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Guy Hoffman: Robots with "soul"

Guy Hoffman: Robots with "soul"
Related:  Nouvelles technologies&SciencesAI

Piratebox, ou comment échapper au Big Brother de l'Internet Partager anonymement des photos ou des documents lors d’une rencontre ou d’une mobilisation, mettre à disposition de tous des ebooks, des films ou de la musique : c’est ce que permettent entre autres les piratebox. Cet outil crée un réseau informatique local accessible en wifi, totalement anonyme et gratuit. Tout le monde peut s’y connecter avec un ordinateur ou un smartphone, pour télécharger des documents, en ajouter ou échanger par chat. Comme pour notre alimentation, les circuits courts ont de beaux jours devant eux ! Et si lors d’un prochain évènement, manifestation ou meeting, contre l’austérité ou l’oligarchie des « 1% », en plus des habituels appels à mobilisation et textes plus ou moins subversifs qui encombrent poches et sacoches des participants, les organisateurs proposaient une alternative ? Un outil, une philosophie, un état d’esprit Une piratebox prend généralement la forme d’un petit boitier (voir photo). La force de ces initiatives « libres » ? Mathieu Lapprand

Fast Cochlea Transform | Audience Fast Cochlea Transform™ The cochlea is the most complex part of the ear and central to the human auditory system. It is responsible for transforming sound pressure waves into electrical information that the brain can interpret as a sound. Audience’s proprietary “Fast Cochlea Transform™” (FCT) performs a similar transformation function within the voice processor, converting a time domain representation of sound into a frequency domain representation. Sound captured by the microphones is sent to the voice processor and digitized before entering the FCT. The FCT is similar to the “Fast Fourier Transform” (FFT) that is commonly used in digital signal processing. Log-Frequency Scale: The FFT transforms the audio signal into the frequency domain on a linear scale, while the FCT performs its transformation on a logarithmic-frequency scale.

Non-possession: seeking intense simplicity and the good life Back to Light – Quand un artiste utilise le potentiel électrique des fruits et des arbres Skip to content ufunk ufunk La Sélectiondu Week-End [74 images] La Sélection du Week-End n°230 Toutes les Sélections du Week-End Featured Quand les super-héros donnaient la fessée aux femmes L’incroyable plage de verre de Ussuri Bay Prendre des photos de couple quand vous êtes célibataire Les lieux de travail des séries cultes recréés en 3D Quand les personnages cultes manquent de sommeil Made in China – Des sculptures satiriques contre la surconsommation Hater – Le Tinder pour trouver ceux qui détestent les mêmes choses que vous Une simple goutte d’eau de mer agrandie 25 fois Les vidéos bonus 50 Years of Freeskiing – L’évolution du ski freestyle vue par Red Bull Tu pensais qu’c’tait ça que c’tait Toutes les vidéos Un autre article ? Le Bullshit Bingo des tendances marketing 2014

SENNA SENNA is a software distributed under a non-commercial license, which outputs a host of Natural Language Processing (NLP) predictions: part-of-speech (POS) tags, chunking (CHK), name entity recognition (NER), semantic role labeling (SRL) and syntactic parsing (PSG). SENNA is fast because it uses a simple architecture, self-contained because it does not rely on the output of existing NLP system, and accurate because it offers state-of-the-art or near state-of-the-art performance. SENNA is written in ANSI C, with about 3500 lines of code. It requires about 200MB of RAM and should run on any IEEE floating point computer. Proceed to the download page. New in SENNA v3.0 (August 2011) Here are the main changes compared to SENNA v2.0: DISCLAIMER: Our word embeddings differ from Joseph Turian's embeddings (even though it is unfortunate they have been called "Collobert & Weston embeddings" in several papers). Details R. R. Download Everything is included in a single tar-gzipped file (185MB). Linux

Fact-Checking the Bill Nye-Marsha Blackburn Climate Change 'Debate' If you are not the sort of person who watches Meet the Press (because you are not an old person), you may have missed Sunday's "debate" between Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn and Mr. William Nye, Science Guy. Allow me to summarize: There is no actual debate over climate change. Allow me to summarize at greater length: Blackburn was full of misinformation and Nye seemed sleepy. I pulled out the assertions presented by the participants in the discussion and evaluated them for truth. Here's an example of how this will work. Al Roker: Is it a natural cycle? Rating: False What Roker's doing here is what you might call skepticism-once-removed. It is humanity's fault, at least according to the same scientists that say it is happening, which is nearly every climate scientist with only a few isolated exceptions. That was an error before the discussion even began, compiled when host David Gregory showed a snippet of a climate change denier from the Cato Institute, which was completely wrong. Nye:

Birdeo | Recrutement européen en CDI et Freelance, spécialiste du Développement DurableBirdeo | Recrutement européen en CDI et Freelance, spécialiste du Développement Durable Special Issue on Cloud Robotics and Automation - IEEE Robotics and Automation Society A special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. Introduction Cloud Robotics and Automation is attracting increased interest from academia, governments, and industry worldwide. General Electric’s “Industrial Internet” aims to create a “convergence of machine and intelligent data” across industries. Germany’s “Industry 4.0” project and IBM’s “Smarter Planet” initiative are closely related. Scope, Description, and More Information Scalable parallelization: How can parallel grid-based computing on demand change the current paradigm in automation science? Important Dates Guest Editors Dr. Lead Guest EditorUniversity of Zaragoza Zaragoza, Spain Dr. Guest Editor California, United States mateiciocarlie@gmail.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. Dr. Alper.O.Aydemir@jpl.nasa.govThis email address is being protected from spambots. Dr. New Jersey, United States Dr. Massachusetts, United States

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