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Object-oriented CSS

Object-oriented CSS

An Exhaustive Guide on Creating Responsive Website Using HTML5 & CSS3 Over the recent years, it has been observed that people are preferring mobile phones over desktop computers for browsing the Internet. Building a website that looks perfect and functions appropriately on multiple hand-held gadgets has become the most-trusted method of gaining an edge over your competitors. It is responsive design which plays a vital role in creation of sites that can be accessed smoothly on a variety of devices with different screen sizes and resolutions. HTML5 and CSS3 have emerged as two of the most applauded web technologies for creating responsive designs that can easily adapt to contemporary mobile browsers and devices. While on the one hand, HTML5 is used for writing the structure of web design, CSS3, on the other hand it offers you the convenience of styling the created web design. Creating a basic Responsive Website skeleton using HTML5 and CSS3 Well, there are two methods of creating a responsive design. Method No.1- Using your own coding technique .col { .col {

Less Css for CSS Tutorial The above example demonstrates how CSS works. Update any of the values (on the left) to see how it affects the display (on the right). You'll see interactive examples like this one throughout this tutorial. Here is what's covered in this tutorial: The tutorial is designed for you to start at the beginning and click the "Next Lesson" buttons as you progress, however, feel free to jump to any page of interest. All examples in the tutorial use CSS properties from the official W3C specifications. Here is a full list of CSS properties from the CSS 2.1 specification. And here is a list of new properties that have been introduced in CSS3. Start Tutorial →

Create a Full Page Background Image with CSS3 The other day we looked at 10 Awesome Websites With Full Screen Background Images. At the beginning of the article I had mentioned that there were a few ways of approaching this effect, some developers prefer to do it with jQuery, some with CSS, and others with Flash. In this article we’re going to take a look at how to achieve a full screen background image with CSS. CSS3 allows us to choose between a few different values for the “background-size” property. Now look at how the image appears in a traditional square browser. The code for this is method is really quite simple. That was easy. This technique is simple and works, but you’re relying on one image to please all resolution sizes. Before you curse the variables like screen resolution and monitor shapes that can make our jobs so frustrating at times, allow me to give you the answer you’re looking for: media queries. Now that we’ve got the big version of our background image set, we can move on to the medium.

ProCSSor There are many ways you can improve your CSS from combining selector, grouping and combining. But sometimes with large CSS files things can start getting out of control. Using a web app will help you identify areas of your CSS your can improve on. These should be able to catch duplicate styles so you can group them therefore reducing the size of your CSS file. Here is a list of websites you can use to improve your CSS file. Procssor ProCSSor is a powerful (and wholly free) CSS prettifier that lets you format CSS in the exact way you want. Procssor CSS Lint CSS Lint is a tool to help point out problems with your CSS code. CSS Lint CSS Prefixer You hate writing vendor prefixes for all browsers? CSS Prefixer PrefixMyCSS It's easy, fast and free. You can now use powerful CSS3 techniques, and don't waste your time writing each properties. First, write your code for your loved browser. Then, come here, paste your CSS code in the first block, and prefix! All vendor prefixes are added to your code. - Alles over Cascading Style Sheets An Ultimate Guide To CSS Pseudo-Classes And Pseudo-Elements Autoprefixer: A Postprocessor for Dealing with Vendor Prefixes in the Best Possible Way The following is a guest post by Andrey Sitnik, the creator of the Autoprefixer tool, a "postprocessor" for handling vendor prefixes in CSS. Why use this instead of your preprocessor or another tool? Many reasons. Autoprefixer parses CSS files and adds vendor prefixes to CSS rules using the Can I Use database to determine which prefixes are needed. All you have to do is add it to your asset building tool (Grunt, for instance) and you can totally forget about CSS vendor prefixes. Autoprefixer uses a database with current browser popularity and properties support to apply prefixes for you: The Problem We can, of course, write vendor CSS prefixes by hand, but it can be tedious and error-prone. We can use services like Prefixr and text editor plugins, but it is still exhausting to work with big blocks of repeating code. We can use mixin libraries with preproccesors like Compass for Sass or nib for Stylus. Under the Hood Each version of Autoprefixer contains a copy of latest Can I Use data: Demo .
