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Reciprocal Teaching

Reciprocal Teaching
Before Reciprocal Teaching can be used successfully by your students, they need to have been taught and had time to practice the four strategies that are used in reciprocal teaching (summarizing, questioning, predicting, clarifying). One way to get students prepared to use reciprocal teaching: (from Donna Dyer of the North West Regional Education Service Agency in North Carolina) Put students in groups of four. For more information, see the article Reciprocal Teaching for the Primary Grades: "We Can Do It, Too!". Download blank templates Here's a bookmark (360K PDF) for students to use that prompts them about each of the four strategies used in reciprocal teaching. Related:  professionReading

Reciprocal Teaching for the Primary Grades: "We Can Do It, Too!" In 1978, Durkin (1978-1979) made what continues to be an alarming observation: less than 1% of classroom reading instruction was dedicated to comprehension instruction. When comprehension instruction occurred, the focus was on asking students questions about the text-assessing comprehension, not providing instruction. More recently, Pressley, Whar ton-McDonald, Mistretta-Hampston, and Echevarria (1998) examined reading instruction in 10 fourth- and fifth-grade classrooms. Because comprehension instruction is not always synonymous with the primary grades (Block, Parris, & Whiteley, 2008; Myers, 2005; Pearson & Duke, 2002; Reutzel, Smith, & Fawson, 2005; Sweet & Snow, 2002; Taylor, Pearson, Clark, & Walpole, 2000), it is not surprising to find that only 16% of K-3 teachers include comprehension strategy instruction as part of their literacy curriculum (Neuman, 2001). Comprehension strategy instruction Self-regulated learners choose from several strategies to accomplish a reading goal.

Modell för ökad läsförståelse - Pedagogiska institutionen - Umeå universitet [2013-05-29] Kent Löfgren vid Pedagogiska institutionen och Monica Reichenberg från Göteborgs universitet har tillsammans med lärare och elever på Ersdungens skola i Umeå prövat en modell för att öka elevernas läsförståelse. Resultaten visar att eleverna förbättrat sin läsförståelse avsevärt. Idag besöker utbildningsminister Jan Björklund klassen. Reciprocal teaching som modell för läsförståelse Modellen för läsförståelse, kallad Reciprocal teaching, är också beprövad i amerikanska, holländska, israeliska, finska och norska studier och har visat sig ge dokumenterad effekt på läsförståelse inom både skönlitteratur och sakprosa. I korthet innebär Reciprocal teaching att eleverna får träna fyra strategier: Att föregripa, förutsäga och ställa hypoteser. De fyra strategierna är exempel på kognitiva aktiviteter som goda läsare använder när de vill få en djupare förståelse av en text. Resultatet av studien Sammanlagt deltog 44 elever och deras lärare i studien.

The Best Children’s Books of 2014 by Maria Popova Intelligent and imaginative tales of love, loneliness, loyalty, loss, friendship, and everything in between. “I don’t write for children,” Maurice Sendak scoffed in his final interview. “I write — and somebody says, ‘That’s for children!’” “It is an error,” wrote J.R.R. This is certainly the case with the most intelligent and imaginative “children’s” and picture-books published this year. Once in a long while, a children’s book comes by that is so gorgeous in sight and spirit, so timelessly and agelessly enchanting, that it takes my breath away. Dubuc’s warm and generous illustrations are not only magical in that singular way that only someone who understands both childhood and loneliness can afford, but also lend a mesmerizing musical quality to the story. As an endless winter descends upon Lion and Bird, they share a world of warmth and playful fellowship. “Yes,” says Lion. The seasons roll by and Lion tends to his garden quietly, solemnly. Summer passes slowly, softly.

International Guide to Student Achievement The International Guide to Student Achievement brings together and critically examines the major influences shaping student achievement today. There are many, often competing, claims about how to enhance student achievement, raising the questions of "What works?" and "What works best?" World-renowned bestselling authors, John Hattie and Eric M. Anderman have invited an international group of scholars to write brief, empirically-supported articles that examine predictors of academic achievement across a variety of topics and domains. Rather than telling people what to do in their schools and classrooms, this guide simply provides the first-ever compendium of research that summarizes what is known about the major influences shaping students' academic achievement around the world.

Reciprocal Teaching Strategies for Reading ComprehensionReciprocal Teaching[Palincsar et al, 1984, 1986] What Is Reciprocal Teaching?The creation of Palinscar and Brown, Reciprocal Teaching is in some ways a compilation of four comprehension strategies: summarizing questioning clarifying predicting Please understand that some think the choice of "reciprocal" in the name of this strategy is slightly misleading. How Does It Work? How Might I Implement Reciprocal Teaching in my Classroom? One approach to teaching reciprocal teaching might be to have students work from a four-column chart, with each column headed by the different comprehension activity involved. You might also consider implementing reciprocal teaching the way Donna Dyer of the North West Regional Education Service Agency in North Carolina recommends. Put students in groups of four. © 1998-present by Raymond C.

Kommunikation, läs- och skrivutveckling: Reciprok undervisning - modell för läsförståelse Reciprok undervisning (Reciprocal Teaching, RT)utgår från forskarna Palinscar & Browns studier. De önskade hitta ett undervisningsprogram som hjälpte svaga läsare genom att göra som ”expertläsare gör” för att kontrollera sin förståelse. Denna metod har visat sig framgångsrik och utvecklande för både svaga och goda läsare. I testperioden ökade läsförståelsen från 10% till 85% hos eleverna. Metoden bör nyttjas regelbundet i undervisningen, ca 2ggr veckan under hela skoltiden. Reciprok (ömsesidig undervisnig)innebär att lärare och elev turas om att vara samtalsledare i smågrupper, en vägledd diskussionsteknik där den som är lärare synliggör omedvetna processer genom att undervisa om dessa. Fyra huvudstrategier används i metoden, dessa är: • Att förutspå handlingen/ställa hypoteser • Ställa egna frågor • Klargöra otydligheter • Sammanfatta texten med egna ord En elevvänlig tolkning av metoden för mindre barn: 1. Från Barbro Westslunds bok Att undervisa i läsförståelse

Rainbow Reading Programme for Students - choo_eng_ahmad.pdf Learning Oriented Assessment What is Learning Oriented Assessment (LOA)? The term Learning Oriented Assessment is one of several which have been used in recent years with a similar purpose in mind: to carve out a place for a form of assessment with different priorities and values from those of traditional assessment, with its focus on reliability and validity. Like the classroom-based assessment movement in the US, or the Assessment Reform Group’s promotion of formative assessment or Assessment for Learning in the UK, LOA proposes a form of assessment whose primary purpose is to promote learning. Cambridge English Language Assessment approaches LOA from an assessment specialist perspective, taking a systemic view where assessment operates on multiple levels and takes many forms. Our conception of LOA reflects an intention to change the traditional relationship of assessment to learning. Cambridge English Empower takes learning-oriented approach Find out more about Cambridge English Empower Find out more about LOA

Reciprocal Teaching Classroom Strategies Background Reciprocal Teaching is a strategy that asks students and teachers to share the role of teacher by allowing both to lead the discussion about a given reading. Reciprocal Teaching involves four strategies that guide the discussion: predicting, question generating, summarizing and clarifying. Benefits Reciprocal Teaching is a great way to teach students how to determine important ideas from a reading while discussing vocabulary, developing ideas and questions, and summarizing information. Create and use the strategy Break the classroom into mixed-ability small groups. Prediction Ask students to predict what they think the reading may be about. After you have modeled the previous steps, students may continue working in their small groups by silently or orally reading the next sections of the reading while conducting the four-step process. What it looks like… Download a Reciprocal Teaching handout Fisher, D., and Frey, N, (2004). Palincsar, A.

Running Record Assesment Tips Assessment Tips Running Records You can do leveled reading assessment by taking a running record using a book that you believe is close to the child’s developmental level. The running record allows you to record a child’s reading behavior as he or she reads from the book. Reading A-Z provides benchmark books for this purpose. A running record form accompanies each of the benchmark books. Running records can be taken on a book that has never been seen by the reader or one that has been read once or twice. You can analyze the results of your running record assessment to gain insights into a child’s reading and to assign children to the appropriate developmental level for their leveled reading sessions. Taking a running record improves with experience. Before using the running record form, familiarize yourself with the following terms: Errors (E) Errors are tallied during the reading whenever a child does any of the following: Emergent readers (Levels aa through G): every 2 to 4 weeks.
