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Urban Explorer and Photographer Dan Marbaix Takes Stunning Photographs of Abandoned Buildings

Urban Explorer and Photographer Dan Marbaix Takes Stunning Photographs of Abandoned Buildings
Photographer Dan Marbaix is what is known as an "urban explorer." He travels from city to city, exploring abandoned houses, asylums, churches, state buildings and much, much more. He has been arrested over 20 times for his trespassing - and even held at gunpoint - but he refuses to give up his search for things that exist outside of the mundane. Dan wasn't supposed to be in ANY of these places, but you'll be glad he was. It's hard to define what exactly makes these pictures so beautiful. Is it the fact that humans have abandoned their dwellings? Or because it seems that life goes on, even when people aren't present? Some places are left in the state they were abandoned in. No matter how many times he has been threatened or arrested, Dan thinks it's all worth it. The Chambre du Commerce in Antwep, Belgium, was erected in 1872 as a reconstruction of a 1531 Stock Exchange. Most of his photos look like they could be part of any high-budget horror film. But they aren't fiction. Related:  Abandoned Places

Beds covered in moss, rubble strewn floors, crumbling German hotel left to rot for more than two decades Inhospitable: London photographer Andre Govia visited the abandoned hotel to capture the decay in a series of haunting pictures Dated: Time seems to have stood still inside the abandoned Plaza Hotel, located in Germany Its majestic dome still directed toward the heavens, now covered in graffiti and left to rust - inside the stunning abandoned astronomical observatory atop a Spanish mountain. Standing 2,605m above sea level in the region of Andalucia, the Mohon del Trigo observatory has been empty for nearly 40 years. The observatory at Mohsn del Trigo was built in 1902 after planners judged the clear skies of the isolated Sierra Nevada mountains to be perfect for stargazing. Solitary: The Mohon del Trigo observatory has stood empty and abandoned for nearly 40 years Clear blue sky: The Mohon del Trigo observatory was built in 1902 in an isolated spot in the Sierra Nevada mountains where the sky is perfect for stargazing She said: 'While I was there I imagined years gone by.

30 Iconic Photos From History Everyone Should See Do you think you could recognize 30 of the most iconic photos from history? You may be surprised by just how many of these famous old photos you won’t recognize. From Nazi Christmas dinners to the creation of the Statue of Liberty, every American should see these incredible photos.They all serve a special place in history. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1920′s lifeguard 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Your history lesson is now complete. Source

A Rich Woman Abandoned This Apartment In 1942. What They Just Found Inside Is Incredible. Madame de Florian was a French socialite and actress who fled to the south of France during World War II. She kept her apartment in Paris on the Right Bank near the Opéra Garnier, though, in case she wanted to return. However, she never went back to it after the war. Since 1942, the apartment has been sitting untouched, until recently when an auctioneer entered her apartment. What he found was a time capsule, full of treasures. The apartment was covered in dust, perfectly preserved. All of the furniture from the time period remained just how she left it. Although it seems strange, having taxidermy pieces in one’s home was once a sign of affluence. The home is not open to the public and is still owned by her estate. Inside, a painting by Giovanni Boldini was found, a portrait of the apartment’s owner herself Madame de Florian. The painting was sold for 2.1 million euros and the rest of the items inside of the apartment would be worth thousands as well.

The Beauty of Death: Catacomb Saints Photographed by Paul Koudounaris St. Albertus St. Valerius in Weyarn Hand of St. St. Skull of St. St. St. Relic of St. In 1578 word spread of the discovery in Rome of a network of underground tombs containing the remains of thousands of early Christian martyrs. Over the past few years photographer Paul Koudounaris who specializes in the photography of skeletal reliquaries, mummies and other aspects of death, managed to gain unprecendented access to various religious institutions to photograph many of these beautifully macabre shrines for the first time in history.

25 kusliga mäklarbilder på den italienska skräckön som är till salu - Skrolla Ön, som kallas ”Världens mest hemsökta ö”, var hem för mentalsjuka och pestsmittade och har varit övergiven i över 45 år. När du ser bilderna förstår du varför… Ön Poveglia har drabbats av krig många gånger genom åren Ön har varit ett mentalsjukhus… …och en plats där pestens offer dumpats. Ön är populär bland spökjägare, eftersom den kallas för ”Världens mest hemsökta ö” På grund av Italiens dåliga ekonomi är ön nu till salu Är du sugen på att slå till? Gillar du övergiven civilisation?

Impressive Photography by Marcus Møller Bitsch Marcus Møller Bitsch is a 21 year-old, self taught photographer. Having grown up in Aarhus, Denmark, surrounded by the nature, he had everything to satisfy his curious mind and his pencils and markers were there to help him express his playful imagination. At the age of 18, he started exploring photography and carried out several projects, the best known of which is “365″ project. He is currently based in Brisbane, Australia and working on a book project to document his adventures, dreams, development and travel. via (mymodernmet)

30 Pics That Show Mother Nature Reclaiming What Was Once Hers. This Is Kinda Creepy... Chernobyl Power Plant: In 1986, a nuclear disaster required that people flee Chernobyl. The first photo was taken in 1990, and the bottom one in 2013. As you can see, the trees have practically taken over the whole city. This hospital housed WWII veterans and also functioned as a rehab center for teens during different times in history. French photographer, Pierre Folks spent three years documenting the decay of the stretch of Parisian railway that was abandoned in 1934.

Abandoned School in Belgium Transformed Into Something Creepy in 10 Years It looks like the Val Benoit University in Belgium has been abandoned for decades. Every inch of the large campus is decaying and looks completely devoid of life. The strange thing is, the campus was bustling and full of students until 2005. Without its vibrant students, this school crumbled to pieces. Every inch of the campus is covered in decay. Stefan Dietze / HotSpot Media Without its students, the school looks so disturbing. The Belgian school thrived for nearly 75 years. Now, it’s just a shadow of its former self. The school was only abandoned in 2005, even though it appears that it has been vacant for much longer. You can still feel the energy of its former students. There’s something terrifying but also fascinating about abandoned places – especially those that were once filled with life. Source Share this abandoned school with others.

Slottet övergavs efter en brand 1932. 83 år senare gör insidan en hel värld stum av beundran. | Newsner Gamla slott och borgar är ofta både praktfulla och fängslande att titta närmare på. Slottet Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers, som finns i staden Les Trois-Moutiers, 3 timmars bilfärd från Paris, är inget undantag. Detta eleganta och speciella1300-talsslottet förstördes i en brand 1932, men det finns fortfarande en hel del överraskningar att upptäcka där inne… Vilket ställe! Borgen Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers ligger mitt ute i skogen i regionen Poitou-Charentes, i västra Frankrike. Vallgraven vittnar om en storslagen plats och väggarna har en rik historia av elegans, aristokrati och intriger. Bildkälla: Wikipedia Vart man än tittar så ser man hur naturen erövrat balkongerna och de höga valven. Titta närmare och man kan verkligen föreställa sig slottets forna glans. Slottet har anor från 1300-talet och tillhörde den berömda Bauçay-familjen, som hade nära kontakter med flera generationer inom den franska kungafamiljen. Källa: Youtube Ett av källarvalven som fortfarande går att besöka.

Gilbert Garcin - Artiste Photographe Här är unika bilderna inifrån lyxbåten Costa Concordia. | Newsner När skrytbygget Costa Concordia togs i tjänst 2006 var fartyget det största italienskbyggda skeppet i världen. Men fartygets historia blev kort. Sent på kvällen den 13 januari 2012 gick hon på grund vid ön Giglio utanför Toscana, med totalt 4 234 personer ombord. 32 av dem omkom. Kaptenen Francesco Schettino blev ökänd som ”Kapten Ynkrygg” och dömdes till 16 års fängelse för att ha orsakat olyckan och för flera fall av vållande till annans död. Så här 4 år efter katastrofen arbetar 200 personer med att montera ned det gigantiska fartyget. Resultatet är minst sagt fängslande och jag kunde inte låta bli att dela med mig av dessa unika bilder. Sent på fredagkvällen den 13 januari 2012 gick Costa Concordia på grund. Wikipedia/Rvongher Numera ligger det spöklika vraket utanför den italienska hamnstaden Genua. Ena sidan av fartyget låg under havsvattnet i 20 månader, vilket fått ena delen av fartyget att bli brunt och rostigt. Men när han väl steg ombord fick han se saker som få tidigare sett.
