up to your next game | Fitness Derby County strength and conditioning coach Steve Haines devises a day-by-day training guide to help you prepare for your next fixture. Mix it up, don’t overdo it and stick to what you know Monday A 30-minute swim in the morning, during your lunch-break or after work is perfect. Tuesday Time to up the intensity. Wednesday Take it easy at this point during the week. Thursday Replicate Tuesday’s workout, but focus the weights session on strength and power exercises. Friday Day off. Saturday Hit the treadmill with sprints of 15 seconds, and rest periods of 20 seconds. Gym Hong Kong | Personal Fitness Training Hong Kong | Personal Gym HK - Hybrid MMA Fit Whether you’re looking to learn some of the basic techniques, get fit or become a high level mixed martial artist, Hybrid offers it all. Our ‘Fight Camp’ program is a one-on-one, 12-week, 3-days-a-week program, specially designed for beginners to quickly advance to a high-level martial artist. With this program, you’ll have a one-on-one personal trainer from our MMA team take you through all aspects of martial arts, whilst keeping track of all your progress in order to fast-track you straight to the top! Whether you’re looking to learn some of the basic techniques, get fit or become a high level mixed martial artist, Hybrid offers it all. Our ‘Fight Camp’ program is a one-on-one, 12-week, 3-days-a-week program, specially designed for beginners to quickly advance to a high-level martial artist.

Bootcamp App Exercise Descriptions « Couch to 5K Having trouble remembering the exercises? Don’t worry, with time you’ll know them all by heart, especially if you’re working out regularly. Here is a break down of Bootcamp’s exercises in each of the four categories. The in app exercise picture along with the description are listed below. As always, have fun and enjoy your workouts. My 5 and 2 year old LOVE when we workout together with this app. Download the app now to your iPhone and iPod Touch to get your heart pumping and body moving! Visit for more app details. Like us on Facebook! Please feel free to contact me with any of your questions or suggestions Like this: Like Loading...

BORN STRONGER MMA News | Modified 300 Workout | After 300 came out a few years back much was made of the famous training regimen the actors went through to perfect their physiques for the camera. The point is to complete the workout as fast as possible. By taking minimal breaks between sets you’ll add a cardio component into your strength-training workout. You do a total of six exercises and perform 50 repetitions for each one. 6 x 50 = 300. 1. 50 pull-ups. 2. 50 pushups. 3. 50 kettlebell swings. 4. 50 Standing Shoulder Presses. 5. 50 jump squats. 6. 50 leg lifts. Any other suggestions? How To Choose the Perfect Gym for Your Fitness Needs? - Hybrid While there are many gyms in Hong Kong, choose a gym which ensures that you achieve your fitness goals. Anyone interested in finding the best gym in Hong Kong will need to evaluate some things before making a final decision. When it comes to assessing the gyms in the area, individuals will want to look into things such as sanitation, cleanliness, available classes, hours, location, and fees. Professional Personal Trainers One of the main things that you will want to look into is qualified personal trainers. Qualified Instructors Another thing that you will want to look for in a gym is qualified instructors. Daily Sanitation With the recent COVID 19 pandemic, many places, such as gyms, were closed. Variety Of Different Classes One of the characteristics you will want to look for when choosing the best gym in Hong Kong is the classes. Wide Selection Of Weight Sets As well as a variety of classes, it is a good idea to look for a gym that offers a variety of weight sets. Variety Of Equipment

Best Bodyweight Exercises for Weight Loss | MotleyHealth® Bodyweight exercises are a great way to help you lose weight. They also help to burn belly fat fast. They combine a cardiovascular workout with a muscle building workout, so burn fat while you are exercising out and also increase your metabolism as a result of muscle development. Bodyweight exercises are considered to be very “old school”, they are still promoted in martial arts classes, military fitness training and strength training for dance, sports and many other activities. One of the best things about a bodyweight workout is that you can perform most of the exercises with no equipment at all, so whether you are at home, in a hotel room, in the park or office, you can exercise when you want. This is why the Turbulence Training exercise plan is so effective at helping people lose weight and tone up, you rarely miss a workout because many of the exercises require no equipment at all, and other just dumbbells, so no gym is required. The Bodyweight Exercise Routine The Bodyweight Circuit

6 Workouts That Really Work! (For Men) | Fit for Life Summer Challenge |... We've gathered six of our top workouts to give you a buffet of ways to get buff—no matter what your obstacles or preferences. So choose one and get started today. When You Only Have 5 Minutes... Try the fastest cardio workouts ever. You won’t believe how much these high-voltage routines will make you sweat. When You Only Have 20 Minutes... The 30-30 Workout is a lightning-fast routine that makes every second count. When You Only Have Your Body Weight... Use the laws of body-weight training to get fit without lifting a weight (except your own body). When You Only Have Dumbbells... The Zero-Excuses Workout is a beginner-friendly fat-loss routine will fit any schedule. When You’re Bored of Running Use the strategies in this 10-K prep-plan from a world-class track coach to get more out of every mile. When You Only Feel Like Working Your Abs This is a no-brainer: Try The Best Abs Workout You’ve Never Done. BONUS!

What Draws People Towards MMA Training? - Hybrid MMA & Fitness Mixed Martial Arts fighters are always in great shape due to their training regime that involves everything a person would want from a workout. The strength and power required by these athletics are incredible, and they look and feel great as their bodies are their destructive weapons. MMA is, therefore, a great technique to get in shape. There are primeval movements that people perform, and they are recognized each time you do them at the machine in the gymnasium. MMA training comprises all these primal movements without you noticing. MMA Classes for Beginners Choosing a type of martial art that aligns with your needs and goals can be an overwhelming task. One form includes stand up fighting, where you use your feet, elbow, knees, and hands to fight. The third one is on the ground, which is common in wrestling. Importance of MMA Classes The best thing you can do for your health is deciding to be in shape. Building power and strength Helps in developing endurance Building self-esteem

Incline Body Position: Men Men's Health Lists 25 Ways to Build Your Biceps By: Adam Campbell Text Size Body Position: Incline Lie on your back on a bench set at 45 degrees. TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH, BODY, AND LIFE! New Year Same You? - Hybrid Every year we get to January and hear a raft of ‘new year new me’ quotes plastered over social media….great. What is baffling is why we wait till the start of the new year to do so. Is there any difference between this week and the last? Your health and fitness is an ongoing cycle that will surely have peaks and troughs but should always be underpinned with a few core principles. You don’t have to reinvent yourself to make a change, there doesn’t have to be a new you. Train smarter not harder If we trained for one hour every day it’s 3% of our total week. Beauty Sleep The best and most money-conscious way to improve your health and fitness. Fuel your body Good fuel into the body will equal good performance with the body. Don’t make new years resolutions, make lifestyle changes. Make changes that are sustainable and achievable by making lifelong habits.

Nano Workout - A healthy lifestyle without breaking a sweat Kickboxing For Kids Hong Kong | Martial Arts For Kids | Hybrid MMA & Fitness At Hybrid, we believe learning how to live an active lifestyle is best taught from a young age – it builds the foundation for a healthy adult lifestyle. That’s why we provide kids martial arts, Muay Thai, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and, kickboxing for kids and under-18s of various age groups, catering to all skill levels. Our specialised kickboxing for kids fitness classes are available for children and teenagers aged: 5 – 7 years old8 – 12 years old13 – 16 years old There’s more to martial arts than fighting and self-defence. Not only that, but proper martial arts training gives kids a crash course in other essential life skills. Learn Kickboxing in Hong Kong with World Class Trainers Across all of our specially-tailored kids’ fitness classes, our highly-qualified trainers work closely with each child to ensure no one is left behind. We help empower kids by helping to foster their personal growth and development with solid coaching, personalized programs and reliable guidance.

Hot Shower VS Cold Shower - Hybrid Are you a hot shower person or a cold shower person? We shiver to think of showering in cold water early in the morning. But when it’s a hot, sweltering day, nothing sounds better than a cold and refreshing shower. Showers are not only cleaning and cleansing, but they could also help promote bodily functions, depending on the temperature. Hot showers are usually more pleasant than cold ones. Improved cardiovascular health Warm water appears to improve blood flow in people with chronic heart failure. A study explored the effects of warm water immersion on arterial stiffness, which occurs when the arteries within the body become less flexible. This same reason will also give you relief from migraines, congestion and menstrual cramps. Improved muscle and joint health Hot showers encase blood flow, helping soothe stiff joints and tired muscles. Improved brain health BDNF=brain-derived neurotrophic factor is a protein that has several important functions in the brain and spinal cord, including:

Online vs Virtual Personal Training, Which One is Best for Me? - Hybrid But isn’t Online Personal Training and Virtual Personal Training the same thing I hear you asking? Yes, but no. Both online personal training and virtual personal training are delivered in the online space but there is one major difference. Online personal training gives you the blueprint to your health and fitness journey. Virtual personal training does everything that online personal training does but with the addition of doing training sessions through Zoom, Google Hangouts, Microsoft Teams or any other form of virtual communication. Both routes ensure that you are getting the comprehensive Hybrid Experience all at your own convenience. What does Hybrid Online Personal Training and Virtual Personal Training look like? Adaptable Training ProgramA Realistic Sustainable Nutrition StructureAccountability and Tracking MethodsWeekly Check-Ins & UpdatesMonthly Live Coaching CallWelcome Education Pack3 x Zoom Sessions Per Week (Virtual Personal Training Package)
