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Aprendizagem Ativa | Ricardo Gudwin's Home Page O que é Aprendizagem Ativa ? Aprendizagem ativa é um termo técnico para um conjunto de práticas pedagógicas que abordam a questão da aprendizagem pelos alunos sob uma perspectiva diferente das técnicas clássicas de aprendizagem, tais como aulas discursivas, onde espera-se que o professor "ensine" e o aluno "aprenda". Na aprendizagem ativa, entende-se que o aluno não deve ser meramente um "recebedor" de informações, mas deve se engajar de maneira ativa na aquisição do conhecimento, focando seus objetivos e indo atrás do conhecimento de maneira pró-ativa. Mas como isso funciona ? Bem, parece interessante, mas na prática como isso funciona ? E isso funciona mesmo ? Utilizar técnicas de aprendizagem ativa, não é fazer experimentações com os alunos. E como os alunos reagem à aplicação de técnicas de aprendizagem ativa ? Existem diferentes tipos de reações. Então não é fácil aplicar aprendizagem ativa ? Mas me dê um exemplo, de como seria uma aula com aprendizagem ativa ? O que é Pseudo-Teaching ?

Technology Made Easy Meet The Teachery Features Estimated reading time: 7 minutes This post will serve as the resource for learning about all the fancy features Teachery has to offer. We will continue to keep this post up-to-date as we add new features to our course creation platform. Tip: If you are looking for a specific feature, we recommend pressing cmd + F (Mac) or ctrl + F (PC) and typing in a keyword. Unlimited Courses, Lessons, and Students If you want to create 1,000 online courses and rack up 10,000,000 students, we’re here to support that dream! Within a Teachery course you can have as many lessons as your heart desires. You can also duplicate an existing course in Teachery with the click of one button. Simple Live Course Editor If you can compose an email, you can create a course in Teachery. Embed Video, Audio, Images, and Slide Presentations We do not host your course video, audio, etc, hostage. Video – Wistia (paid), YouTube (free), Vimeo (free or paid) Audio – Soundcloud (free or paid) Course Style Editor Custom Domains

How to teach … philosophy | Teacher Network In testing times such as these, is there really space in the timetable to teach philosophy? The great German philosopher Hegel (1770-1831) said: "Education to independence demands that young people should be accustomed early to consult their own sense of propriety and their own reason. To regard study as mere receptivity and memory work is to have a most incomplete view of what instruction means." Perhaps Michael Gove wouldn't agree, but for those who are interested the Guardian Teacher Network has resources to help young people think about philosophical questions and come to some coherent conclusions – and there is some evidence to indicate a powerful knock-on effect on student achievement in other subjects, not to mention the capacity to reflect on life choices. We start with an educational movement Philosophy for Children (P4C). And now a couple of ideas for using popular picture books that teachers are likely to have in class as a way into a bit of deeper thinking.

EFL Interactive Grammar Quizzes Printable & PPT Games - Click Here! If you are the type of person who prefers to have games on powerpoint or as printable handouts, we have been thinking of you. We offer board games, powerpoint games and more for the classroom and one to one teaching. They have made my lessons fun and I have no doubt yours will be fun too. Added to the good news are the templates we offer that you can use to create customized games for your classroom and teaching. It is total fun and highly engaging fun lessons with these resources. Read the full story Classroom Tools - Click Here! Get some cool tools for use in your classroom.

How to teach … photography | Teacher Network Students of all ages are fascinated by taking photos – and, now photography has gone digital, it is easy and cheap to get your students snapping. The Guardian Teacher Network has resources to help schools harness the potential of photography and use it as a really powerful cross-curricular tool. Thanks to PhotoVoice, a participatory photography charity that runs projects in 23 countries, for sharing its resources. The charity was set up to provide people, especially young people, with a way of expressing themselves through photography. A great start is PhotoVoice's introduction to composition, which introduces key concepts in composition of photos and will help students to make decisions about how they frame and represent subjects. This photo treasure hunt is a simple and accessible way to introduce creative exploration of an environment or subject with digital photographs. Photography is an accessible way to look at a multitude of issues in the classroom.

WALS Online - Qualities Of Good Teachers Good teachers are rare, and few people, including school administrators who hire teachers, know what it takes to be one. Although some of the qualities of good teachers are subtle, many of them are identifiable. Here is a list of sixteen traits that excellent teachers have in common: 1. Knowledge of the subject matter You can’t teach what you don’t know. 2. No teacher should be expected to have much patience with individuals whose lack of discipline, immaturity, or indolence interrupts the work of other students. 3. All good teachers are intellectually curious and naturally driven by their interests in keeping abreast of changes in their fields. 4. Good teachers are confident in their abilities to sense where students are in the learning process and in their students’ abilities to learn material that is presented in a logical and graduated fashion. 5. Talented teachers are able to work with students with varying levels of maturity and knowledge. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Glossary Abduction : This is a term used by Peirce to refer to a form of inference (alongside and ) by which we treat a signifier as an instance of a rule from a familiar code , and then infer what it signifies by applying that rule. Aberrant decoding : Eco's term referring to decoding a text by means of a different code from that used to encode it. See also: Codes , Decoding , Encoding and decoding model of communication Absent signifiers : Signifiers which are absent from a text but which (by contrast) nevertheless influence the meaning of a signifier actually used (which is drawn from the same paradigm set). Two forms of absence have specific labels in English: that which is 'conspicuous by its absence' and that which 'goes without saying'. See also: Deconstruction , Paradigm , Paradigmatic analysis , Signifier Address, modes of: See Modes of address Aesthetic realism: See Realism, aesthetic 'Always-already given': See Priorism Analysis Content: See Content analysis Ideological: See Ideology

A great How-to Tutorial on Creating Student Portfolios on iPad Using Google Drive App This is a post several of you have been looking for, I know this from the emails I have been receiving from you. Now you have a great video tutorial on how to use Google Drive app to create documentation, spreadsheets, tutorials, and PDF annotation all from the palm of your hand using your own iPad. Yes Google Drive app for iPad was not performing quite good when it was first introduced but since then several updates have been added to it that tremendously enhanced its overall functionality. Related Google Drive app per se can only do so much but when you tie it in to other apps such as iMovie, Explain Everything, Notability and Book Creator, you will have a strong armed battalion of productivity suite to fire up any multimedia project you want to use with your students. Watching the video tutorial below you will get to learn how students can easily create a complete portfolio using Google Drive app for iPad. This video tutorial is created by Edtech Teacher
