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Artsy - Discover, Research, and Collect the World's Best Art Online
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0rphan Drift Archive 5-Year-Old Autistic Girl Creates Expressive Abstract Paintings 5-year-old autistic girl Iris Grace creates extraordinary and expressive abstract paintings. Iris began doing art as therapy. Her mother Arabella Carter-Johnson received positive feedback since posting her daughter’s paintings on Facebook…

Las mujeres en la historia del arte La ausencia de mujeres artistas en los museos o en las enciclopedias de arte clásico puede dar la impresión de que el rol de las mujeres en el arte se ha limitado al de musas y modelos. Lo cierto es que las mujeres han tenido una presencia activa constante como artesanas y artistas pese a los obstáculos con los que se encontraron para dedicarse al arte en distintas épocas debido a su género. Unas pocas artistas incluso alcanzaron renombre internacional y una buena posición económica y social durante su tiempo y, sin embargo, la historia del arte las condenó al olvido durante siglos. Las mujeres en la historia del arte Las investigaciones de antropólogos, arqueólogos y etnógrafos sugieren que la mujer prehistórica no estaba sometida al hombre. De las civilizaciones grecorromanas han llegado a nuestros días textos y objetos que demuestran que las mujeres participaban junto con los hombres en actividades culturales como la pintura, la poesía, la música o la producción de textiles y cerámicas.

Rose Magazine, Articles on Roses, Rose Forum, Rose Gardening Photos of Children From Around the World With Their Most Prized Possessions Chiwa – Mchinji, Malawi Shot over a period of 18 months, Italian photographer Gabriele Galimberti‘s project Toy Stories compiles photos of children from around the world with their prized possesions—their toys. Galimberti explores the universality of being a kid amidst the diversity of the countless corners of the world, saying, “at their age, they are pretty all much the same; they just want to play.” But it’s how they play that seemed to differ from country to country. There were similarites too, especially in the functional and protective powers the toys represented for their proud owners. Stella – Montecchio, Italy Pavel – Kiev, Ukraine Arafa & Aisha – Bububu, Zanzibar Cun Zi Yi – Chongqing, China Bethsaida – Port au Prince, Haiti Orly-Brownsville,Texas Botlhe – Maun, Botswana Watcharapom – Bangkok, Thailand Alessia – Castiglion Fiorentino, Italy Norden – Massa, Morocco Julia – Tirana, Albania Keynor – Cahuita, Costa Rica Shaira – Mumbai, India Tangawizi – Keekorok, Kenya

Avant Garde Incredible Sketchbook Drawings By Mattias Adolfsson Sigtuna, Sweden-based artist and illustrator Mattias Adolfsson creates amazing sketchbook drawings and illustrations… Mattias Adolfsson forma es vacío, vacío es forma: Kerry James Marshall Esto podría ser amor Estilo - 1993 Souvenir II - 1997 Watts - 1963-1995 Los mejores hogares, los mejores jardines En memoria de Beryl Wright - 2009 Desnudo en la cama - 2009 Lost Boys: AKA Black Johnny - 1992 Frankestein - 2009 La novia de Frankestein - 2009 Nat Turner con la cabeza de su maestro - 2011 Pintor - 2010 Kerry James Marshall ( nació el 17 de octubre de 1955 ) en Birmingham, Alabama.

Plant Grow Lights - Specialist Fluorescent Tubes - Fluorescent Tubes - Light Bulbs - Lyco Direct Lyco stocks an extensive range of specialist fluorescent tubes. This range includes some of the more unusual shapes and types of fluorescent light tubes that you can find on the market. We have specialist tubes for a wide range of applications ranging from tubes for water purification to fluorescent lamps that help fight off the winter blues. These include: Shatterproof tubes - for extra safety to prevent dangerous shards of glass in food areas, clinical environments or where children may be present, available in T8 sizeU shaped tubes 40 wattsCircular tubes in four different wattagesSpecial horticultural lamps for plant growth in T5 and T8 sizesReplacement fly killer lamps in both linear (T5 and T8) and circularUV (Ultra Violet) tubes for use in the entertainment and leisure industriesCatering Lamps (Jacketed and unjacketed)Germicidal tubes – for air / surface / water treatmentArchitectural tubes - for concealed lighting and display lighting systems SAD Tubes Top Brands

Il corpo ferito come rigenerazione e arte – CRITICA IMPURA Di VITALDO CONTE* La dimensione sciamanica è presente nelle ultime espressioni d’arte del corpo estremo, vissute come un teatro di Live Art. Questo vuole evocare pratiche di colloquio con il mondo “altro” per trovare espressioni nella realtà. La stessa nudità, esibita negli eventi senza riserve, aspira a divenire uno stato rituale, in quanto questo esporsi vuole vincere il pudore e i tabù: il corpo è considerato un contenitore di pura materialità, avulso da ogni proiezione morale. Questa mistica d’arte esige, talvolta, la visibilità di un “di-segno” di sangue sull’epidermide-anima. La ferita, come “segnatura” d’arte, è difficilmente separabile, per la propria intrinseca espressione, dalle motivazioni oscure dell’autore e dalle conseguenti sue vicende umane. Diverse risultano le espressioni d’arte che si manifestano attraverso il sangue del corpo: l’Happening, la Body e Live Art, la Ritual Art, ecc. * Il testo, ripreso da Tradizione Avanguardia. Mi piace: Mi piace Caricamento...

Artist Digitally Recreates His Childhood Drawings 20 Years Later Netherlands-based artist Telmo Pieper took old childhood drawings which he then recreated as digital illustrations in a series called “Kiddie Arts”… Telmo Pieper | via laughingsquid peinture | Gauguin et le primitivisme Paul Gauguin, Auti Te Pape (Women at the River), from Noa Noa, 1893–94, Gravure sur bois imprimée par Gauguin, Art Institute Chicago Noa Noa, le récit de voyage de Gauguin a eu une histoire mouvementée. Catherine Maubon, professeur à l’université de Sienne, dans son article « Noa Noa, une fable exotique » parle de la quête du primitif de Gauguin à travers l’élaboration de cette oeuvre écrite. Cet article est disponible dans son intégralité sur Persée (p 19- 46) et nous permet de mieux comprendre l’oeuvre Noa Noa disponible sur Gallica (voir article “Noa Noa”, dans la catégorie “Source”). L’auteure commence par évoquer le départ de Gauguin et la quête qui le motive. Ainsi cet article nous apporte un éclairage sur la démarche de Gauguin dans l’écriture de ce texte et par ailleurs elle nous explique que la collaboration a été plutôt un échec pour Gauguin. Le manuscrit original se trouvait chez le marchand Edmond Sagot.
