The Next Era of Designers Will Use Data as Their Medium The software industry today is in need of a new kind of designer: one proficient in the meaning, form, movement, and transformation of data. I believe this Data Designer will turn out to be the most important new creative role of the next five years. When I began my career 25 years ago, the notion of design in the software industry was still nascent. Mark Rolston About Mark Rolston is the cofounder and chief creative officer of argodesign. Over the years, the role of the designer has improved as demand for this talent increased. That leads to where we are now: the inflection point where data emerges as a critical new medium for design. But that is changing—and here’s why. Data has become a rich medium. New systems are using rich data, and big data. The new design challenge is to use this data for the same humanistic outcomes that we have in mind when we shape products through the user interface or physical form. Files. Data. Information. Knowledge. The Rise of the Data Artist Data modeling.
Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color Glossary of Color Terms * Chromaticity: Think about a color's "purity" when describing its "chromaticity" or "CHROMA". This property of color tells us how pure a hue is. That means there is no white, black, or gray present in a color that has high chroma. These colors will appear very vivid and well, ... pure. This concept is related to and often confused with saturation. However, we will continue to use these terms separately because they refer to distinct situations, as explained here. High Chroma - very shiny, vivid Low Chroma - achromatic, no hue Constant Chroma - medium chroma Similar vividness despite differences in hue; less purity than top image. Saturation: Related to chromaticity, saturation tells us how a color looks under certain lighting conditions. Saturation Const. - same intensity, different hues Saturation Contrast - various levels of fullness, same hue Value: When we describe a color as "light" or "dark", we are discussing its value or "brightness". Low Value, Constant - same brightness level
Data Visualization vs. Data Analytics The term Business Intelligence solution can be a deceiving one. Many software solutions that call themselves BI can actually only offer you half of what you need. Here it’s important to make the distinction between two types of business analysis and intelligence tools: end-to-end solutions and ones that are merely front-end. An end-to-end solution is made up of a platform back-end, basically the tools and algorithms that handles preparing all the data, and a front-end that creates data visualizations and dashboard reporting. While we like to see our data in easy to handle visualizations, platforms that only give you this are not enough to get real insights from your company’s data. When it comes to enterprise needs, the difference between these two types of software, are strikingly clear. Get to Know the Back Story For the purpose of effective analysis is that you first need to have all your data in one central place so that you have a single version of the truth to work from.
Basic color schemes: Color Theory Introduction With colors you can set a mood, attract attention, or make a statement. You can use color to energize, or to cool down. By selecting the right color scheme, you can create an ambiance of elegance, warmth or tranquility, or you can convey an image of playful youthfulness. Color can be your most powerful design element if you learn to use it effectively. Colors affect us in numerous ways, both mentally and physically. A strong red color has been shown to raise the blood pressure, while a blue color has a calming effect. Being able to use colors consciously and harmoniously can help you create spectacular results. The Color Wheel The color wheel or color circle is the basic tool for combining colors. The color wheel is designed so that virtually any colors you pick from it will look good together. Traditionally, there are a number of color combinations that are considered especially pleasing. ColorImpact is designed to dynamically create a color wheel to match your base color.
Color Theory For Designers - Concepts And Terminology Data-driven Insights on the California Drought (12/8/2014 8:33:13 AM) A newly released interactive California Drought visualization website aims to provide the public with atlas-like, state-wide coverage of the drought and a timeline of its impacts on water resources. The U.S. Geological Survey developed the interactive website as part of the federal government's Open Water Data Initiative. The drought visualization page features high-tech graphics that illustrate the effect of drought on regional reservoir storage from 2011-2014. For the visualization, drought data are integrated through space and time with maps and plots of reservoir storage. Reservoir levels can be seen to respond to seasonal drivers in each year. California has been experiencing one of its most severe drought in over a century, and 2013 was the driest calendar year in the state's 119-year recorded history. White House open data policies continue to provide opportunities for innovation at the nexus between water resource management and information technology.
What is a good guide to "your colors" (what not to wear/what to go for) : femalefashionadvice Fotografia digitale gestione base del colore Calibrazione monitor Per fare in modo di ottenere una buona corrispondenza colore, la prima regolazione da apportare al nostro monitor deve essere eseguita tramite la sua calibrazione con il software fornito a corredo del computer o di terze parti. Per certi aspetti, la calibrazione del monitor è simile al bilanciamento del bianco misurato (WB-preset) della macchina fotografica digitale. All'atto pratico, si apportano correzioni all'intensità di lavoro di ogni singolo canale RGB (Red - Green - Blue) che in forma additiva, miscelando e sommando diverse quantità di luce rossa verde e blu, fanno assumere diverse tonalità e colori a quanto osserviamo. Con il software di calibrazione ormai fornito a corredo di qualsiasi computer, potremo quindi ottenere una buona regolazione del nostro monitor e creare un profilo ICC personalizzato che utilizzeremo per gestire il colore nel nostro monitor.
Molecular clouds show off potential, beauty of data visualization | Scientia “Simulated molecular clouds are beautiful, intricate, and ever-changing — properties that make them ideal candidates for high-powered visualization,” wrote Erica Kaminski, a PhD student in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, when she submitted these winning images to the data visualization contest sponsored by the Health Sciences Center for Computational Innovation (HSCCI). The contest helped showcase the capabilities of the new VISTA Collaboratory in Carlson Library — and in this case the Center for Integrated Research Computing’s Blue Gene/Q system, called Blue Streak, which consists of 1,024 nodes,16 TB of RAM, and 400 TB of storage. A molecular cloud (or stellar nursery if star formation is occurring within it) is a type of interstellar cloud whose density and size permit the formation of molecules, most commonly molecular hydrogen — in contrast to other interstellar areas that contain predominantly ionized gas.
InteriorDesign - Basic Guide to Colors : InteriorDesign Stampa delle selezioni colore Le selezioni colore Per riprodurre immagini a colori e a tono continuo, l’immagine viene normalmente scomposta in quattro lastre, una per ognuno dei colori quadricromia componenti, cioè cyan, magenta, giallo e nero. tinte piatte . La scomposizione dell’immagine in due o più colori viene chiamata selezione colore (o separazione) e le pellicole da cui vengono create le lastre sono comunemente dette le selezioni Immagine composita prodotta da una stampante laser a colori e selezioni in quadricromia prodotte da una fotounità. Per realizzare selezioni colore di alta qualità, è opportuno collaborare strettamente con il service di stampa che produrrà le selezioni, consultando i suoi esperti prima di iniziare ogni lavoro e durante l’intero processo. al seguente indirizzo è disponibile un video sull’uso del pannello Anteprima selezioni colore: Consultate anche Le tinte piatte I colori in quadricromia Preparare i disegni per la selezione colore Ridurre i colori nella grafica
Visualized 2014 Roundup | PolicyViz Videos from the 2014 Visualized conference in New York City were posted late last week. Shortly after the conference last January, I wrote 8 separate posts summarizing my observations about data, storytelling, aesthetics, and other aspects of data visualization and presentation. In case you missed those posts, I’ve compiled them together below. Visualized Part 1: Summary A little over a week ago, I attended the Visualized conference in New York City. You’ll also notice that I will make more than one mention about the quality of the presentations. I don’t think I can summarize the two days at Visualized in one sentence, so here are three: The term “data storytelling” is varied and complex (and perhaps already overused).There is no single, best strategy to get people to connect with large, and sometimes abstract, numbers.Data are not beautiful; data are hard and messy. The easiest place to start is at the beginning where Sha Hwang kicked things off. Visualized Part 3: Excel at Excel