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Creating a PLN

Skip to content Building your PLN Know it or not, you already have some sort of Personal Learning Network or PLN! It could be your colleagues, family, students, friends – whoever! But with the power of the web and online collaboration – a PLN could really grow! This series guides you step by step through the process of building your PLN. You can work through the activities in any order and at any time. Here is our guide to growing your PLN in as little as a couple of weeks! Sign Up For Free Powered by WordPress | Hosted by Edublogs | Protected by CloudFlare AddThis Sharing Sidebar Share to Facebook , Number of shares76 Share to TwitterShare to LinkedIn , Number of shares Share to EmailMore AddThis Share options , Number of shares65 Hide Show AddThis FollowShare Toggle Dock Share Close AddThisPrivacy Related:  PLE-PLN

Teacher Action Research on ePortfolio Implementation Last week, I was the external examiner on a Masters Thesis entitled, ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIOS: TOOLS FOR SUPPORTING THE TEACHER’S NEED FOR ASSESSMENT AND THE STUDENT’S NEED FOR DEEP LEARNING. I was given permission to post his final thesis. "The intent of this study was to examine how qualitative assessment in the form of electronic portfolios could be conducted to engage students in their learning." This action research focused on a small (N=12) group of mostly First Nations students in northern British Columbia, and was conducted by their teacher in his grade 11/12 Comparative Civilizations course over the 2009-2010 school year. I found this study to be enjoyable to read, although a little repetitive. Chapter 6-Conclusions gives a concise overview of the case study plus his conclusions. ...electronic portfolios support formative assessment by encouraging dialogue between the student and teacher that focuses on improving student work and is not emotionally threatening. Nicely done!

Just4Me Registration — ePortfolio & Identity Conference We apologize for the inconvenience, but the page you were trying to access is not at this address. You can use the links below to help you find what you are looking for. If you are certain you have the correct web address but are encountering an error, please contact the Site Administration . Thank you. You might have been looking for… ePIC The ePortfolio & Identity Conference and Community Registration The 10th international ePortfolio and Identity conference, ePIC 2012, 9-10-11July 2012, takes place at the Savoy Place, London, home of the Institute of ... Instructions ePIC 2012 uses ConfTool for handling paper submissions, the review process, and participant registration. About ePIC 2013 The information digest for participation in ePIC 2013 Exhibitor Packages The Exhibition plays an integral part in the conference. Calendar Important dates for the Call for Contributions PerezGarcon.pdf Epic 2012 April-May Update Epic 2012 March Update ePortfolio 2003

Materiales y datos de los MOOC sobre ABP y PLE Finalizados los cursos masivos en red (MOOC) sobre “Aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP)” y “Entornos personales de aprendizaje (PLE)”, llega el momento de hacer recopilación de los datos de participación y materiales generados. Participantes matriculados – PLE: 2.041 (España: 910) ABP: 3.790 (España: 2.221) Nº de insignias entregadas – PLE: 53 (2,6 %) ABP: 127 (3,3%) Nº de blogs agregados por participantes – PLE: 204 ABP: 423 Total intervenciones en foros de debate – PLE: 745 ABP: 1.375Usuarios de Twitter que han publicado mensajes con hashtag del curso – #EduPLEmooc: 528 #ABPmooc_INTEF: 969Media de mensajes por día en Twitter (incluido RTs) – PLE: 91 ABP: 74,8Miembros del grupo de Facebook del curso: PLE – 1.810 ABP: 2302 ÍNDICE NPS PLE: % promotores (60,38) – % detractores (11,32) = +49 ÍNDICE NPS ABP: % promotores (84,2) – % detractores (4,2) = +80 Lista de reproducción de vídeos del MOOC sobre ABP. Lista de reproducción de vídeos del MOOC sobre PLE.

Blank A portfolio is a collection of work that has undergone a process of selection, reflection, and revision. I believe these 3 key components are critical when thinking about portfolios, especially writing portfolios. Over the last 2 decades there has been a push to use portfolios to assess student writing. All across the country one can find schools and school systems creating their own portfolio initiative. I think that the e-portfolio makes sense. On this page you will find various resources to help you get started with e-portfolios in your own classroom.

Aprendizajes Emergentes y Pedagogías Invisibles La Sociedad espera de nosotros un nuevo tipo de ciudadano cuyas dimensiones social y profesional integren con naturalidad lo virtual y lo analógico, con la certeza de que de lo más real que hay en nuestra vida es lo que vivimos en Internet. Y a su vez este tipo de ciudadano necesita de una nueva escuela donde aprender a gestionar una identidad híbrida. Además, y más que nunca, la escuela ha de ser un espacio para forjar ciudadanos movidos por el bien colectivo y con actitud crítica y no simplemente un edificio donde preparar trabajadores, porque igualmente las fronteras entre lo laboral y lo no laboral son cada vez más difusas. Pero basta con acercarse a cualquier centro educativo para comprobar que, en líneas generales, poco ha cambiado en los últimos 100 años: ni los espacios, ni las formas de organizarnos, ni el currículo, ni las metodologías, ni para qué y cómo usamos la evaluación,… ¿Nos vemos en La Coruña para seguir reflexionando?

15: Organize and Share with Livebinders This is the 15th post in the “30 days to using the best of the web’s free tools for educators” series. Be sure to subscribe to the Teacher Challenge blog by RSS, like us on facebook, and follow us on twitter to keep up with future challenge posts as they are published. Objectives: What The Heck Is Livebinders? Overview I have been a fan and user of Livebinders for a while now. Watch this video on Introduction To Livebinders To recap, Livebinders is a digital 3 ring binder that you can put virtually anything into; webpage, PDF, document, image, or video. For example here is a binder I did, organizing my Twitter In Education resources. An Educators Guide To Twitter Or here is one of the most popular, a binder all about the iPad in Schools. Getting Started Getting set up is a breeze. From your shelf you can view any binders you have previously created or you can begin a new binder by clicking the Create Binder tab at the top. When you create a new binder you have a few options: Livebinder It Tool

Personal Knowledge Mastery seek > sense > share PKM is a unified framework of individually constructed enabling processes to help each of us make sense of our world, work more effectively, and contribute to society. PKM means taking control of your professional development, and staying connected in the network era, whether you are an employee, self-employed, or between jobs. Personal – according to one’s abilities, interests & motivation. (not directed by external forces)Knowledge – understanding information and experience in order to act upon it. (know what, know who, know how)Mastery – the journey from apprentice to disciplined sense-maker and knowledge catalyst. “A model of curation for the digital era that is being used in health and care is Harold Jarche’s ‘Personal Knowledge Mastery’ (PKM). Developing Mastery Four public online workshops are scheduled each year: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall PKM Online Workshop Custom workshops can be developed for organizations: Organizational PKM Workshop PKM Handbook Mastery

Nirvana › Tour Capture Nirvana provides multiple ways to capture actions, thoughts and ideas to your Inbox. Keyboard shortcuts, rapid entry typing, via email and mobile apps... the faster you can clear your mind, the sooner you can free your mind for creative work. Process Processing your to-dos has never been faster, easier or more intuitive. Focus Star or un-star any item to effortlessly add or remove from the list of to-dos you need to focus on right now. Areas To leverage to power of GTD you need to get everything out of your head and into a trusted system (we recommend Nirvana). Contexts With just a few clicks of the mouse Nirvana can isolate to-dos based on available time and energy, location, resources, dates and more. Contacts Assign contacts to your projects and to-dos, either as Related-To or Waiting-For. Projects Turn any to-do into a Project, and group all related actions required to get to Done. Logbook Keep track of your accomplishments via the Logbook. Export

a network perspective The three overlapping circles of the network learning model – social networks, communities of practice, work teams – have been described by Patti Anklam as three network types – connectivity, alignment, productivity. This makes sense, because in social networks we mostly connect, while in communities of practice we strive to find alignment between ideas and practice, and in our work teams we produce something of value. Patti goes on to describe the key tasks for ‘network builders’. Connectivity Network (social network) – “Weaving — Helping people make connections, increase ease of sharing information”Alignment Network (community of practice) – “Facilitating — helping people to explore potential shared identity and value propositions”Productivity Network (work team) – “Coordinating — helping people plan and implement collaborative action” Perceiving all three of these spaces as networks reinforces the principle that we cannot manage networks, only influence through our interactions.

Sample Professional Teaching Portfolios McGill University Quick Links Elementary 3rd Year Fall Term Option McGill.CA / Elementary 3rd Year Fall Term Option Section navigation Sample Professional Teaching Portfolios Since the creation of a professional teaching portfolio was the major assignment for students during this full-term, integrated, field-based semester, a few examples of portfolios created by students in the project are provided here: Click on the links below to access these examples. Department and University Information Elementary 3rd Year Fall Term Option Unión Profesional – El desafío del Entorno Digital para el profesional en 2015 UP organiza un desayuno de trabajo para hablar de estrategia digital para el profesional. El pasado 23 de febrero Unión Profesional organizó, junto a la Fundación Pons y ONO, el desayuno de trabajo titulado “El desafío del Entorno Digital para el profesional en 2015”, enfocado en cómo escoger y trabajar las herramientas 2.0 necesarias para llevar a cabo una estrategia digital en la actualidad. María Jesús Magro, directora general de la Fundación Pons, apeló a la tradición de su institución en la formación en valores, también en el ámbito de las nuevas tecnologías. Gonzalo Múzquiz, secretario técnico de Unión Profesional, señaló la «profunda inquietud» de Unión Profesional y de las profesiones en trasladar la necesidad de una la estrategia, también en el entorno digital. «Hay que tener un plan para poder entender y construir realidades que aúnen las necesidades del común». ¿Qué pueden hacer las organizaciones colegiales para ayudar a sus profesionales?

Creating a Service Learning Portfolio | Stable Transitions Creating a Service Learning Portfolio What is a Learning Portfolio? A purposeful collection of student learning that exhibits the student’s efforts and achievements in a specific course or project. How can Learning Portfolios be used? Portfolios are gaining popularity in College and University education as a means for students to demonstrate the knowledge and abilities they have acquired from a specific activity (e.g. participation in service). What goes into a Service Learning Portfolio? Documents pertaining to the processes involved in the project, as well as evidence of the project’s outcomes. - Journals or logs - Relevant academic work - Media coverage (including articles in the campus newspaper or website - Evaluations by community members and instructors - Organizational brochures or other information - Plan for action research or other future projects, etc. - Reflections that document the learning process. Benefits of a Service Learning Portfolio Like this: Like Loading... About kbarnstable

[curso] Entornos Organizacionales de Aprendizaje: Construyendo la Escuela del S. XXI Desde Conecta13 seguimos trabajando para expandir el concepto de PLE. Nuestra nueva propuesta, en colaboración con Telefónica Educación Digital, es un curso gratuito en el que reflexionamos sobre la gestión del conocimiento en las organizaciones educativas partiendo de las ideas de los Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje. Sin duda la propuesta de Graham Attwell sobre los Personal and Organisational Learning Environments ha sido decisiva para trasladar las ideas que subyacen al concepto de PLE al contexto de las organizaciones. Attwell, junto con Serge Ravet, propone el acrónimo POLE para referirse a los Entornos Personales e Institucionales de Aprendizaje como aquellos ecosistemas que facilitan la interacción entre las actividades de aprendizaje informal de los miembros de la organización, gestionadas a través de sus respectivos PLEs, y los procesos de gestión del conocimiento de la propia organización. Una vez más, contamos contigo para vivir una experiencia de aprendizaje emocionante.

BUilding a personal learning network. Great ideas but also a nice model for self-paced learning. Intersting to reflect on the pedagogy used in these courses. by shellyw39 Jan 18
