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Simon Stålenhag Art Gallery

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Mech-Fossils – Lex Talkington Feeling Just Peachy Today followtherubberduck asked: Hi~! I love your blog and the way you draw , its awesome~!So i would like to express a selfish desire of mine if you don't mind. HAHAHAHAHA oh man I keep forgetting that gosh, I’ve gotten plenty of messages telling me to snag that butt for him but I’ve been so busy with school at the time I forgot to respond to all those asks early on. Just wanted to announce that I’ll probably be opening commissions soon after I recover a bit from school. In the mean time get your pitchforks, hide your pets, I’M BACK Just organizing some schoolwork for finals and I can’t believe how serious I draw for school Why wouldn’t I turn these in Anonymous asked: Where/how do you find inspiration to draw? charleskinbote: watch shittons of anime

photography dannytupang Hallo en welkom op mijn site, ik ben Danny Tupang en werk ruim 25 jaar als freelance vormgever, en elke dag denk ik weer " Wat heb ik toch een leuke baan!” Als grafisch vormgever en art director werk ik regelmatig voor grote reclame/mediabureaus en uitgeverijen, maar natuurlijk ook voor kleinere en startende ondernemingen. De werkzaamheden varieren van tijdschriften, boeken, logo’s, folders, posters, billboards tot aan websites en alles wat daarbij hoort. In het verleden heb ik ook meubels ontworpen voor diverse opdrachtgevers. Ik hoop hier op korte termijn weer mee te beginnen... Advertentie voor Material Xperience, met als opdracht een element of elementen bedenken die in alle uitigen van Material Xperience gebruikt kunnen worden. Drie roll-up banners voor de Dutch Rockt Research Association. Diverse logo ontwerpen Boek 75 jaar Schaerweijde 200 pagina's Boekje van Siemens over energiebesparen Animatie filmpje Rabo Bank over mobiel betalen Boek over orgels in Nederland 520 pg.

Galería: Los mejores murales de arte urbano sobre anatomía, creados por Nychos Nychos es un artista e ilustrador austriaco que combina su talento para el muralismo, con su gusto por la anatomía. ¿El resultado? Una serie de obras a las que vale la pena disfrutar detenidamente. Dice Nychos que su interés por la anatomía ha marcado profundamente su obra, de acuerdo a una entrevista que le brindó recientemente a Hypebeast, tanto su padre como su abuelo eran cazadores austriacos tradicionales. “Ver a un ciervo disecado por primera vez fue muy inspirador para mí. Con su trabajo en distintos murales del mundo, este ilustrador ha ido escalando peldaños en la escena artística internacional. Para que veas que las tripas y entrañas no sólo se convierten en arte cuando forman parte de un taco, te dejamos estas muestras del trabajo de Nychos: ¡Puro destripadero! Tags: arte

131 Surreal Photo Manipulations That Challenge Logic By Hansruedi Ramsauer One could say photo manipulations are illusions created by heavy photo editing techniques. It is an art where ordinary photos are transformed into something alluring, surreal, and totally out of the box. Digital artist Hansruedi Ramsauer does just that, given that he happily switched his 20-year career in finance to become an artist. Right now, Hansruedi has over 52k followers on Instagram and a portfolio of over 500 works. His work has been featured by brands like Photoshop, Genesis USA, and Columbia EU. Given all of those things, Bored Panda reached out to Ramsauer. "I'm a web designer and wanted to get better in Photoshop. And I hope that I can inspire people to change their perspective when they are stuck in any way, as I believe that the perspective you have on your life creates your life. Probably this makes it clearer: When you have a negative perspective on something, you can’t probably change the ‘something,' but you can question your perspective."

The Art Works of Nagato Iwasaki|岩崎永人公式サイト 作品集1983-2019 s Best Art Ever (This Week) - 08.23.13 We make a regular practice at ComicsAlliance of spotlighting particular artists or specific bodies of work, but because cartoonists, illustrators and their fans share countless numbers of great images on sites like Flickr, Tumblr, DeviantArt and seemingly infinite art blogs that we’ve created Best Art Ever (This Week), a weekly depository for just some of the pieces of especially compelling artwork that we come across in our regular travels across the Web. Some of it’s new, some of it’s old, some of it’s created by working professionals, some of it’s created by future stars, some of it’s created by talented fans, and some of it’s endearingly silly. All of it’s awesome. We’re very much interested to see what you’ve dug up and think should be featured here in Best Art Ever (This Week). Please submit any great art links to Where possible, please visit these artists’ websites to see more of their work, buy their products or commission an original piece.

Marcel van Luit - Home PSM SCALE MODELS Gabby Zapata - Photo Retouching and Illustration Laurent Gauthier | Objets Chasse au trésor, jouissance du sol et de l’espace, voyage intérieur au gré des pas dans les labours. Des vestiges d’ anciens épandages affleurent ça et là ( fleurs de terre ? ) que le regard réinvente ; sauvetage en pleine terre. Alchimie quand le ramassage change immédiatement le statut de l’objet ; alchimie quand sa mise en scène le propulse dans un ailleurs insoupçonné, “beau comme la rencontre d’un parapluie et d’une machine à coudre sur une table à dissection” cher à Lautréamont. Bien sûr, il s’agit d’abord d’un jeu sur le pouvoir évocateur de l’objet, mais ces assemblages n’ont pour autre but que de transcender le réel afin de déboucher sur un autre plan de perception ; l’enjeu du jeu ! Univers-gigognes, usines à mystères issus d’un geste de survie, prophylactique dans son essence même.

Isaac Orloff Illustration
