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The I Ching Basics

The I Ching Basics
I Ching is an ancient, sophisticated fortune-telling tool used by the Chinese to predict the pattern of events which will govern and shape our destiny. Terence McKenna studied the I Ching and developed his interpretations in the form of Timewave or Novelty theory. But what exactly is the I Ching and how does one use it? This has been succinctly explained in this guest post by Erik Oakenshield, who specializes in Art Nouveau Tarot reading, or Western Zodiac horoscope and Druid practice. The I Ching Basics: What Is It and How Do I Use It? The I Ching is one of the world’s oldest divination texts, with some claims putting it over 3,000 years old The I Ching, or Book of Changes, is an oracle even, that has helped millions by providing advice and guidance to life’s questions, both complex and basic. The most common method to consult the I Ching is tossing the coin Mode of Consultation There are multiple ways to consult the I Ching. The Importance of Mental Focus How to Consult the I Ching? 1. 2. Related:  I Qing

James DeKorne's Official Website - The Gnostic Book of Changes Please select the chapter or hexagram below! Note: All hexagrams are now available! Studies in Crypto-Teleological Solipsism A Symbolic Key to the I Ching based upon the Insights of Analytical Psychology and the Western Mystery Tradition By “Michael Servetus” The I Ching is not magic; it is science that we don’t understand. -- Terence McKenna The I Ching or Book of Changes is one of the world's most ancient manuscripts. Although the original Chinese text has been in the public domain for more than three-thousand years, the present manuscript (the fruit of over thirty years of intense study) is currently un-publishable because most of the English translations and paraphrases (included herein solely for purposes of scholarly comparison) remain under copyright. The editor offers this, his personal study-guide, freely to those who wish to use and annotate it for their private, not-for-profit edification. Further annotations and commentary are encouraged.

The I-Ching and Human DNA | Dreamcatchers Community Ever wondered where people like Roger Hamilton got Wealth Dynamics, Myers & Briggs got their profiling or Steve Brown got Red, Green, Blue, Yellow. It all came from the work of Carl Jung (Freud’s offsider) who worked with Richard Wilhelm in the 1920′s on the I-Ching. Jung was introduced to it, after he lost faith in Freud’s theories, by Wilhelm who had lived in China for many years and had studied the book with the secret societies that existed there. Some background for I-Ching newbies. The 8 Trigrams of the I-Ching It’s more than a book or Oracles, it’s a book of life and Roger Hamilton, who I respect and worked with between 2004 & 2009 did an incredible job to pull ‘You Pathyway of least resistance to your wealth’ from the book. Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA, is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. The basis of DNA is + and -. So lets look at the similarities between the I-Ching and DNA. Like this:

I Ching ♦ The Book of Changes According to the original meaning, the attributes [sublimity, potentiality of success, power to further, perseverance] are paired. When an individual draws this oracle, it means that success will come to him from the primal depths of the universe and that everything depends upon his seeking his happiness and that of others in one way only, that is, by perseverance in what is right. The specific meanings of the four attributes became the subject of speculation at an early date. The Chinese word here rendered by "sublime" means literally "head," "origin," "great." This is why Confucius says in explaining it: “Great indeed is the generating power of the Creative; all beings owe their beginning to it. This power permeates all heaven.”3 For this attribute inheres in the other three as well. The beginning of all things lies still in the beyond in the form of ideas that have yet to become real. But the Creative furthermore has power to lend form to these archetypes of ideas.

LiSe YiJing Yijing Dao - Glossary of Chinese Yijing terms This is a glossary of Yijing technical terms that appear on this site, in alphabetical order of pinyin syllables, so xiantian comes before xiangshu. If you need a Chinese font, you can download one. bachungua 八純卦 'Eight pure hexagrams' – The eight hexagrams where upper and lower trigrams are the same (1, 2, 29, 30, 51, 52, 57, 58). Each heads a 'palace' of Jing Fang's Eight Palaces arrangement, so such hexagrams are also known as 'palace hexagrams' (GONGGUA). bagong 八宮 'Eight Palaces' – The Eight Palaces arrangement of Jing Fang. Sometimes called 'Eight Houses', though this is less accurate. bagua 八卦 'Eight trigrams' bagua wuxing 八卦五行 'Eight trigrams five phases' – Each of the eight trigrams is associated with one of the Five Phases (see WUXING). bigua 辟卦 'Sovereign hexagrams' – A sequence of twelve hexagrams that show the waning and waxing of yang and yin, correlating with the twelve months and lunar phases. fandui 反對 'Turned-over opposites' – A synonym of FANGUA. houtiantu 後天圖 Luoshu 洛書

易學 | Yijing Research @Cieloevento Les hexagrammes du Yi-King Les hexagrammes du Yi-King Le terme "hexagramme" nous vient des traductions du XIXeme siècle (du Grec : hexa six, gramme lettre, écriture). En chinois on parle de "Gua", c'est à dire de "figure" sans qu'il soit précisé s'il s'agit d'hexagramme ou de trigramme. Les traits (Yao) d'un hexagramme peuvent être brisés (--) ou pleins (__). Ils représentent respectivement le souple et le ferme, l'obscurité et la lumière, le faible et le fort, le Yin et le Yang. 64 Hexagrammes Les 64 hexagrammes constituent la base technique du Yi-king. 6. A cela vont s'ajouter les relations des traits entre eux, leur sympathie ou antipathie comme par exemple un chef de personnel fort (trait plein au niveau 3) qui convoite la place d'un ministre faible (trait brisé au niveau 4). Considérant que les êtres humains, leurs sentiments, leurs motivations ne sont pas figés mais évoluent, les sages ont introduit la notion de changement, de transformation encore appelé "mutation" de l'hexagramme. L'état d'esprit "Yi-King"

Documents | Tout se transforme Tableau des 64 hexagrammes du Yi King Liste des 64 hexagrammes du Yi King N.B. : Sont données successivement, séparées par des points, les traductions des hexagrammes proposées par plusieurs auteurs (Richard WILHELM, Wang Dongliang, Pierre Louis Félix PHILASTRE, Cyrile JAVARY). Source : Le Tao du Yi King, Jacques WARIN, éditions du Rocher, 2001. Hexagramme 1 : L’élan créatif. Pour connaître votre hexagramme de naissance Le tableau ci-dessous est un calendrier perpétuel. Le numéro de l’hexagramme n’est pas signifiant en soi. (d’après Les Secrets de l’astrologie du Yi King, Yves THIEFFRY, éd. Roue des trigrammes : ciel antérieur et ciel postérieur L’ordre dit du ciel antérieur est attribué au personnage mythique de Fu Xi, celui dit du ciel postérieur au roi Wen, à qui est attribuée la création de la plus grande partie des hexagrammes. Numéros des trigrammes (ordre du ciel antérieur) Les cinq éléments du modèle systémique chinois Les cinq éléments du modèle systémique chinois : cycle Shen Ko
