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How Schools Can Teach Innovation

How Schools Can Teach Innovation

Disruptive Innovation: Higher Education Last week, former Silicon Valley CEO Ben Nelson announced that he has raised $25 million to start an "elite university" which would exist exclusively online. The Minerva Project launch comes at a time when public and private educational institutions are dramatically expanding their online presence. But can an Internet-only school really compete with Stanford, Berkeley and the Ivy League? We talk to some innovators who are challenging the traditional university model.

TED talk : comment les cours en ligne révolutionnent l'enseignement Vous souhaitez suivre un cours de physique par un éminent professeur de Harvard ? Pas de problème ! Un clic et c'est parti . Même pas besoin d'ouvrir son portefeuille. Bienvenue dans l'univers des MOOC . Daphne Koller a confondé Coursera , une des plus importantes plateformes de cours en ligne. "Nous pouvons collecter chaque clic, chaque travail soumis, tous les posts des dizaines de milliers d'étudiants sur le forum. TED Global / Juin 2012 D'autres conférences TED tech & solidaires : > L'open data au service de l'aide internationale > L'artisanat technologique au service des plus pauvres > L'humanitaire à l'heure du numérique

How to Overhaul the U.S. Education System Developers: ES5 builds are disabled during development to take advantage of 2x faster build times. Please see the example below or our config docs if you would like to develop on a browser that does not fully support ES2017 and custom elements. Note that as of Stencil v2, ES5 builds and polyfills are disabled during production builds. You can enable these in your stencil.config.ts file. Enabling ES5 builds during development: npm run dev --es5 For stencil-component-starter, use: npm start --es5 Enabling full production builds during development: npm run dev --prod npm start --prod Current Browser's Support: Current Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0 - a clever bot - speak to an AI with some Actual Intelligence? Is eReading on the Rise? According to the latest report on eReading from the Pew Internet and American Life Project, "the increasing availability of e-content is prompting some to read more than in the past and to prefer buying books to borrowing them." Pew describes e-content as eBooks and "other long-form content such as magazines, journals, and news articles in digital format on an e-book reader, tablet computer, regular computer, or cell phone." This new report summarizes the findings of several studies, including the responses of almost 3,000 participants in the U.S. who were 16 or older to questions about their reading preferences. The finding that 43% of Americans have read e-content at some time during the past year does indicate some changes in reading habits. Context seems to play a role in how we choose to read. More Questions and Continued Research In addition to discussing the new report, chat participants proposed several interesting questions that might spur future eReading studies:

Jessica Jimenez : Presentation Handout Why teach inductively? - Students get more practice and are more likely to pay attention. - Students show what they understand, giving you something to assess. - Inductive activities can connect the material to students' lives and increase motivation. - Inductive teaching fosters noticing. Defining inductive: "In induction, one works from examples to principles, rules, and generalizations." Broader definition of inductive teaching: Learners do something (answer questions or participate in an activity) that guides them to their own conclusions by allowing them to discover grammar rules, rationale, target features and strategies for themselves. Related terms: experiential learning, discovery learning Inductive Guidelines: We're not playing 20 Questions You don't always have to be inductive (Brown, 2007, p. 29). What bite-sized questions can build to a more complex conclusion? How will you organize students' answer on the board? Pitfalls Inductive Activities: Pre-project Mingle: Directions: A.) B.) 1.

cating Innovators: 25 Ways to Prepare Students for a Changing Job Landscape The Pretense of Knowledge - Friedrich A. Hayek [Lecture to the memory of Alfred Nobel, December 11, 1974] The particular occasion of this lecture, combined with the chief practical problem which economists have to face today, have made the choice of its topic almost inevitable. On the one hand the still recent establishment of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science marks a significant step in the process by which, in the opinion of the general public, economics has been conceded some of the dignity and prestige of the physical sciences. It seems to me that this failure of the economists to guide policy more successfully is closely connected with their propensity to imitate as closely as possible the procedures of the brilliantly successful physical sciences — an attempt which in our field may lead to outright error. This brings me to the crucial issue. It can hardly be denied that such a demand quite arbitrarily limits the facts which are to be admitted as possible causes of the events which occur in the real world.

The Apple iPad will not save your school Administrators around the globe are looking for the ‘next big thing’ to save students from a mediocre or irrelevant education and it seems that many have decided that Apple’s iPad is the catalyst to an answer. Apple & education: take 2 (or 3) Will Apple save your school? “By listening to educators and including their suggestions in the development of the product, Apple is showing why they have led the market for technology in education for the past 25 years,” said James L. With all of the money spent on eMac labs and classroom computers, have schools succeeded in developing meaningful and relevant curriculum that closes the achievement gap, promotes higher-level thinking and prepares students for the 21st century? Apple hasn’t specifically marketed the iPad as a mass-deployed educational solution, yet schools across the country are raising, finding or borrowing money to make a huge investment in tablet hardware with the hopes that students will engage and excel. Early results… Conclusion

SchoolTube The best videos from schools everywhere. Students: use video to get ahead in school & at home. Teachers: inspire students in your classroom & around the world. Students Watch Student Videos Watch SchoolTube videos created by students & teachers about everything from Anime to Zoology. Create Your Own Videos Create videos of projects & assigments that you can show your classmates & teachers. See Students Around The World See what other students like you are doing around the world! Teachers Easily & Safely Share SchoolTube is approved for access in schools, and all videos are moderated by teachers like you. Spark Student Engagement Spark student engagement and classroom discussions with video. Share Your Lessons & Projects Impact thousands of students & teachers around the world by sharing your lessons, projects, and ideas.

Éducation: la France dépense trop pour des résultats médiocres Masse salariale, agents administratifs, nombre d'écoles : selon une étude de l'Ifrap, la France consacre 30 milliards de plus que l'Allemagne et le Royaume-Uni à ce secteur. Dans une note inédite et coup de poing, la fondation pour la recherche sur les administrations et les politiques publiques (Ifrap), un think-tank classé à droite, frappe fort en décidant de s'intéresser aux raisons pour lesquelles la France dépense tous les ans «30 milliards de plus» que le Royaume-Uni et l'Allemagne pour ses écoles, ses collèges et ses lycées. Si la fondation a comparé ces trois pays, c'est parce qu'ils comptent environ le même nombre d'élèves scolarisés (10,5 millions) et parce qu'ils obtiennent à peu près les mêmes résultats dans Pisa, une enquête internationale menée tous les trois ans auprès des jeunes de 15 ans et destinée à évaluer leurs «compétences» scolaires dans diverses disciplines. Le deuxième facteur de surcoût est moins connu.

Complexity, patterns and links The mainstream ways of thinking about management are based on the sciences of certainty. The whole system of strategic choice, goal setting and choosing actions to reach the given goals in a controlled way depends on predictability. The problem is that this familiar causal foundation cannot explain the reality we face. Almost daily, we experience the inability of people to choose what happens in their organizations – or in their countries. We live in a complex world. Complexity refers to a pattern, a movement in time that is at the same time predictable and unpredictable, knowable and unknowable. Human patterns that lose this complexity become repetitive and rapidly inappropriate for dealing with life. A pattern is something that emerges through the complex interactions between elements in a system. Patterns that are more repetitive are normally called routines or habits. Transparency of tasks is the corporate equivalent of publishing academic articles. Like this: Like Loading...

Education Startups: Learning, Technology, Innovation, and Small Business By Melissa Venable A growing focus of small businesses and incubator groups, technology solutions created by new companies can fill the voids left by colleges, universities, and school districts facing shrinking budgets. This is crucial because those same schools are also working to meet technology requirements and initiatives driven by agencies concerned about quality education. Entrepreneurs are developing innovative educational products and services that incorporate the use of technology. What is an education startup? The recent EDUCAUSE conference featured a new forum to connect schools and businesses called "Start-Up Alley." Employ 50 or fewer peopleGenerate less than $1 million in annual revenueMarket a product or service less than 5 years oldCommit half of the company's resources to research and development of their products and servicesHave less than 10% of the institutional market share or less than 10% of the target customer audience for their products or services.
