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Universal declaration of human rights

Universal declaration of human rights
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US Economist Calculates Just How Inadequate Your State's Minimum Wage Is A simple tweak to how we calculate our minimum wage could lift millions of Americans out of poverty, one economist is proposing. In a new proposal from the Hamilton Project, the economic policy arm of the Brookings Institution, economist Arindrajit Dube suggests that lawmakers set state minimum wages at half the median full-time wage for the state. Doing so, he says, would would raise the minimum wage in all 50 states and lift 2.2 million people out of poverty. Many other developed economies, including those of France, Turkey and Portugal, already have minimum wages that meet Dube's requirement. As you can see in the graph below, every single state's minimum wage is nowhere near where Dube believes it should be. Graphic by Alissa Scheller for The Huffington Post. Critics of raising the minimum wage often say that higher hourly pay will constrict hiring. The federal minimum wage of $7.25 hasn't been raised since 2009.

7 Wanted Criminals Who Made Mocking Police Into an Art Form #3. Kevin Poulsen, Hacker to the Stars The Crime: You may know Kevin Poulsen as a writer and editor over at, but before that he was quite the badass hacker-turned-fugitive. At the age of 17 (in 1983, the same year that WarGames came out, not surprisingly), Kevin "Dark Dante" Poulsen used his ancient TRS-80 computer to hack into the U.S."Let him go; you rookies captured early '80s Nicolas Cage again." The Audacity: Instead of laying low, Poulsen laid in on the hacking harder than ever, pulling one spectacular stunt after another. Thomas Lohnes/Getty Images News/Getty ImagesReason Number 14,381 to pay attention in computer science class. The coup de grace came when Poulsen was featured on the show Unsolved Mysteries: The 1-800 hotline mysteriously went dead as soon as Poulsen's face appeared on the screen. Thinkstock Images/Stockbyte/Getty ImagesToo bad. 1998 was a bad year to miss. #2. USA Today Pictured: Crazy Enough. #1. Nathan J.

The Good Country Index Pat Buchanan Demands GOP Double Down On Govt Shutdown And Obamacare GOP Pundit Pat Buchanan urged Republicans to burn America to the ground rather than give up their hostage-taking tactics to defund the Affordable Care Act. Photo of Pat Buchanan from Wikipedia. For two weeks, Republicans have kept the government shut down in an effort to force Democrats to give in to their demand that Obamacare be defunded. As the shutdown drags on, more and more Americans are negatively impacted. It also appears that Republicans are willing to allow a debt ceiling breach rather than give up on their anti-Obamacare obsession. Republicans are literally willing to destroy the country they claim to love in order to get what they want. Pat Buchanan says Republicans should destroy America. In a column for World Net Daily published on Monday, conservative Pat Buchanan urged Republicans to burn America to the ground rather than give up their hostage-taking tactics to defund the Affordable Care Act. Republicans are a dangerous threat to America.

De 10 rijkste vrouwen ter wereld Zodra je een job gezocht hebt, verschijnt hier je laatste zoekopdracht. Van de 1.645 miljardairs op de aardbol zijn er een recordaantal vrouwen: 172 meer bepaald, tegenover 138 vorig jaar. Maar vrouwen blijven met een goede 10% natuurlijk nog wel serieus in de minderheid. Wat ook opvalt in deze top 10: rijkdom is vooral te danken aan erfenissen van overleden ouders of partner. 1. Ze is niet rijk geworden door te werken, maar erfde heel wat centen toen haar man John Walton (zoon van Sam Walton, de oprichter van Walmart) in 2005 stierf. 2. Bettencourt is het enige kind van Eugène Schueller, de stichter van L'Oréal. 3. De dochter van Walmart-stichter Sam Walton blijkt fondsenwerver te zijn voor Hillary Clinton, die naar alle waarschijnlijkheid in 2016 een gooi zal doen naar het presidentschap. 4. Ze behoort tot de derde generatie van de familie Mars, van het alom gekende snoepgoed. 5. De rijkste persoon van Australië. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (mr) - Bron:

Angel Haze Finally Does Justice To Macklemore's "Same Love" 4 reasons we should fix economic inequality It’s safe to say that economic inequality bothers us. But why? Harvard philosopher T. M. Scanlon offers four reasons we should tackle — and fix — the problem. The great inequality of income and wealth in the world, and within the United States, is deeply troubling. One obvious reason for redistributing resources from the rich to the poor is simply that this is a way of making the poor better off. A justification for reducing inequality through non-voluntary means, such as taxation, needs to explain why redistribution of this kind is not just robbery. These reasons for redistribution are strongest when the poor are very badly off, as in the cases Singer describes. It’s important to note, though, that there is another sense in which these reasons are not egalitarian: They are, fundamentally, reasons to increase the well-being of the poor rather than objections to inequality, that is to say, objections to the difference between what some have and what others have. 1. 2. 3. 4. T.

Oreos May Be As Addictive As Cocaine If you have ever found yourself unable to resist just one more Oreo, you’re not alone. That “stuf” is like crack, neurologically speaking. A new study from Connecticut College shows that Oreos are as addictive as cocaine, at least for lab rats. According to the new study, eating the iconic black and white cookies activated more neurons in the rat brain’s “pleasure center” than drugs such as cocaine. “I haven’t touched an Oreo since doing this experiment,” neuroscience assistant professor Joseph Schroeder said in a school press release. (MORE: 100 Years of Oreos: 9 Things You Didn’t Know About the Iconic Cookie) The research looked at the rats’ behaviors and the effects the cookies had on their brains. The rats in the study liked the cookies about as much as they liked the drugs, congregating near the cookie side of the maze as much as they would on the drug side. Much like humans, rats also prefer the delicious creamy center to the cookie. Not addictive?

8 Warning Signs Of A Relationship Gone Horribly Wrong I read this list of eight with a knowing feeling that I had experienced quite a few of them. Thankfully, I ended that relationship before I was physically hurt. But the emotional scars? They linger. Can you relate to anything on this list? I really hope not. Click image to Zoom Here is the National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233. Here is the graphic in several languages:

ObamaCare In Plain English: What It Means For You - There’s a lot of hype going around about ObamaCare, and by now you are probably getting mixed information about what the law actually is and how it will affect you. The purpose of this post is to lay out the basic facts in plain English so you know exactly what to expect as this reform takes effect over the next few years. However, before we get started, allow me to clarify a few very important things about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as “ObamaCare.” ObamaCare will not use your tax dollars to fund abortionsObamaCare is not and will not lead to a government takeover of health careObamaCare will not increase the national debt or deficitObamaCare does not hurt health insurance companies, but actually increases their businessObamaCare is not unconstitutionalObamaCare is not socialism ObamaCare is NOT Government-Run Health Care How Will ObamaCare Affect my Insurance Costs and Available Coverage? What if I Already Have Health Insurance? Yes. Absolutely.

10 wetenschappelijk bewezen manieren om gelukkiger te worden - Wetenschap 1. Probeer het gewoon Alleen al proberen om gelukkiger te zijn, verhoogt mogelijk het gevoel van welzijn. Onderzoekers van de universiteit van Missouri vroegen aan vrijwilligers uit twee groepen om naar opbeurende muziek te luisteren. De ene groep moest tijdens die activiteit een poging doen om zich gelukkig te voelen, terwijl de andere groep niets meer deed dan gewoon luisteren. Het experiment toonde aan dat de groep die actief had geprobeerd om gelukkiger te zijn na afloop een positiever gevoel overhield aan de opdracht dan de andere groep. 2. In deze door de technologie gedomineerde wereld zijn we met z'n allen verknocht aan onze mobieltjes en tablets. 3. Te lang in de zon zitten, is niet goed voor de huid. 4. In de westerse cultuur is meditatie nog steeds niet ingeburgerd. 5. Volgens onderzoekers van de universiteit van British Columbia en Harvard maakt geld wel degelijk gelukkig - maar enkel als je het aan anderen spendeert. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

It’s the rapists, not the drinking: To prevent sexual assault on college campuses, focus on the perpetrators. Photo by Corepics VOF/Shutterstock My colleague Emily Yoffe wrote in Slate on Tuesday about the alarming frequency of a certain sad news story: “a young woman, sometimes only a girl, who goes to a party and ends up being raped.” Yoffe goes on to argue that parents, schools, and sexual assault prevention experts can help bring down the number of those incidents by telling young women to stop drinking so much. As a woman who once went to a party and ended up being raped—though that’s not my preferred grammatical structure I’d use to describe what happened—I’m also invested in preventing these types of assaults. But Yoffe's approach strikes me as myopic. Rape is a societal problem, not a self-help issue. Furthermore, while a striking number of college assaults occur while both victims and perpetrators are intoxicated, rape has been a popular tool for subjugating women long before they joined in the “butt-chugging” craze.
