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Any Animal That Touches This Lethal Lake Turns to Stone

Any Animal That Touches This Lethal Lake Turns to Stone
Related:  diseño

A Brief Introduction to Typography | Buscando Trazos agosto 27, 2012 § La Tipografia és un dels elements clau de tot disseny gràfic. M’atreviria a dir que és l’ELEMENT. Es pot dissenyar bé utilitzant únicament, i correctament, tipografia. No cal res més, la resta sol ser palla. Tot i així, fora de l’àmbit del disseny gràfic, és un tema desconegut i no se li dóna la importància que té (per això existeixen els dissenyadors, no?). Amb aquesta infografia pretenc explicar els aspectes més bàsics de la tipografia i donar a conèixer les “millors”, aquelles que sempre funcionen sense necessitat de complicar-se gaire la vida. A continuació enllaço algunes pàgines que m’han servit de documentació: · 100 Best Typefaces · 100 Best Fonts in a Huge Sortable Table · Las 100 Mejores Fuentes Tipográficas · A Brief History of Type · Vox-ATypl Classification · Basic Anatomy · Serif · Typeface Anatomy Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando...

New USDA rule allows hidden feces, pus, bacteria and bleach in conventional poultry The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is currently in the process of trying to ram through passage of a new "modernization" rule for conventional poultry production that would eliminate a large percentage of USDA inspectors and speed up the factory production process. And existing safeguards, as minimally effective as they currently are, would also be eroded, allowing for more hidden feces, pus, bacteria and chemical contaminants to persist in conventional chicken and turkey meat. Even though salmonella rates as detected in meat and poultry have been steadily dropping year after year in the U.S., roughly the same numbers of people seem to be getting infected with the pathogen annually. But a whole new set of guidelines being proposed by the USDA will make things even worse by allowing companies to self-inspect themselves, as well as use an even more aggressive barrage of chemicals to treat their tainted meat before selling it to consumers.

Cabin Porn Population Matters » For a sustainable future Le pangasius: à rayer de sa liste d’épicerie? Plusieurs lecteurs nous ont fait parvenir un courriel qui circule sur le Web en ce moment: le pangasius, ce poisson vendu en filet dans presque toutes nos épiceries, serait contaminé. Légende urbaine? Photo: shutterstock Pour sa chair blanche sans arêtes, son goût peu prononcé et son prix abordable, cette espèce de poisson-chat développée par les Vietnamiens dans les années 1990 envahit désormais les marchés mondiaux. Toutefois, comme en fait état un courriel alarmiste qui circule actuellement sur le Web, plusieurs consommateurs se questionnent sur la salubrité et l’impact environnemental de ce poisson d’élevage. Se questionner oui, s’alarmer non «Oui, il y a lieu de s’inquiéter, au même titre qu’il est normal de se questionner sur la qualité des produits de la mer qui nous viennent de partout dans le monde, y compris du Québec. Notons que c’est Santé Canada qui fixe les niveaux de contaminants acceptables dans les aliments au pays. Toutes les Nouvelles

Survive Nature - Techniques for Surviving in every Natural Environment When you find yourself lost in the forest, you should be alert to the fact that there are predators and they are dangerous. Try to fashion a spear or knife out of branches to use as protection. Among the many predators to watch out for, bears are the most dangerous (especially Grizzlies): Black Bears: If you see a black bear 50 yards away or more, then keep your distance and continue hiking always making sure to not get closer. Grizzly Bears: If you come into direct contact with a Grizzly bear, avoid eye contact. Never run from any bear. The most dangerous scenario is to be between a mother bear and her cubs. What to do if a bear attacks: Black Bears: Fight back. Insects/Spiders: Depending on which forest you are located, there are insects and spiders that are poisonous.

Why Social Sustainability Should Be Part Of Every Business I can’t think of anything that illustrates the human cost of doing business more than the tragedy this past April in Bangladesh. More than 1,100 men, women, and children died when the Rana Plaza building, which housed a number of garment factories, collapsed. Most were garment workers who were ordered by supervisors to report to work, even after inspectors deemed the building unsafe. Millions of people around the world work in dangerous and unhealthy conditions, earning a nominal income to deliver the products we consume. Some of you might be thinking that social sustainability is a phrase made up of feel-good buzz words. Here are three key points that every business leader should keep top-of-mind: Social Sustainability Mitigates Risk Simply put, ignoring social sustainability is a liability--to both your brand and product quality--that businesses can no longer afford. Similarly, businesses risk product quality by ignoring the social side of sustainability. Businesses are responding.

The Pope: how the Church will change by EUGENIO SCALFARIPope Francis told me: "The most serious of the evils that afflict the world these days are youth unemployment and the loneliness of the old. The old need care and companionship; the young need work and hope but have neither one nor the other, and the problem is they don't even look for them any more. They have been crushed by the present. You tell me: can you live crushed under the weight of the present? Without a memory of the past and without the desire to look ahead to the future by building something, a future, a family? Can you go on like this? Your Holiness, I say, it is largely a political and economic problem for states, governments, political parties, trade unions." Your Holiness, you say that the Church must feel responsible. The meeting with Pope Francis took place last Tuesday at his home in Santa Marta, in a small bare room with a table and five or six chairs and a painting on the wall. And here I am. It's a joke, I tell him. Is the Church doing that?"

Arquitectura de información y usabilidad: nociones básicas para los profesionales de la información Indice Anterior Siguiente Lic. Antonio Montes de Oca Sánchez de Bustamante1 Resumen Se describen los antecendentes y se definen las nociones de "arquitectura de información" y "usabilidad". Palabras clave: Arquitectura de información, usabilidad, organización de la información, sistemas de navegación, webs, intranets, guía de evaluación. Abstract The background is described and some notes on "information architecture" and "usability". Key words: Information architecture, usability, information roganization, browsing systems, webs, intranets, assessment guide. Junto a ellos, sin embargo, han proliferado productos inconsistentes, sin una organización coherente de la información y que generan un proceso de recuperación sumamente difícil para sus usuarios. Compilar y analizar los elementos medulares que establecen las disciplinas de arquitectura de Información y usabilidad y que inciden en el desarrollo de productos de información para el World Wide Web. Métodos Arquitectura de información

Le Pape François se livre dans un entretien à la Repubblica PAPE FRANCOIS - Une confession rare. Jeudi 24 septembre, dans une petite salle de sa maison de Santa Marta (Vatican), le pape François a accordé un entretien à Eugenio Scalfari, rédacteur phare du journal italien La Repubblica Dans une pièce que le journaliste décrit comme "petite", "avec une table et cinq ou six chaises et une peinture sur le mur", le pape a discuté de son passé avant la religion, de sa conception de l'Eglise et de son élection à la papauté. "Les plus grandes afflictions du monde d'aujourd'hui sont le chômage des jeunes et la solitude des vieux", lance d'emblée le pape, avant d'admettre que selon lui, l'Eglise n'a pas suffisamment pris ces problèmes en compte par le passé. "Ce n'est pas le seul problème auquel nous faisons face, mais c'est le plus urgent et le plus dramatique", ajoute-t-il. "L'esprit de cour est la lèpre de la papauté" Ils évoquent d'abord leurs formations spirituelles respectives. "L'humilité et l'ambition de vouloir faire des choses"

5 Ways The Macintosh Changed Creativity Forever In a world in which music videos can be shot on an iPhone, and more design is seemingly done on screen than off, the idea that computers can shape how artists and designers create things seems obvious. But there was a time when computers and art seemed unbridgeable chasms apart. For most people, the Apple Macintosh--which launched 30 years ago this month--helped cross that gap, and made the design world all the better for it. What follows are five ways that Apple’s desktop computer helped change creativity forever. The Mac Turned Computers Into Tools For Creating Art Just a few decades before the Macintosh, computers filled entire rooms, weighed 50 tons, and came without monitors. “We were trying to make a machine that a person with an artist’s or a musician’s sensibilities would want to use,” says Bill Atkinson, a computer engineer who worked on the Mac and an accomplished nature photographer. “I view tools like Photoshop as repayment in kind for what I did at Apple,” Atkinson says.

Quintal, Jacques - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie Jacques Quintal (1939 – 2013) Au CHUS Fleurimont, le 29 septembre 2013, à l’âge de 74 ans, est décédé monsieur Jacques Quintal, fils de feu Charles Quintal et de feu Rosa Rivard, demeurant à Sherbrooke. La famille vous accueillera à la Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie (485, rue du 24-Juin, Sherbrooke), le vendredi, 4 octobre 2013 de (midi) 12 h à 16 h et de 19 h à 22 h et le samedi, 5 octobre 2013 jour des funérailles de 9 h à 10 h 30. Funérailles le samedi 5 octobre 2013 à 11 h, en l’Église St-Roch, 2700, ch. Suivi de l'inhumation au Cimetière St-Michel M. Sa petite fille Anabelle ainsi que son meilleur ami Michel Mailhot. Il laisse également dans le deuil toute sa belle famille Guillemette ainsi que plusieurs neveux, nièces, cousins, cousines et autres parents et de nombreux amis. La famille tient à remercier tout le personnel du 9ième du CHUS Fleurimont pour les bons soins prodigués à M.
