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Blogging With Students

Blogging With Students
Skip to content Blogging With Students This series guides you step by step through the process of class and student blogging. Each step includes links to class blogs being used by educators so you can check out how other educators use their blogs. Many of the examples are from primary grades but the same principles apply regardless of student age including adult learner. The activities can be completed at your own pace and in any order! This series consists of: Sign Up For Free Powered by WordPress | Hosted by Edublogs | Protected by CloudFlare AddThis Sharing Hide Show AddThis FollowShare Toggle Dock Share Close AddThisPrivacy Related:  technology and teaching

Tips and Topics for Student Bloggers Posted by Mrs Kathleen Morris on Thursday, August 2nd 2012 Recently, I wrote two posts about quality student blogs. You can find them here and here. A new group of students in my class are almost ready to earn their own blogs. Below is a poster with tips for student bloggers. I have also made a document with 20 ideas for blog post topics. Do you have any tips to add to the poster? What other ideas for student blog post topics could you offer?

12 Valuable Wordle Tips You Must Read…Word Clouds in Education Series: Part 1 Welcome to a series of posts devoted to the use of Word Clouds. I know you will find new information… whether you are a seasoned user of word clouds, or brand new. I enjoy working with teachers and helping them use word clouds in their lessons because they are a great way to get any teacher started with integrating technology. In this series of posts I will cover: 12 Tips in Using Wordle (Some you may now… but other you may not.)Over 10o ways to use Word Clouds in the classroomThere is more to Word Clouds then Wordle… other awesome word cloud generatorsBeyond word clouds… cool sites and applications to integrate word clouds To ensure you do not miss one of these valuable posts or other resources covering PBL, STEM, 21st century learning, and technology integration please sign up for 21centuryedtech by email or RSS. Word Cloud… Wordle… An Introduction * Do you already know Word Clouds… then go down to the 12 Tips… I am sure you may learn something new about Wordle 2: Making a word cloud?

El arte de la simplificación aplicado a sus cursos eLearning Los cursos eLearning están diseñados para el beneficio de los estudiantes y no para bombardear con información irrelevante. Es necesaria información pertinente y relevante, pero si se excede la capacidad del cerebro de un ser humano para comprender y retener toda la información, entonces todo el aprendizaje literalmente se va a la basura. Los diseñadores a menudo preguntan cómo pueden mejorar la calidad de su contenido eLearning y cómo pueden hacerlo más atractivo. ¿Qué pueden hacer? Se adhieren a una de las reglas eternas del diseño instruccional: “Manténgalo simple”, traducción de la frase en inglés "Keep it simple". Aplicar el principio de simplicidad en eLearning significa transmitir la información a través de la forma más simple posible. Mantener la sencillez puede ser un arte. 1) Conozca a su audiencia Entender el público objetivo es la clave del éxito. 2) Enfóquese en lo esencial ¿Recuerda lo que dijo Dieter Rams? 3) Utilice el espacio en blanco 4) Acompañe el texto imágenes

Blogg- ett redskap för lärande Under flera år funderade jag på att använda mig av en blogg. Många gjorde det och jag var lite nyfiken men tyvärr helt okunnig om hur man gjorde. Det var en av de bidragande orsakerna till att jag inte startade någon blogg. Den andra anledningen var att jag inte ville använda bloggen som en informationskanal, det var det enda jag var helt klar över. Jag ville använda en blogg som en mötesplats, till ett redskap för lärande där man också kunde lära tillsammans. Bloggen Att lära tillsammans startade jag som helt novis tillsammans med en klass i år 6. Det som är så spännande att jobba med bloggen som ett lärande redskap är att det efter hand växer fram nya möjligheter. I veckan har vi återigen använt den till att avsluta ett tema. Nu har jag hittat ännu ett sätt att använda bloggen. Ett lärande redskap, ett lärande redskap som vi använder på många olika sätt; Skriva text till verkliga mottagare och då anpassa text efter syfte och mottagareInspirera varandra om hur man kan skriva text.

Blogging for Learning Using Wordle in Education « Online Blogucation My summer courses are winding down again and I wanted to try something different for my final discussion topic where students reflect on what they’ve learned that term. I decided to try using Wordle as a visual tool for summarizing text, instead of simply using the typical discussion board posts. For those of you who haven’t used Wordle before, it’s a fun tool that creates “word clouds” from text that you provide. The largest words in the cloud are ones that are used the most in the text, and the smallest words are used the least. You can experiment with different layouts, fonts and color schemes (as well as editing your original text to eliminate words or make others more prominent). The resulting clouds are visually interesting, and provide many opportunities for educational use. Some of the advantages of using Wordle include that it is free and easy to use, and that you don’t need an account (so no additional passwords to remember!). Using word clouds in EFL ESL Ways to use Wordle

Tools for Educators - free worksheet templates, printable game templates, 100% customizable worksheet makers with images! Kick Start Your Blogging Skip to content Personal Blogging This series guides you step by step through the process of setting up your own personal or professional educator blog. Refer our class and student blogging series if you want to set up a class blog. Each step provides examples of personal educator blogs so you can check out how they are used by other educators. You can work through the activities in any order and at any time. Sign Up For Free Powered by WordPress | Hosted by Edublogs | Protected by CloudFlare AddThis Sharing Sidebar Share to Facebook , Number of shares20 Share to TwitterShare to LinkedIn , Number of shares Share to EmailMore AddThis Share options , Number of shares24 Hide Show AddThis FollowShare Toggle Dock Share Close AddThisPrivacy

SoulCradler » Ways to use Wordle A couple of months ago, my network of teachers went a little bit nuts over a new web2.0 application called Wordle. I blogged about it, as did many others. Andrew made me want to revisit Wordle by asking the following question on Twitter: So, educators, I am interested to know how you have used Wordle in your classrooms or as part of your work. I must favour visual learning, as I find visualisation tools such as Wordle, as well as SearchMe, Search Cube, Tag Galaxy and Many Eyes very useful. If they suit me as a learner, they must suit some of my students as well. I’ll acknowledge the flipside of my argument and point you to Dy/Dan’s post on Wordle as nothing more than eye-candy and time-filler. Here are some ways that I have utilised Wordle: For curriculum planning My team of year 8 English teachers were working to link assessment of our unit on persuasive writing to the Victorian Essential Learning Standards. For data analysis For student reflection For discussing a text in English

Comic Creator The Comic Creator invites students to compose their own comic strips for a variety of contexts (prewriting, pre- and postreading activities, response to literature, and so on). The organizers focus on the key elements of comic strips by allowing students to choose backgrounds, characters, and props, as well as to compose related dialogue (shown at left). This versatile tool can be used by students from kindergarten through high school, for purposes ranging from learning to write dialogue to an in-depth study of a formerly neglected genre. The tool is easy to use, made even easier with the Comic Strip Planning Sheet, a printable PDF that comic creators can use to draft and revise their work before creating and printing their final comics. After completing their comic, students have the ability to print out and illustrate their final versions for feedback and assessment. Grades K – 3 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Word Study with Henry and Mudge

Student Blogs: Learning to Write in Digital Spaces  Student blogging is not a project, but a process. We are continuously striving to refine, improve and re-evaluate. As I am meeting with teachers individually, I can’t stress enough the importance of READING other blogs (professional, student, blogs about your hobby, blogs about other interests you have etc.). I am trying to filter and funnel quality blogs in education, their grade level and areas of interest to them as I come across them, so they can build a quality RSS Reader. Andrea Hernandez and I are working on a “spiraling” blogging skills guide for each grade level in order to facilitate skill building connections from one year to the next. Creating the platform and the username and password and teaching the kids to log in is the EASY part. The focus needs to be in using the platform to guide students to : By “translating”, I mean… By “transforming”, I mean…being able to do something that was impossible to do before: write for a global audience. We are all pioneers in exploring:

Using Word Clouds in EFL ESL I've just discovered Wordle, which is a really useful site for creating word clouds. The word clouds are created by entering either a text, URL or user name into a field. The site then generates a word cloud based on the frequency of key words in the text or webpage. Here's what a word cloud based on the URL of this blog looks like. The word clouds are really easy to create and can be printed up for classroom use or saved to a gallery on line. How to use this with EFL ESL studentsThis is a wonderful flexible tool to use with students.Revision of texts - You can paste in short texts that your students have studied recently. Learner training - This is a good tool for students to use regularly to help themselves. Related links: Activities for students:Best Nik Peachey

El Blog del Portafolio Electrónico
