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Related:  Week 11: Academic Search / Social ScholarshipGestión del conocimiento para la docencia e investigación

Elsevier takes Scopus to the Next Level with Generative AI ​​New generative AI feature will power Scopus, world’s leading abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, so researchers can get deeper insights faster​ Elsevier, a global leader in scientific information and data analytics, today releases an alpha version of Scopus AI for researcher testing – a next generation tool that combines generative AI with Scopus' trusted content and data to help researchers get deeper insights faster, support collaboration and societal impact of research. For more than a decade, Elsevier has been using AI and machine learning technologies responsibly in its products combined with its unparalleled peer-reviewed content, extensive data sets, and sophisticated analytics to help researchers, clinicians, students and educators discover, advance and apply trusted knowledge. Maxim Khan, SVP of Analytics Products and Data Platform, Elsevier, said: “Researchers need to understand unfamiliar topics, often with little time to do so.

Data Mining from A to Z: Better Insights, New Opportunities Acerca el Documento Hay tantos datos y una gran cantidad de decisiones que tomar. Las organizaciones de todo el mundo se están enfrentando a este dilema. Los datos están creciendo, pero ¿y su capacidad para tomar decisiones de acuerdo con esos enormes volúmenes de datos? La analítica predictiva ayuda a evaluar lo que sucederá en el futuro. Descubra como las empresas están utilizando la mineria de datos para: Detectar Fraudes.Gestionar y Manejar el riesgo.Resolver problemas de Big Data. Acerca de SAS SAS es líder en Analytics. re3data Center for Open Science This position is not with the Center for Open Science, but is, instead, a courtesy posting for the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in Social Sciences. The Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in Social Sciences (BITSS) is a new effort to promote the integrity, replicability, and validity of empirical social science research. The program is fostering an active network of social science researchers and institutions committed to strengthening transparency in economics, political science, behavioral science, and related disciplines. Headquartered at the Center for Effective Global Action at UC Berkeley, BITSS is looking for a Program Associate to support the initiative’s evaluation and outreach efforts. The candidate also will contribute directly to the refinement of the Open Science Framework, a platform created by the Center for Open Science at the University of Virginia that helps researchers document and archive their study designs, materials and data.

Enhance Google Scholar with State Library Links - New Jersey State Library Remote access to State Library Information Center databases is restricted to New Jersey state employees and Thomas Edison State University staff and students. How to Set Up Links to Full Text from NJSL in Google Scholar Google Scholar is a popular public search engine for academic and scholarly literature, serving metadata and citation details for many academic subject areas and disciplines. Did you know you can use Google Scholar to seamlessly access content licensed by the State Library Information Center? Login with your Google account to the Settings option from the top left navigation.Click Library links.Search for New Jersey State Library.Add the following libraries as applicable and click Save. If you are a TESU student or TESU staff Add New Jersey State Library – Access from NJSL. If you are a State employee Add both options: New Jersey State Library – Access from NJSL and New Jersey State Library Information Center – ProQuest Fulltext. Contact Us

The OpenScience Project | Open source scientific software SocialSci Digital Living Network Alliance Die Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) ist eine internationale Vereinigung von Herstellern von Computern, Unterhaltungselektronik und Mobiltelefonen mit dem Ziel, die Interoperabilität informationstechnischer Geräte unterschiedlicher Hersteller aus dem Heimbereich sicherzustellen. Organisation[Bearbeiten] Logo für zertifizierte Produkte Die DLNA wurde im Juni 2003 als Digital Home Working Group (DHWG) von Sony und Intel gegründet. Zu den Hauptaufgaben der Organisation gehört die gemeinsame Entwicklung und laufende Aktualisierung technischer Leitlinien (Home Networked Device Interoperability Guidelines) für Entwickler und Hersteller von Geräten aus dem Bereich Verbraucherelektronik, EDV und Mobilgeräten. Zertifizierung[Bearbeiten] DLNA-Schema DLNA zertifiziert folgende Geräteklassen:[2] Heimnetzwerkgeräte (Home Network Devices): Digital Media Server (DMS) stellen Medieninhalte (z. Einzelne Geräte können mehreren Geräteklassen gleichzeitig angehören. Zu den tragbaren Geräten gehören u. a. - Complete hours of reading in minutes. Open Data Kit OpenRefine Turnigy 9X 9Ch Transmitter w/ Module & 8ch Receiver (Mode 1) (v2 Firmware) I bought this to supersede the HK-T4A transmitter. It comes as a bare transmitter - no batteries, no charger, no instruction manual, and no module (not even 72MHz). This is all OK, as I only use Lipo batteries, hate the cheap transmitter chargers, and ordered an Assan 2.4GHz JR-type module along with the order. Hobby King were up-front with all of this from the start, except the lack of a manual. The manual is available online, as the IMax 9, and the lack of a manual saved me further shipping dollars - a big factor in ordering something cheap. The good news, it's not a cheap-feeling radio. Control with the Assan module was absolutely locked in. The misses (deduct one star):IF YOU USE EXPO YOU CANNOT USE DUAL RATES!!!!

Smorgasbord: Trends from the Spring 2023 Meetings and Conferences It’s conference season in scholarly communications. Between them, the Scholarly Kitchen Chefs have been / will be at 9 events around the world in the 6 week stretch from early April to mid May. In a series of “Smorgasbord” posts, Chefs will share some of the key themes emerging for our sector. Reforming research assessment Charlie Rapple The latest new initiatives in Europe are: the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) — approx 250 universities have signed up to its commitments, primary among which are to: And the SCOPE framework, a five-stage process for evaluating research responsibly: START with what you valueCONTEXT considerationsOPTIONS for evaluatingPROBE deeplyEVALUATE your evaluation Why does this matter? Professionalizing research management EARMA among others lobbied hard for the 2020-2024 iteration of the European Research Agenda (ERA) to include a clause on “strengthening strategic capacity”. “The key resource in research is not money but the time of researchers.
