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Christ in Egypt

Christ in Egypt
by Richard Harty May 2, 2009 from WhatIsSpiritual Website The book “Christ In Egypt - The Horus-Jesus Connection” is as much a story of Christianity as the New Testament. It is a story of the evolution of religious belief , beginning in Egypt, that continues today. D.M. She describes the nature of how this story is told. In many ways this book reads like a detective novel. The transformation of Egyptian religious belief is as much a syncretism of various gods and goddesses as is Christianity. There is evidence that the Egyptians were essentially monotheists and saw the various gods as simply one aspect of the great unknown creator god. An example of this is a Horus-Seth united in a single being from the Amduat. This mode of religious expression is very foreign to the Christian believer who has been taught that God does not change. Yet, even within the last 100-200 years we see various forms of Christianity being combined with modern ideas rather freely. D.M. "St. Cyprian also writes, D.M. Related:  eem

10 Ways to Become More Conscious By Steve Pavlina, BodyMindSoulSpirit, Guest What does it mean to become more conscious? It is the progressive realization of conscious mastery over your mind. The challenge is that it takes consciousness to grow consciousness. But you needn’t worry about this because you already have the seed. So here are 10 ways to raise your consciousness: 1. Truth raises your consciousness. First, accept the truth. Secondly, speak the truth. lies you tell yourself. The more you’re able to accept and speak the truth, the more conscious you become. Yes, there may be consequences when you switch from lies and half-truths to the full truth, but highly conscious people know that crossing that bridge is well worth the effect. 2. Courage raises your consciousness. Courage is the gatekeeper between unconscious growth and conscious growth. A powerful guiding principle to adopt is, “Whatever I fear, I must face.” 3. Compassion raises your consciousness. 4. Desire raises your consciousness. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. it.

How Incomprehensible Could Extraterrestrials Be? A few days ago Paul Gilster, the author of Centauri Dreams: Imagining and Planning Interstellar Exploration and the curator of Centauri Dreams , posted a thoughtful discussion of a blog entry I wrote (titled What's The Connection Between Deafness and SETI? ) His discussion and the resulting comments were fascinating, and in this post I want to carry on that conversation. I want to ask: Will extraterrestrials be so different from us as to be truly incomprehensible? I think the answer is no. And yes. In one of the comments, Christopher Phoenix argued that aliens could be so different from us as to be incomprehensible. "How can we expect to use extraterrestrials as a mirror for human behavior? Excellent point. Okay. Still, it’s fair to ask if an alien species might be so different from us that even our science wouldn’t be able to get a grip on it. I don’t think biology in itself would create that kind of radical incomprehensibility. Technology presents us with a more difficult problem.

Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes (; Hebrew: קֹהֶלֶת, qōheleṯ, Greek: Ἐκκλησιαστής, Ekklēsiastēs) is one of 24 books of the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), where it is classified as one of the Ketuvim (Writings). Originally written c. 450–200 BCE, it is also among the canonical Wisdom literature of the Old Testament in most denominations of Christianity. The title Ecclesiastes is a Latin transliteration of the Greek translation of the Hebrew Kohelet (also written as Koheleth or Qoheleth), the pseudonym used by the author of the book. In traditional Jewish texts and throughout church history (up to the 18th and 19th centuries), King Solomon is named as the author, but modern scholars reject this. Textually, the book is the musings of a King of Jerusalem as he relates his experiences and draws lessons from them, often self-critical. The author, who is not named anywhere in the book, or in the whole of the Bible, introduces a "Kohelet" whom he identifies as the son of David (1:1). Structure[edit] Summary[edit]

Are You An Indigo? 11 Traits Of Indigo Children Are you an Indigo? “Indigo children” is the name given to the new type of human being born in this generation. Displaying amazing feats of intuition and intelligence beyond their years, these indigos have started to become a much more common concept within the spiritual community. This is a list developed by play therapist Jan Yordy, a former elementary school teacher and child counselor who has been working with parents and children for 25 years. As we go over the list, see if you resonate with any of these traits: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. THIS is what an indigo child looks like in action! As seen on Mind Openerz Share and Enjoy

Etymology Dictionary Iconoclasm The destruction of religious images In this Elizabethan work of propaganda, the top right of the picture depicts men busy pulling down and smashing icons, while power is being handed from the dying King Henry VIII to his far more staunchly Protestant son Edward VI.[1]National Portrait Gallery, London Iconoclasm[Note 1] is the social belief in the importance of the destruction of icons and other images or monuments, most frequently for religious or political reasons. People who engage in or support iconoclasm are called iconoclasts, a term that has come to be figuratively applied to any individual who challenges "cherished beliefs or venerated institutions on the grounds that they are erroneous or pernicious".[2] Conversely, one who reveres or venerates religious images is called (by iconoclasts) an iconolater; in a Byzantine context, such a person is called an iconodule or iconophile.[3] Religious iconoclasm[edit] Ancient era[edit] Byzantine era[edit] Reformation era[edit] Egypt Recent events

11 Feng Shui Tips to Overcome Debt and Deficiency - OMTimes Magazine by Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. “Allow things in your life which make your heart sing, feed your soul or nourish you on a daily basis.” In Feng Shui, its all about the chi (life energy). If you want to overcome debt, you just need to shift the energy to the right places. In Feng Shui, the middle left side of a room, as determined if you are standing at the room’s entrance looking in, is known as the health and family area. Enhancing the positive Qi energy in this area contributes to positive physical health and emotional relationships. 11 Feng Shui Tips to Overcome Debt 1. 2. 3.

Predicting what extra-terrestrials will be like: and preparing for the worst 1. Introduction ‘Astrobiology is the study of things that do not exist.’ This well-known statement can be dismissed as flippant cynicism, but one might suggest that in its vernacular way it is struggling to grasp what on earth (so to speak) we might expect to find. Consider the presumed alternatives: will the extra-terrestrials be utterly familiar, completely alien (whatever that is supposed to mean) or is the search a complete waste of time? But all is not necessarily lost. Too much excitement; time to settle down. 2. (a) Terrestrial limits What we find here, therefore, will be a reliable guide to what we will find anywhere. Figure 1. Diagrammatic sketch of the carbaquist habitation box with respect to some principal parameters (pH, pressure, salinity, temperature). This is evident at the other end of the temperature spectrum. Another aspect of water is its solute content, and here halophiles (e.g. [24]) add another important dimension to the definition of the habitation box.

L’allégorie du tabernacle I. Le tabernacle au féminin L’allégorie en peinture prend son essor à partir du moment où elle s’inscrit dans un espace. Le diagramme en constituait les prémisses. Au douzième siècle, cet espace fait l’objet de toute une spéculation. En s’inspirant du De Noe et arca d’Ambroise de Milan (quatrième siècle), Hugues de Saint-Victor, dans le Libellus de formatione arche, traité allégorique sur l’arche de Noé, propose un mode d’emploi pour peindre (au sens propre) l’arche. Le tabernacle, allégorie de l’Église : Bède Bède le Vénérable avait déjà suggéré d’identifier le tabernacle à la communauté des élus : « Donc le Tabernacle qui fut montré à Moïse sur la montagne est cette cité supérieure et patrie céleste dont on croit qu’elle fut érigée à ce moment là par les seuls anges saints, après la passion puis la résurrection et l’ascension dans les cieux du médiateur entre Dieu et les hommes, et il y reçut la multitude illustre et abondante des âmes saintes[65]. » « Triplicité du tabernacle.

14 Ways To Raise the Vibration Of Your Home By Morgan Potts We cleanse our home energetically in order to welcome good, high vibration energy into your space, and clear away any negative vibes. This way, not only are our bodies vibin’ high and in total alignment with our dreams, but so is our home. A home filled with good vibes brings on better conversation, meditation, cooking, working, creativity and so much more. There will be less fights, misunderstandings, arguments and sadness. The place you spend most of your time should be a space you want to spend time in, and create beautiful things. Feel the energy, love your space, sink into its bliss! 1. Burning smudge sticks made from sage, or any other purifying herb, like lavender, or sweet grass is energetically purifying to the home. 2. Every few months it’s a great idea to go through your house and think about what things are truly necessary for you to keep. As humans we tend to collect way too many items that we will never EVER use. 3. 4. [Also read: 9 Healing Benefits of Music]

How do fireflies light up Fireflies or lightning bugs make light within their bodies. This process is called bioluminescence and is shared by many other organisms, mostly sea-living or marine organisms. Fireflies light up to attract a mate. To do this, the fireflies contain specialized cells in their abdomen that make light. The cells contain a chemical called luciferin and make an enzyme called luciferase. The luciferin combines with adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is found in all cells, to form luciferyl adenylate and pyrophosphate (PPi) on the surface of the luciferase enzyme. ­ The wavelength of light given off is between 510 and 670 nanometers (pale yellow to reddish green color). The luciferin-luciferase chemical reaction has been used for years to measure the amount of ATP produced in cells and by various chemical reactions.

Apophatic theology – What is it? Apophatic theology is a way to describe God by identifying what He is not. It is also known as negative theology. Church theologians such as Tertullian, St. Cyril of Jerusalem, and the Cappadocian Fathers popularized this way of identifying God's characteristics, but it was Pseudo-Dionysius who was most influential. Thomas Aquinas quoted Dionysius repeatedly (as many as 1,760 times!) C.S. Many of the ways in which we describe God include an apophatic aspect. Both an apophatic approach and a cataphatic approach can be helpful. When theologians and others pit one approach against another, the debate often boils down to God's immanence (His direct involvement with His creation) and His transcendence (His enormous uniqueness, making it difficult for humans to grasp). It is vital to grasp God's great desire to be in relationship with people. Related Truth: Negative theology – What is it? What is the academic field of Biblical Theology? How does systematic theology work?
