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7 façons de tester son idée de startup avec un Minimum Viable Product / MVP

7 façons de tester son idée de startup avec un Minimum Viable Product / MVP
A mes yeux, la plus grande cause d’échec des startups est très simple (si l’on parle chiffres uniquement) : c’est le fait DE NE PAS SE LANCER. C’est fou le nombre de personnes qui ne donnent pas une chance à leurs idées, qui s’autocensurent… Et c’est en réalité bien dommage. Chaque fois qu’un entrepreneur en puissance (on parle de wantrepreneur) tue de lui-même une idée, c’est un peu de l’écosystème de startups qui y perd. Il y a à cela plein de raisons, mais je pense que la principale est le fait de croire que cela va être trop compliqué de faire les premiers pas. Le gap a l’air trop important aux yeux du wantrepreneur entre sa situation actuelle (étudiant, salarié, retraité) et le statut d’entrepreneur. Pourtant, il existe une bonne façon, même en étant déjà en poste (lisez d’ailleurs aussi cet article), de tester son idée : il s’agit de commencer à se lancer dans la création. Poser une landing page et un formulaire d’inscription. Et vous, vous avez testé comment ? Related:  Web DevtETUDE DE MARCHE

How to Create a Project or Virtual Host with WAMP | ronangelo The release of WampServer 2.5 greatly improved the virtual server’s speed which was already fast to begin with. Also, with the new process of creating Projects or Virtual Hosts, you can now have URLs like instead of the old which is a great improvement especially for users like me who play with WordPress Plugins. Step 1Once you get WampServer or WAMP installed, go to the installation folder then locate the www folder. This is where all your virtual website’s file are going to be stored. Inside the www folder create a new folder. To add another Project or Virtual Host repeat the steps above except for Step 2.

#Outils : Les 10 outils pour optimiser votre MVP ! Vous vous lancez dans l’entrepreneuriat ? Vous pensez que votre idée vaut de l’or ? Oui, mais comment être sûr que votre cible adhère à votre produit ? Dans cet article, 10 outils pour optimiser votre MVP et valider votre idée auprès de votre marché ! Définition Minimum Viable Product Le Minimum Viable Product est indispensable pour tester son idée et donc sa startup. Comment faire une Landing Page ? La Landing Page est un outil marketing redoutable, elle permet la récolte de leads. Rien de plus simple avec ces outils : Strikingly : Créez un site web en moins de 30 minutes. Launch rock : Launchrock vous permet d’installer votre première landing page. Comment automatiser son MVP ? Une fois que vous avez réalisé votre landing page, automatiser certaines actions permettra à votre cible d’avoir une expérience optimale. Automatiser pour gagner du temps grâce à … Mailchimp : MailChimp est déjà utilisé par 7 millions d’utilisateurs pour réaliser des campagnes de mailing. Quelques pistes …

ng-admin: Add an AngularJS admin GUI to any RESTful API This post was updated on 2014/10/30 to update the installation steps. Plenty of applications require a backend admin tool. At marmelab, we have built several such interfaces using the Sonata Project (which is great by the way). But a few months ago, we needed a backend admin for a NodeJS/MongoDB project ; we didn’t want to create an entire Symfony2+Sonata application just for the backend, so we looked for an alternative solution. For small projects with a simple domain model, we should have a client-side tool that provides a basic admin backend in no time. Introducing ng-admin Based on the simple grammar of REST APIs, we’ve built an Angular.js script called ng-admin. The initial video is a screencast of ng-admin running on top of a classic Post-Comments-Tags REST service. ng-admin uses a simple configuration file, written in pure JavaScript, to describe the backend. ng-admin requires a simple web server, without any server-side language. Using It In Your Projects Include it: What’s Next ?

Design A Better Business Mapping the world around you The difficulty of sharing your perspective with others is that everyone else also has their own specific point of view with regards to the context. This means that it is also very difficult to revisit the ideas you had in the past in order to build on them. Moreover it becomes difficult to spot new trends if you’re always caught up arguing about “the now”. What if there was a way not only to map out what you and your team think is important in your context, but also a way to track how your perspective changes over time, and a way to identify blind spots and actively look for them? The context MAP® CANVAS Visual meetings David Sibbet’s book Visual Meetings on Amazon The Context Map® Canvas is a way to do just that: It helps you visualize the world around your business with a team. With the Context Map® Canvas, you can explore your context quickly, and build it up over time. How we hacked the context canvas: the world of…

Angular vs. React vs. Vue: A 2017 comparison – Deciding on a JavaScript framework for your web application can be overwhelming. Angular and React are very popular these days, and there is an upstart which has been getting a lot of traction lately: VueJS. What’s more, these are just a few of the new kids on the block. So, how are we supposed to decide? A pros-and-cons list never hurts. Before we start — SPA or not? You should first make a clear decision as to whether you need a single-page-application (SPA) or if you’d rather take a multi-page approach. The starters today: Angular, React and Vue First, I’d like to discuss lifecycle & strategic considerations. Here are the questions we’ll address today: How mature are the frameworks / libraries? Ready, set, GO! 1. 1.1 Some history Angular is a TypeScript-based Javascript framework. React is described as “a JavaScript library for building user interfaces”. Facebook is working on the release of React Fiber. Vue is one of the most rapidly growing JS frameworks in 2016. 1.2 Core development 2.

[Veille] 4 startups à découvrir ce weekend: Kurveo, Frizbiz, Adocta, Minilogs - Maddyness - Le Magazine des Startups Françaises Maddyness propose, tous les vendredis, une veille des 4 startups à découvrir pendant le weekend, à tête reposée. Le but est de faire découvrir rapidement des startups ou des initiatives innovantes que la rédaction a spécialement repérées, et pour lesquelles, vous pouvez voter avec le module de vote Poutsch, à la fin de l’article. A la Une de notre veille cette semaine: Kurveo, Frizbiz, Adocta, Minilogs…[hr] Kurveo Kurveo est un outil qui permet de réaliser un réseau social personnalisé, en remplissant simplement un formulaire. L’équipe propose une solution clé en main, en incluant une demie-journée de formation. Plus d’informations: Frizbiz Frizbiz est un site de jobbing mettant en relation les particuliers avec les professionnels. Plus d’informations: Adocta Plus d’informations: Minilogs Plus d’informations: [poutsch id= »1010392″ width= »620″]

Betatestr - Faire tester son site / application auprès de testeurs qualifiés Validation: 20 experiments you can do to validate your business concepts! Validation Guide + 20 Ways to Test your Business Ideas Before we start What is validation? Validation is the process of gathering evidence and learning around business ideas through experimentation and user testing, in order to make faster, informed, de-risked decisions. Through experimentation and validation, you move away from the standard innovation approach used in corporations (read: build the car, launch it on the market) towards a Lean, de-risked approach, where user testing allows for evidence-based decisions. I have a business concept to validate A 3-step process for Validation Define your focus, aka. what are we validating? Experimentation is used primarily to learn faster by testing with real customers in order to understand how they will engage with your business idea. Depending on the stage of the innovation funnel you’re in, you’ll need to validate different elements of your business proposition, so that you can pick different kinds of experiments. Assumption Mapper Download PDF

The Key To Paid Traffic? Knowing Your Customer’s “Awareness Level” | Adbeat There’s one HUGE mistake many marketers make when creating the ad copy and landing pages they’re sending traffic to. The problem is they present the same message to everyone. They use the same copy that works on their email list — people who are familiar with them and their product — as they use on their cold traffic landing pages and display ads — people who are NOT familiar with their company or product. Someone on your email list already knows what you are about. They’re familiar with you, your views and your products. However, someone coming from cold traffic is a complete stranger. So, how do you structure your copy differently for the perfect stranger, differently for the person who’s been on your list for one week, and differently for the person who’s been on your list for one year? Eugene Schwartz and The 5 Levels Of Customer Awareness In comes the King of Copywriting… Eugene Schwartz. Schwartz wrote the bible of copywriting, Breakthrough Advertising. You can use it on social media.
