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Related:  Psychonautica

Mandalas: symboles des couleurs Important pour nos ancêtres parce qu’il symbolisait la vie. Il exprime la joie, la santé, le triomphe. Dans l’esprit des iconographes du Moyen – Age, le ROUGE vif représente l’incandescence, l’activité. Etoile sauvage - Générateur de mandalas - applets - lesmandalas Catégorie parente: Activites Catégorie : Applications en ligne Créé le jeudi 26 avril 2007 20:36 Mis à jour le jeudi 16 janvier 2014 19:14 Date de publication

Rudy's Blog Today I’m posting the text of my story, “Laser Shades” for your holiday reading pleasure. The story was commissioned for The Superlative Light, a photo book by Robert Shults, but it has not been otherwise published as yet. Two news items before my story. El fundamento de la psiconáutica Si un árbol cae en medio del bosque y no hay nadie ahí para escucharlo, ¿hace ruido? A partir de Aristóteles, y posteriormente y más profundamente a partir de Descartes, la filosofía y la ciencia occidental se han sustentado en la idea de que el sujeto, tal como es, está en condiciones de obtener el conocimiento total y verdadero de la realidad a partir de lo que es capaz de percibir y analizar, sin necesidad de que se deba operar en su percepción o en su consciencia transformación alguna. Esto ha sido el modo natural de concebir el conocimiento para la cultura occidental, al menos hasta el surgimiento de los distintas formas de relativismo posmoderno, desde la epistemología hasta la teoría lingüística, en las que todo lo que era denominado “verdad” para la modernidad comenzó a perder valor ontológico o sentido en sí mismo. Pero en términos más amplios, el concepto de “túnel de realidad” refiere a la estructura mental habitual desde la que nuestra percepción funciona.

New Book: Psychedelic Sex "In a brief golden span between 1967 and 1972, the sexual revolution collided with recreational drug exploration to create "psychedelic sex." While the baby boomers blew their minds and danced naked in the streets, men’s magazine publishers attempted to visually recreate the wonders of LSD, project them on a canvas of nubile hippie flesh, and dish it up to men dying for a taste of free love. Way Out, Groovie, Where It’s At—each magazine title vied to convince the straight audience it offered the most authentic flower power sex trip, complete with mind-bending graphics and all-natural hippie hotties. Along the way hippies joined in the production, since what could be groovier than earning bread in your birthday suit? At its height, psychedelic sex encompassed posters, tabloids, comics, and newsstand magazines, but the most far-out examples of all were the glossy magazines from California, center of both hippie culture and the budding American porn industry.

Psychedelics As Tools For Spirituality As Timothy Leary put it, a psychedelic experience is “a period of increased reactivity to stimuli both from within and from without.” In a YouTube video, freestyler Jason Silva eloquently discusses the potential for exploration of consciousness that psychedelics offer. In fluid, poetic detail complete with trippy music and visual effects, he explores the psychedelic experience, and spiritual realization. He uses Leary quotes and personal observations to show how, often, the two go hand in hand. At both the start and finish of the video Silva includes a shout-out to the nonprofit, independent Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS).

Fenomenica e psicopatologia delle condizioni estatiche FENOMENICA E PSICOPATOLOGIA DELLE CONDIZIONI ESTATICHEdi Bruno Callieri Col termine "estasi" si comprendono e si indicano tutti quei fenomeni caratterizzati dalla perdita, più o meno prolungata, delle normali funzioni della coscienza e dei sensi, da un’alterata reazione agli stimoli esterni e da una specifica forma di esperienza percettiva, esterna ed interna. Nei più svariati contesti culturali lo stato di estasi viene inteso come avente una peculiare rilevanza religiosa, come momento di contatto diretto e personale col mondo sovrasensibile e con le sue potenze spirituali, prescindendo da quella che oggi domina incontrastata la scena delle scienze e che chiamiamo la mente neuronale.

Turn on, tune in, drop by the office Every three days Nathan (not his real name), a 27-year-old venture capitalist in San Francisco, ingests 15 micrograms of lysergic acid diethylamide (commonly known as LSD or acid). The microdose of the psychedelic drug – which generally requires at least 100 micrograms to cause a high – gives him the gentlest of buzzes. It makes him feel far more productive, he says, but nobody else in the office knows that he is doing it.
