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10 centuries in 5 minutes

10 centuries in 5 minutes
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Law Student Guide to Free Legal Research Deutscher Sonderweg Die These vom Deutschen Sonderweg besagt, dass die Entwicklung demokratischer Strukturen in Deutschland sich wesentlich vom europäischen Regelfall unterscheide, der u.a. von Frankreich und Großbritannien repräsentiert werde. Diese Sonderentwicklung sei aus der Geschichte Deutschlands ableitbar. In der Geschichtswissenschaft ist strittig, ob es sich dabei wirklich um einen Sonderweg handelt oder nur um einen Eigenweg. Denn die These vom Sonderweg setze voraus, dass es eine Norm für die historische Entwicklung zur Demokratie gebe. Charakteristika[Bearbeiten] Hans-Ulrich Wehler als Verfechter der Sonderwegs-Theorie beschreibt die Entwicklung des preußisch-dominierten Deutschen Reiches bis zum Ende der Weimarer Republik als „eigentümliches Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Tradition und Moderne”. Mit dem Begriff „Deutscher Sonderweg” verbindet sich darüber hinaus die Vorstellung, dass die Führungsschichten in Deutschland, vor allem im 19. und frühen 20. Beispiele[Bearbeiten] Siehe auch[Bearbeiten]

How Japanese Kids Learn To Multiply – Amazing, No Need to Learn Japanese Thank you to everyone who has shared this post! Before we discuss this great method of multiplying numbers, if you are after a great power point slide show to use in the classroom to improve times tables and multiplication skills then you will find this useful. If you enjoyed using the resource above then make sure to check out the games and tricks available to help develop, practice and learn times tables skills. I came across this method though a Japanese friend and it shows how Japanese pupils learn to multiply in maths lessons at a young age. The great thing is that you do not need to learn Japanese to master this method, all you need to do is to be able to draw and count lines and dots. You actually multiply without actually multiplying! The Japanese method has proven very popular from the retweets and the feedback I have received from fellow practitioners. How Japanese Kids Learn to Multiply Video Tutorial Five Examples of the Japanese Multiplication Method

Le Subjonctif en Français Back to Verb Buster Index Formation: The subjunctive tense in French is formed in the following way: To form the STEM, take the "ils" form of the Present Tense and take off the "ent". je -e tu -es il -e nous -ions vous -iez ils -ent The three regular verb patterns thus look like this in the subjunctive: Note that the NOUS and VOUS forms are almost always the same as they are in the Imperfect, with the exception of a few irregular verbs. As you would expect, there are a number of irregular verbs. The following verbs follow the pattern given above, but are irregular in that they revert to the IMPERFECT in the NOUS and VOUS forms. Uses of the Subjunctive: The subjunctive is used in a number of circumstances, and is usually dependent on QUE. 1. être content que, être désolé que, être triste que, c'est dommage que, préférer que, aimer que, être heureux que, être surpris que, regretter que 2. vouloir que, souhaiter que, désirer que, demander que, exiger que, désirer que 3. 4. 5. sans que, à moins que ... 6.

7 Predictions For The Year 2011 From 1931 Visionaries Brock University The population of the United States eighty years hence will be 160,000,000 and either stationary or declining, and will have a larger percentage of old people than there is today. Technological progress, with its exponential law of increase, holds the key to the future. Labor displacement will proceed even to automatic factories. Inevitable technological progress and abundant natural resources yield a higher standard of living. The role of government is bound to grow. Source: NYTimes Increase in interest in game-based language learning and teaching By grahamstanley This week, the ‘Teaching and Language Learning through Gamification‘ TESOL EVO session comes to an end. It’s been an enjoyable 5 weeks, with some great live sessions from special guest speakers and lots of sharing of ideas and enthusiasm in the Moodle forums. The TLLG Moodle won’t be around for long, but the highlights of the course will be archived on a wiki, , which we also hope will be a place that people can share links to lesson plans for online games they have used. During the EVO session, there also seems to have been evidence of an increased interest in games for language learning and teaching. Leo Selivan shared his experience using Spent with a group of upper-intermediate learners, who were enthusiastic about the game and found it useful. So, lots to read and think about there – and it’s only February.

A new view of DNA While it’s clear that DNA sequencing has been an indispensable tool in understanding any number of biological processes, new research from Harvard suggests that how DNA is packed into cells may be at least as important as the biological coding it contains. A new imaging technique, developed by Erez Lieberman Aiden, a Junior Fellow of the Society of Fellows, working with Nynke van Berkum, Louise Williams, and a team of researchers from the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT and the University of Massachusetts Medical School, is giving scientists their first three-dimensional view of the human genome, one that is already shedding new light on a number of what Aiden calls the “central mysteries of biology.” Aiden’s work was recognized recently with the GE & Science Prize for Young Life Scientists. “We don’t have perfect pictures yet,” Aiden said, “only blurry ones; but that’s much better than no picture at all.”

GoClass - Create and Deliver Lessons on iPads Last week I wrote about NearPod which is an iPad application for creating and delivering quizzes to students. This morning, through David Kapuler, I learned about a similar free iPad application called GoClass. GoClass is a free iPad application for creating short lessons and delivering them to your students. The lessons can include annotated images, free hand sketches, text, and video. Applications for EducationGoClass is a promising iPad app for teachers who are working in 1:1 iPad environments.

The 99 Best Economics Resources Essential resources for IB Economics The IB Course Companion is written specifically for this course. It is very readable and easy to understand. IB Economics Websites Welker’s Wikinomics – A website created by an IB economics teacher containing useful IB lecture notes as well as a blogTutor2U – A resource for AS, A2 and IB economics revisionBiz/ed – A general resource for learning economics, listed by topic.Essentials of Economics – Summaries, online quizes and case studies relating to the textbook “Essentials of Economics”Economic Policy Debate – Is a place for online debates regarding current controversial ideas in economics. Videos Khan academy has produced some great videos on Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and current issues in Econ Highly recommended Some really good video lessons from EconClassroom.comPaj Holden’s YouTube page is also full of great IB Econ-specific videosEcon Stories – A funny rap video showing the different economic philosophies of Keynes and Hayek Podcasts
