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31 iPad Apps For A Smoother-Running Classroom

31 iPad Apps For A Smoother-Running Classroom
31 iPad Apps For A Smoother-Running Classroom A smooth-running classroom is about, among other things, organization, workflow, and classroom management. Organization is about resources, priority, and consistency. Workflow is about clarity, tools, and consistency. And classroom management is about relationships, trust, and consistency. Which brings us to the following collection of apps to help your classroom run more smoothly. From apps that keep time, do one calls, choose groups, promote desired behavior, keep notes, create to-do lists, record grades, or make calendar sharing social, there are 31 here that can help make your life as a teacher easier. If we’ve missed any, feel free to suggest them in the comments below. 31 iPad Apps For A Smoother-Running Classroom Related:  Apps

¿Tu niño necesita refuerzo en matemáticas? Estas apps y juegos le ayudarán Con el curso recién estrenado y las clases en plena ebullición seguro que son muchos los que se han preguntado si no deberían haber insistido un poco más en los cuadernillos y libros de repaso de las diferentes materias. Una situación que, sin embargo, nunca es tarde para abordar. De hecho, es posible hacerlo incluso de manera divertida. PequeMates PequeMates, como su propio nombre indica, se trata de una web donde encontraremos toda clase de juegos para que los benjamines del hogar refuercen esta materia. Además de esta, sin embargo, el sitio resulta tremendamente interesante para los docentes, pues cuenta con la historia de las matemáticas en un comic y con otros recursos como vídeos animados, información sobre técnicas de estudio, ilusiones ópticas y demás, que les serán de gran utilidad en el aula. Eduapps Con Eduapps ocurre algo similar a la anterior: que es un portal centrado en recursos educativos que van más allá de las matemáticas. Educapeques Number Ninja Mundo Primaria Math Workout

10 Great Screen Capture Web Tools for Teachers and Students January 24, 2014 Screen capture images can be used for a variety of reasons. You can include them in tutorials and multimedia classroom projects. You can also use them as illustrative visual aids when explaining a difficult concept or to visually highlight a process. There are several web based tools and extensions that you can use for this purpose. Here is a list I compiled for you containing some of the best tools I have been using in my work as a blogger. 1- 1- LightShot This is a great screen capture extension that works on Chrome. 2- Web Page screen Capture This is a freeware software for taking screenshots . 3- Tech Smith Snagit The Snagit for Google Chrome™ Extension makes it possible for you to capture images within your Chrome browser. Awesome Screenshot lets you to Capture the whole page or any portion, annotate screenshot, blur sensitive info, one-click upload to share. 5- Screen Capture 6- Snaplr Snaplr is a simple way to capture and annotate your desktop's activity. 9- MonoSnop

3 aplicaciones gratuitas que todo estudiante necesita Ahora que tan solo quedan unos días para la vuelta a clase (puede que muchos de vosotros ya hayáis empezado el nuevo curso) hemos créido conveniente aprovechar la ocasión para recomendaros tres aplicaciones gratuitas de lo más útiles para llevar todo al día durante el curso. A continuación, os dejamos con la lista. Horario de Clase – iOS | Android Disponible de forma completamente gratuita para dispositivos iOS y Android, el objetivo de la aplicación es el que su propio nombre indica: facilitar la creación y gestión del horario de clase. Con una inferzar sencilla e intuitiva, la aplicación permite realizar anotaciones breves para cada clase y apuntar la fecha de los exámenes. Además, también facilita el guardado del horario en formato imagen. Wunderlist – Web | iOS | Android | Windows Phone No podíamos olvidarnos de herramientas como Wunderlist, ideales para la gestión de tareas pendientes. Documents 5 – iOS

Ultimate list of Minecraft Guides, Cheats and Video Tutorial Apps Minecraft continues to give students a voice in their own education. Minecraft is almost perfect for presenting cross curricula projects and the idea that many students direct their own learning in the environment means that it can be a powerful tool in many teacher's toolbox. Students previously disengaged from education have often turned around their love to discover and create and in the process been valued for their particular set of skills. So if you have some little miners in your class here are a bunch of guides, cheats and how-to tutorials apps. Ultimate Builder Guide for Minecraft: FREE Take your Minecraft experience to the next level with this amazing new app dedicated to helping you build new exciting creations. MineGuide Pro for Minecraft: FREE This Minecraft guide from the makers of Skins Pro Creator comes the ultimate guide for Minecraft.

60 Apps to Teach STEAM in the Classroom Using a tablet to explore STEAM concepts is a natural pairing—as kids drag, draw and create they learn more about technology and the world around them. That's why we've gathered 60 of our favorite apps for teaching STEAM in the classroom, with recommendations for every grade level. Read on to get our list! Science Apps for Grades K-2 Science Apps for Grades 3-5Science Apps for Grades 6-8Science Apps for Grades 9-12Technology Apps for Grades K-2Technology Apps for Grades 3-5Technology Apps for Grades 6-8Technology Apps for Grades 9-12Engineering Apps for Grades K-2Engineering Apps for Grades 3-5Engineering Apps for Grades 6-8Engineering Apps for Grades 9-12Art Apps for Grades K-2Art Apps for Grades 3-5Art Apps for Grades 6-8Art Apps for Grades 9-12Math Apps for Grades K-2Math Apps for Grades 3-5Math Apps for Grades 6-8Math Apps for Grades 9-12 PLUS: Here's a handy chart with all of our STEAM app recommendations in one place! Pin it or pass it on to a teaching friend.

57 Free Digital Interactives For All Teachers… Plus 8 Free Mobile Apps Welcome to a post that examines an amazing free collections of educational digital interactive programs and apps. You are sure to find something that will fit your classroom in the very near future. First, to ensure you do not miss one of these valuable posts or other resources covering PBL, Digital Curriculum, Web 2.0, STEM, 21st century learning, and technology integration, please sign up for 21centuryedtech by email or RSS. As always, I invite you to follow me on twitter (@mjgormans). Please give this post a retweet and pass it on. Booking Info – Are you looking for a practical and affordable professional development workshop for your school or conference? 57 Free Digital Interactive For All Teachers… Plus 8 Free Mobile Apps – Michael Gorman ( As I travel the country I hear teachers asking for a collection of interactive applications that can be used with their students. Remember that this is just a small portion of Read write Think. Like this:

26 iPad Apps For A Paperless Classroom 26 iPad Apps For A Paperless Classroom by TeachThought Staff The paperless classroom is a compelling concept for what it symbolizes as much as anything else. While it sounds sleek and futuristic and easy to organize and environmentally friendly, the reality is that paperless classrooms aren’t that simple. The “environmentally-friendly” part, for example, is wildly subjective: the costs of manufacturing–and eventually recycling and disposing of–tablets versus the loss of “renewable” trees and the subsequent waste that is environmentally-friendly. The same with being organized. But what a paperless classroom represents is important. But if you’re looking for tools to give it a go, the following 26 ipad apps for a paperless classroom can help. 26 iPad Apps For A Paperless Classroom; Related Posts 14 Teacher-Recommended Classroom Management Appsby edshelf: Reviews & recommendations of tools for education One of the top frustrations of classroom teachers is behavior management.

100+ Teaching With the iPad Hacks: A Curated Playlist of Quick Start Resources A publisher recently asked me if I knew of a good iPad “Quick Start” Guide for teachers just getting started with using the iPad in the classroom. I didn’t, but had to imagine that I could find resources along these lines on the Web. As I searched, I found many good web pages, and knew right away that this was a great topic for creating a LessonPaths curated Playlist to share them. LessonPaths (formerly known as MentorMob) is an awesome free web tool for easily assembling digital content into an elegantly simple information resource. Just click through the Playlist, stop and further explore resources that interest you (clicking on one will open up the Playlist in full screen mode) then click through to the next one when you’re ready. This hand selected set of sources will provide teachers who are new to the iPad with the information they need to get started, and offer both new and current users information they need to successfully integrate the iPad into their teaching practices.

APPS TRASTORNOS ESPECÍFICOS DEL DESARROLLO DEL APRENDIZAJE – Fun4us En esta sección iremos recopilando las Apps que nos parezcan interesantes y de utilidad para el apoyo y la educación a personas con trastornos específicos del aprendizaje (Dislexia, Discalculia, Disgrafia, Dispraxia, Afasia/Disfasia) disponible para dispositivos iOS, esta app gratuita tiene como objetivo mejorar la lectura y escritura de los alumnos disléxicos de forma divertida a través de juegos. Los ejercicios están diseñados teniendo en cuenta los errores de lectura y escritura propios de los disléxicos. Ofrece más de 2.500 ejercicios y se divide en cinco niveles: inicial, fácil, medio, difícil y experto. Y los niveles se han diseñado acorde a la frecuencia de las palabras en castellano, su longitud, su complejidad morfológica y su similitud con otras palabras de la lengua. También existe una versión en inglés. Es un libro interactivo para iPhone y iPad dirigido a niños mayores de 3 años. Feel Electric es una app que trabaja las emociones de los niños y habilidades lingüísticas.

10 Excellent Social Bookmarking Tools for Teachers February, 2014 Social bookmarking is a new concept that has seen the light with the emergence of bookmarking services like the ones I cited below.Semantically speaking, ' social bookmarking' is made up of the the term " social " which is related to society and general interactions between people, and the verb " to bookmark " (used here as a gerund ending in ing) which has to do with recording and/or saving content for both later use and quick access. Weaving the semantic reference of the two words results in social bookmarking as we know it today : a collaborative and collective saving and sharing of web content.' Below are some of the best social bookmarking websites I would recommend to teachers and students. 1- Diigo This is my favourite tool for socialbookmarking. 2- Livebinders This is another powerful tool for saving and organizing your bookmarks. 3- is another powerful web tool for curating digital content. 4- Pinterest 5- Edshelf 7- Educlipper

22 Apps para gestionar el aula y organizar el nuevo curso 1. Idoceo: Es un cuaderno de notas potente y fácil de manejar. Aporta las siguientes opciones: diario, calendario, horario, agenda, plano de la clase, informes, tablón de anuncios, transferir y abrir diferentes archivos, recordatorios, etc. No requiere conexión a internet para utilizarse. 2. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
