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The Black Budget: Top secret U.S. intelligence funding - Interactive Graphic - Washington Post

The Black Budget: Top secret U.S. intelligence funding - Interactive Graphic - Washington Post
Related:  NASA

NASA Finds Three Super-Earths in Stars’ Habitable Zones NASA’s Kepler space telescope has discovered three planets that may be able to support life, while one of them is the most earth-like world spotted to date, scientists say. Two exoplanets have been discovered in their stars’ habitable zones, what is known as just the right range of distance where liquid water can exist on a planet’s surface. Kepler-62f is a rocky world 1.4 times bigger than earth and circles a star smaller and dimmer than the sun. Its neighbor, Kepler-62e, is just 1.6 times larger than Earth. Both are the smallest exoplanets ever found in their stars’ habitable zones. The third potential earth-like planet identified by the scientists is Kepler-69c, standing at 1.7 times bigger than Earth and orbits a star similar to our own sun. “We’re moving very rapidly towards finding an Earth analogue around a star like the sun,” Borucki told Kepler-69c lies 2,700 light-years away in the Cyngus constellation. The three potentially habitable worlds are part of a larger find.

On n'aime pas être le produit NASA Report verifies Carbon Dioxide actually Cools Atmosphere Practically everything you have been told by the mainstream scientific community and the media about the alleged detriments of greenhouse gases, and particularly carbon dioxide, appears to be false, according to new data compiled by NASA's Langley Research Center. As it turns out, all those atmospheric greenhouse gases that Al Gore and all the other global warming hoaxers have long claimed are overheating and destroying our planet are actually cooling it, based on the latest evidence. As reported by Principia Scientific International (PSI), Martin Mlynczak and his colleagues over at NASA tracked infrared emissions from the earth's upper atmosphere during and following a recent solar storm that took place between March 8-10. What they found was that the vast majority of energy released from the sun during this immense coronal mass ejection (CME) was reflected back up into space rather than deposited into earth's lower atmosphere. Dr. Source:Natural News Related:

Manque de respect & Intrusions NASA FUTURE OF WARFARE Genetically Modified - GM Babies Born Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA.PDF As a Human Made Of Flesh, Bone, and Spirit - I Have Grave Concerns About This Document Massive Spy Grid - NSA = PRISM (surveillance program) - Wikipedia NASA Secrets Revealed DOCUMENT EXPOSED: Geneva Academy - Directed Energy Weapons Termed ‘non-lethal’ - Tools of Global Genocide The document you are about to read is extremely dangerous and very disturbing! . . . NASA - "Advanced-to-Revolutionary Space Technology Options--The Responsibly Imagined" - 2013 - Dennis M. The holy grail . . Radio Shows/YouTubes/Books 08/19/2013 The Power Hour with Joyce Riley Hour 2 Hour 3 DEBORAH TAVARES will join The Power Hour once again to delve deeper into critical world events and actions against humanity. 08/08/2013 The Power Hour with Joyce Riley Joining The Power Hour today will be DEBORAH TAVARES who will be discussing critical world events and actions against humanity. Dr. Dr. Dr. Mt.

Ses données pour soi : OK NASA Contributes to The Evolution of the Humanoid Robot With "Valkyrie" This is an update to the ongoing technocratic mission to replace humans with robots. Nicholas WestActivist Post In the age of computers, things evolve exponentially. In just a few generations robots have gone from a scientific fantasy, to a playful curiosity, to entering the battlefield to replace and/or augment their human counterparts. We are already at the point where we have to consider what the next step of robotic evolution looks like. The humanoid robot is now poised to take a leap from a mere facsimile of human behavior to one that futurists suggest will not only walk like a human, but will possess self awareness, as well as a full range of high-tech computational spectrum analysis and capabilities . . . and emotions. So far, development in humanoid robots has been limited to their physicality. It is typical of any science with military applications to evolve in a dual- or even multi-use fashion. From the task section: The specific tasks are: Which is how humans naturally walk. iCub

Restriction des droits NASA unveils prototype humanoid robot The robot looks like something from a science fiction movie. Image Credit: IEEE Spectrum The American space agency has revealed that it has been developing a 6ft robot known as Valkyrie. Weighing in at 20 stone, NASA's answer to Iron Man features sophisticated articulated legs and arms, a head that can tilt and swivel and hands with three fingers and a thumb. Capable of tasks such as walking across uneven terrain, driving, climbing ladders and using tools, the robot has been designed to be as autonomous and human-like as possible. Valkyrie is NASA's entry in the DARPA Robotics Challenge, a competition that aims to drive innovation towards robots able to take over the tasks conventionally assigned to humans. Source: Telegraph | Comments (7) Tags: NASA, Robot, Valkyrie

Google pulls malware Twitter and Feedly extensions for Chrome | Technology Google has removed two Chrome browser extensions from its store after they were found to be installing malicious software on user computers and serving intrusive ads. The two extensions began as legitimate tools to connect to Twitter and for the RSS service Feedly, but were then bought and subverted by companies selling invasive, poor-quality advertising. They used the extensions as a platform to hijack Google searches, redirect links to adverts and serve intrusive adverts to unsuspecting users. Extensions are normally used to add specific functions to a browser, much like apps on a mobile phone, which add new features or removing others, such as blocking adverts or adding quick links to other services including Twitter and Facebook. Google’s Chrome web store policies specifically prevent developers from inserting advertising on more than one part of a page, with strict guidelines to which they must adhere. Silent updates ‘Approached by malware companies’

NASA-USAF SPACECOM-BOEING SVS Directed Energy US Military Space Weapons Platform
