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National curriculum in England: computing programmes of study

National curriculum in England: computing programmes of study
Purpose of study A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. Aims The national curriculum for computing aims to ensure that all pupils: can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology Attainment targets Schools are not required by law to teach the example content in [square brackets]. Subject content Related:  Pensamiento computacional, programación y robóticaScratchguide, corsi, idee

El pensamiento computacional en el aula. Posibles objetivos para Infantil y Primaria. El INTEF hace pública una propuesta normativa para Infantil y Primaria en relación con las enseñanzas de programación, robótica y pensamiento computacional en España. Se completa el informe sobre la situación actual de dichas enseñanzas, ya adelantado a comienzos de 2018, con nuevos datos de otras tantas Comunidades Autónomas. La elaboración de este informe ha sido posible gracias a la participación de representantes del Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional, de las Consejerías y Departamentos de Educación de catorce Comunidades Autónomas, junto a empresas, asociaciones profesionales de docentes, universidades y entidades que desarrollan actividades pioneras en este campo. La ponencia aspira a ofrecer un marco de reflexión y un punto de partida útil para las administraciones educativas. El rigor científico y el análisis de la realidad han presidido sus deliberaciones. Si quiere más información o consultarnos dudas sobre esta entrada póngase en contacto con nosotros.

Support for Teachers: Classroom Activities The cs4fn team do a range of talks and activities. As with our writing they take a fun offbeat approach to the subject and are embedded in research activity. (Oh, and we tend to prefer rope and tube technology over silicon for our activities.) We are giving live talks about our approach to teaching computer science in conjunction with Google in their CS on AIr series using Google Hangouts. We have written many of the activities up so that you can pick them up and use them in the classroom. We are currently working with the computing at schools group to create a version that is linked to the national curriculum and suitable for teachers to deliver at KS3. If you try out any of these activities, please let us know how it went by emailing us or filling out the form on the "Contact Us" part of the site (see the lefthand panel).

Un modello per il coding a scuola – CodeMOOC Non sarò breve. Per avviare un ragionamento sul coding a scuola occorre prima di tutto intendersi sul significato di alcuni termini, senza la pretesa di (ri)definirli o di fare un glossario esaustivo, ma allo scopo di adottare una convenzione che riduca il rischio di fraintendimento, almeno nell’ambito di questa riflessione. In che relazione stanno tra loro questi termini? Dati di fatto: Dal 2013 il coding è stato posto al centro di campagne di sensibilizzazione a livello internazionale (Europe Code Week, Computer Science Education Week) finalizzate a ridurre lo skill gap e il gender gap. Il ruolo della scuola Che la scuola abbia un ruolo fondamentale è implicito nell’idea stessa di alfabetizzazione funzionale, ma vale la pena di dirlo comunque. Disciplina o approccio metodologico? Ma la scuola ha bisogno di coding o di programmazione? Distinguere i due piani ha molte ripercussioni organizzative e operative. Un modello per il coding e l’informatica a scuola Lavori in corso Ci lavoriamo?

Nuevos Alfabetismos y Pensamiento Computacional en el Plan Ceibal en Uruguay | Blog de la Educación Mundial Dr, Cristobal Cobo, director Centro de Estudios Fundación Ceibal El alfabetismo evoluciona a medida que cambian los sistemas de construcción de conocimiento en nuestra sociedad. Por tanto al evolucionar las formas en que se utilizan los distintos lenguajes, se enriquecen y complejizan los alfabetismos producto de las transformaciones en el uso de los sistemas de códigos y reglas de comunicación que empleamos. La erradicación del analfabetismo (saber leer y escribir ) en el marco de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible busca asegurar que el 100% de los jovenes y ‘una proporción sustancial de los adultos’ alcancen la alfabetización para 2030 (Meta 4.6) y que esto se traduzca entre otros beneficios en mayores oportunidades de empleabilidad (Meta 4.4). Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX y las primeras décadas del siglo XXI hemos visto una consistente diversificación de los sistemas de símbolos utilizados en la era moderna. En América Latina también se observan acciones en este campo.

Teaching London Computing | We are teaching london computing Introduzione a Scratch: 4, interagiamo Nella terza parte abbiamo visto il funzionamento dei blocchi logici e di alcuni degli operatori a loro associati. Ora proseguiamo nella nostra esplorazione e vediamo come possiamo migliorare il livello di interazione del linguaggio. Questa volta Scratch Cat chiederà informazioni direttamente a noi, le memorizzerà e le utilizzerà per elaborare un risultato. Riprendiamo un po’ lo schema che avevamo usato nella seconda parte per lo scambio di saluti fra Scratch Cat e Girl2, e diamo una occhiata a questo codice (potete aprirlo qui): Quando clicchiamo sulla bandierina verde, il gattino comincerà presentandosi, poi chiederà ‘E tu chi sei?’ Facciamo una prova pratica con questo codice: Scratch Cat ci chiederà due numeri e ci dirà la somma di essi: Per scriverlo a mano dobbiamo preventivamente creare due variabili, chiamate num1 e num2, in cui conserveremo i due numeri da sommare. Come funziona il programma? Come possiamo migliorare questo semplice programma? (Segue)

Why children should NOT be taught to code | David Buckingham There is growing enthusiasm for the idea that children should be taught digital coding. Yet what assumptions is this based upon, and how valid are they? In October this year, the BBC will be providing a free pocket-sized computer called the Micro Bit to all one million incoming secondary school students in the UK. With the support of organizations like Code Club and Coder Dojo, children will be taught to write basic computer programs using the BBC’s Make It Digital website. According to the BBC, the Micro Bit will address the UK’s ‘digital skills gap’ and enable young people to ‘express themselves digitally’. With the BBC about to undergo a root and branch review driven by a hostile Culture Minister, the Micro Bit might seem like a better investment than further inflated salaries for its executives or a set of new swivelling chairs for The Voice. Initiatives like the Year of Code, the Hour of Code, Codecademy and Code Clubs have been accompanied by a tsunami of hype. Like this:

Creative Computing | Resources Ideas, approaches, and activities for cultivating computational thinking and computational creativity in your classroom Resources from a summer workshop for middle-school and high-school teachers Organized by the MIT Media Lab, in collaboration with Google's CS4HS initiative In this workshop for middle-school and high-school teachers, we explore new educational technologies and instructional strategies to engage students in creative design activities -- and, in the process, help students develop as computational thinkers and computational creators. The workshop is designed around four core ideas about learning experiences (designing, personalizing, collaborating, reflecting), with the intention of providing teachers the same opportunities for learning that we imagine for their students. This page provides a sketch of the workshop and some of the resources that we created for it. Session #1: Introduction to Creative Computing Activities/Resources Session #2: Art Session #3: Stories

SimQuest Cursos online y tutoriales para aprender a programar Programación en la Educación Escolar > Fundamentos > Artículos Una guía de dibujos animados para solucionar problemas, diseñar sistemas y comprender el comportamiento humano. Un proyecto de Benjamin Chun & Tim Piotrowski Descargue esta Guía en formato PDF Práctica #1 del Pensamiento Computacional: Analizar los efectos de la computación La computación está en todas partes. La computación no es simplemente una palabra diferente para referirse a la tecnología. Todo el envío y la recepción de datos se sucede por medio de ondas de radio. Parte considerable del trabajo de analizar los efectos de la computación es la observación cuidadosa, como lo están haciendo en esta ilustración Blas, Ada, Carlos, Alan y Gracia. Práctica # 2 del Pensamiento Computacional Producir artefactos computacionales Cuando hablamos de crear artefactos computacionales nos referimos a hacer cosas. En esta ilustración los personajes están construyendo, probando y explorando artefactos computacionales. Gracia está creando algo nuevo. Descomponer
