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Conscious competence learning model matrix- unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence

Conscious competence learning model matrix- unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence
conscious competence theory - summary outline The conscious competence theory and related matrix model explain the process and stages of learning a new skill (or behaviour, ability, technique, etc.) The concept is most commonly known as the 'conscious competence learning model', or 'conscious competence learning theory'; sometimes 'conscious competence ladder' or 'conscious competence matrix'. Other descriptions are used, including terminology relating to 'conscious skilled' and 'conscious unskilled' (which incidentally are preferred by Gordon Training). Occasionally in more recent adapted versions a fifth stage or level is added to the conscious competance theory, although there is no single definitive five-stage model, despite there being plenty of very useful and valid debate about what the fifth stage might be. learning and training in stages Put simply: Learners or trainees tend to begin at stage 1 - 'unconscious incompetence'. And ideally end at stage 4 - 'unconscious competence'. 1. Related:  Science

Survey of Kindle, Nook, iPad, Sony and OverDrive eBook Store Collection Size Which Bookstore Has Most eBook Titles An important consideration for buyers of eBook Readers is the likelihood that they will be able to read their favorite authors and genres on their devices. Knowing this, some of the competing eBook Reader organisations like to impress potential buyers by emphasising the large number of titles in their eBook collection. Here are some of their claims: Amazon’s Kindle Book store currently boasts over 865,000 eBooks available for download.Sony eBook reader product pages boast over 2 million titles in its Reader Store.In recent press releases Barnes and Noble claim that over two million Nook books are now available for the Nook and Nook Color.Apples iBookstore website claim over 150,000 titles have been added to its collection within the first year of operation. Elusive eBook Titles Numbers, Statistics and Fiction looked more closely into why there should be so much disappointment with the eBook stores having such larger collections.

Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki - Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki Welcome to Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki. This wiki was created to be a one-stop shop for great ideas and information for all types of librarians. All over the world, librarians are developing successful programs and doing innovative things with technology that no one outside of their library knows about. There are lots of great blogs out there sharing information about the profession, but there is no one place where all of this information is collected and organized. That's what we're trying to do. If you've done something at your library that you consider a success, please write about it in the wiki or provide a link to outside coverage. This wiki is not run by any commercial entity and does not represent any commercial interests. Anyone who wants to add to or edit topics on the wiki can do it. If you are going to link to this wiki, please use the following URL: Logo designed by Christopher Rios and Zandra Vlahakis... Community Management and Leadership

Instructional Tactics Encourages higher level thinking (analysis, synthesis and evaluation, for example) Pushes the ability and willingness to consider and integrate opposing perspectives Extends knowledge and clarity around issues Integrates the head and the heart in the learning process De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats (tactic) is useful in the process Necessary Preskills: because this strategy is a complex strategy, a large part of its effectiveness relies on prerequisite skill on the part of both teacher and students. The classroom has been established as a genuinely psychologically ‘safe’ classroom in the eyes of the students. The teacher is attending to David and Johnson’s work, specifically: · Individual accountability · Face to face interaction · Collaborative skills · Processing group functioning · Positive interdependencies (9) Students must be able to demonstrate the following Collaborative Skills: · Taking turns · No put downs · Suspending judgement · Actively listening · Paraphrasing · Disagreeing in an Agreeable Way

October | 2016 | Surplus Energy Economics One of the quirks of economics is that, within GDP (gross domestic product), all output is included, irrespective of what it really adds to prosperity. GDP, like Oscar Wilde’s cynic, knows “the price of everything, but the value of nothing”. If government paid 100,000 people to dig holes, and another 100,000 to fill them in, the cost of this activity would be included in GDP. Is there a better way of measuring prosperity? This is analogous to what has been happening to the economy. On the ground data bears this out. For the economy as a whole, it can be illustrated like this: Fig. 1: “Growth”? GDP is higher in the second picture, but far more is spent on energy and essentials, leaving a smaller surplus available for everything else. Where this leaves the economy is with two pictures that do not match – raw growth numbers imply a prosperity that people seem not to experience. This in turn accounts for the escalation in debt. The energy economy The cost equation Energy is never free. Notes:

NeoMillennial Learning styles#x3 Key areas#x3 Key areas The premise of the paper is this – that given the exposure to media a new or neomillennial learning style is emerging based around ICT technologies. The exposure to new technologies is detailed in this comment in the paper by Dieterle,Dede & Schrier “During their formative years, millennials –– the cohort born after 1982 –– have had unprecedented access to a broad range of media in the United States (Roberts et al., 2005) and abroad. Especially profound are their gains in access to interactive media (e.g., video game consoles, computers) and information and communication technologies (e.g., instant messenger). Pervasive availability of interactive media has helped contribute to nearly 9 in 10 U.S. This article strikes an number of chords with me.The collaborative aspects of this new learning style.

School leadership School leadership is the process of enlisting and guiding the talents and energies of teachers, pupils, and parents toward achieving common educational aims. This term is often used synonymously with educational leadership in the United States and has supplanted educational management in the United Kingdom. Several universities in the United States offer graduate degrees in educational leadership.[1] History[edit] The term school leadership came into currency in the late 20th century for several reasons. Graduate studies[edit] The term "educational leadership" is also used to describe programs beyond schools. Some United States university graduate masters and doctoral programs are organized with higher education and adult education programs as a part of an educational leadership department. Literature, Research and Policy[edit] Several countries now have explicit policies on school leadership, including policies and budgets for the training and development of school leaders. Notes[edit]

Malcolm Knowles, informal adult education, self-direction and andragogy contents: introduction · malcolm knowles – life · adult informal education · malcolm s. knowles on andragogy · self-direction · conclusion · further reading and references · links Malcolm Shepherd Knowles (1913 – 1997) was a, perhaps ‘the’, central figure in US adult education in the second half of the twentieth century. In the 1950s he was the Executive Director of the Adult Education Association of the United States of America. He wrote the first major accounts of informal adult education and the history of adult education in the United States. Malcolm Knowles – a life Born in 1913 and initially raised in Montana, Malcolm S. While driving to and from these locations, we engaged in serious discussions about all sorts of subjects, such as the meaning of life, right and wrong, religion, politics, success, happiness and everything a growing child is curious about. Malcolm Knowles gained his MA in 1949. In 1959 Malcolm S. Malcolm S. Adult informal education Exhibit 1: Malcolm S. 1.

Why Bats Are Insanely Attracted To Wind Turbines? Bat Kills at Wind Turbines Recent studies have reported large numbers of bats being killed at wind farms in many parts of North America and Europe. Project monitoring has also discovered significant bat mortality at the Mexico La Venta II wind farm. Bat kills at wind turbines were first discovered in Australia. Small numbers of bats were first recorded in the United States at wind power projects in California during bird monitoring. Some time ago, an estimated 1,400-4,000 bats were recorded as killed during 2008 at the Mountaineer Wind Energy Center in West Virginia . The frequency and number of bat kills at wind turbines are much greater than for any other type of human-built structure. Unlike birds, bats strike wind towers as well as telecommunications towers, buildings or power lines, but very infrequently. Bat Mortality from Collisions and Barotrauma Bats that fly too close to wind turbines are killed by either direct impact or from major air pressure changes around the spinning rotors.

Toolkits Do you want to use more digital learning to meet the needs of each of your students? Teachers, librarians, and instructional coaches from across the country have helped us to develop these toolkits that are ready for you to use today! These toolkits are not the totality of good information available; instead, they are designed to provide a few ideas about how technology can enhance the educational experience for students in the topic areas addressed. Digital Learning Day 2015 295 days until February 4, 2015 LeaderTalk Blog Student Led Conferences (SLC's) might seem to be new but they've been around for awhile, at least 18 years - that's when I first encountered them as a newbie teacher. Since that beginning, I've had the professional pleasure of working with a number of school staffs and communities in adopting and growing SLC's. In my current position, this was our 3rd year with SLC's. Our school, a newly amalgamated K - 12 facility in a rural community, has an evening conference time and a morning conference when parents and their children can come to the school for the SLC. In my opinion, the best way to facilitate the SLC is to have them in the evenings/after school when both parents will be able to attend - as many families have both parents working. Contrary to what many people seem to believe, SLC's are much more time intensive and require a great deal of preparation on the part of the student and the teacher. SLC's need to be discussed beginning in September. {*style:<i><b> SLC's are not new.

Adult Learning Theory and Principles Become familiar with Adult Learning Theory and the six principles of adult learning Adult Learning Theory Part of being an effective educator involves understanding how adults learn best (Lieb,1991). Andragogy as a study of adult learning originated in Europe in 1950's and was then pioneered as a theory and model of adult learning from the 1970's by Malcolm Knowles an American practitioner and theorist of adult education, who defined andragogy as "the art and science of helping adults learn" (Zmeyov 1998; Fidishun 2000). What do you mean by 'adult learning principles'? Knowles identified the six principles of adult learning outlined below. Adults are internally motivated and self-directed Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences Adults are goal oriented Adults are relevancy oriented Adults are practical Adult learners like to be respected Good question!! 1. As clinical educator you can : 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Respect can be demonstrated to your student by:

Monsanto Guilty Verdict Is Only Beginning Monsanto Guilty Verdict Is Only Beginning Photo Credit: Waywuwei By F. William Engdahl15 August 2018 A jury trial in California has resulted in a guilty verdict against the agrichemical and GMO giant, Monsanto, now Bayer/Monsanto. The judge has ordered Monsanto to pay damages of USD 289 Million to former school groundskeeper Dewayne Johnson, who has non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The Johnson trial, Dewayne Johnson v. Johnson, age 46, is a former pest control manager for a California county school system, where he applied Roundup and Monsanto’s Ranger Pro on school grounds across the county up to 30 times per year for more than two and a half years. According to the magazine Insurance Journal, the guilty verdict could influence the outcome of thousands of similar cases against Monsanto glyphosate-based Roundup. Monsanto Exposed in Trial Another paid Monsanto witness, Dr. Another Monsanto toxicologist, Dr. Seralini rat study F. Back

Balanced Filtering in Schools - Home 7 Steps for Leading in 21st c. learning It’s awkward to write about leadership as a leader. I write this to share not my accomplishments but my strategy of the last 20 months leading my school, the success of which remains to be seen and is for others to evaluate. Soon I will be presenting, along with two Head of School colleagues and Ken Kay, founder and longtime President of the Partnership for 21st century skills and now of EdLeader21, on the topic of 21st Century Learning at NAIS Schools: Leading and Networking for Progress. As part of this session, each of us will speak of our vision of leadership for progress; in preparation, this preview. Leadership is, more than anything else, a project of managing change. A suggested Seven Steps for Leading in 21st century learning. 1. In this fast-changing era, our visions must be dynamic, adapting themselves to new tools and techniques, new information and understandings. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To date, I have taken care not to direct how teaching must change in our classrooms. Like this:
