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Croquet Project

Croquet Project

SQUEAK CROQUET TUTORIAL may be available for purchase. Inquire today! Inquiry Form Inquire with your Facebook or LinkedIn profile, or complete this form to receive a free quote. Licenza pubblica generica (GPL) del progetto GNU Questa è una traduzione italiana non ufficiale della Licenza Pubblica Generale GNU. Non è pubblicata dalla Free Software Foundation e non ha valore legale nell'esprimere i termini di distribuzione del software che usa la licenza GPL. Solo la versione originale in inglese della licenza ha valore legale. Ad ogni modo, speriamo che questa traduzione aiuti le persone di lingua italiano a capire meglio il significato della licenza GPL.

Can 'powdered rain' make drought a thing of the past? 19 August 2013Last updated at 07:20 ET The company says their Solid Rain product can expand up to 500 times its size when water is added The lack of water is a growing, global problem that seems intractable. While the UN estimates that a large majority of the water we use goes on irrigation, researchers have been working on a range of ideas that make the water we use in agriculture last longer. There has been a great deal of excitement and some dramatic headlines in recent weeks about a product that is said to have the potential to overcome the global challenge of growing crops in arid conditions.

Second Life Future Salon: Croquet Project's Julian Lombardi Joins the Next SL Future Salon A big, big welcome to Dr. Julian Lombardi, one of six principal architects currently developing the open source Croquet project. Julian will join us at the May 26th SL Future Salon where he'll tell us about the Croquet project and what it means for the future of 3D digital worlds, software interoperability, and user collaboration. ...we were to create a new operating system and user interface knowing what we know today, how far could we go? What kinds of decisions would we make that we might have been unable to even consider 20 or 30 years ago, when the current set of operating systems were first created? ...we could collaborate with one another in an online dimension to create or simulate anything we wanted to?

Find Open Source Alternatives to commercial sof... Golden rice attack in Philippines: Anti-GMO activists lie about protest and safety. Photo courtesy Philippine Department of Agriculture Regional Field Unit 5 Did you hear that a group of 400 angry farmers attacked and destroyed a field trial of genetically modified rice in the Philippines this month? That, it turns out, was a lie. Croquet and Computer History, from Alan Kay, at Etech 2003, via Lisa Rein On Lisa Rein's Radar Lisa Rein's Tour Of Alan Kay's Etech 2003 Presentation See this archive as a Directory Listing. This page last updated May 29, 2011. Special thanks to Bohdan Zograf for creating a Belorussian Translation. BerliOS The Golden Rice Project
