It’s a Mistake Not to Use Mistakes as Part of the Learning Process I recently heard a TED talk from Brian Goldman, a doctor who admits to having made mistakes. In very emotional language, he describes some costly emergency room mistakes, and then makes a strong case for changing the way that the medical profession addresses such things. He believes that medicine will improve if doctors are free to discuss their mistakes, without judgment, allowing them to learn from each other. But, he continued, because doctors are judged by mistakes, they are too afraid to discuss them. Instead, they are often covered up, blamed on others, or ignored. Hearing this talk created in me a great need to examine the many mistakes I have made in my life. Those I hid Those I learned nothing from Those I learned from Those I learned from and shared my new knowledge with others. It’s the last two categories that I think have great potential to increase learning and teaching. Finding Value in Error Teachers, like doctors, are expected to be mistake free.
The Big Five Personality Test Directions: The following statements concern your perception about yourself in a variety of situations. Your task is to indicate the strength of your agreement with each statement, utilizing a scale in which 1 denotes strong disagreement, 5 denotes strong agreement, and 2, 3, and 4 represent intermediate judgments. In the boxes after each statement, click a number from 1 to 5 from the following scale: Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither disagree nor agreeAgreeStrongly agree There are no "right" or "wrong" answers, so select the number that most closely reflects you on each statement. Take your time and consider each statement carefully.
Best Online Resources for Early Childhood Teachers I taught preschool for five years. I think I may have learned more in those five years than I did during any of my other 15 years of teaching. Teaching in early childhood is different. 1.Teach Preschool by Deborah Stewart Teach Preschool by Deborah Stewart is phenomenal, and that’s not an overstatement. 2. If you need a fun craft or activity for your class, Happy Hooligans is your source. 3. Debbie Clement is an online resource that’s hard to sum up in a single link or image. 4. This blog has tons of teaching advice for the pre-k crowd. 5. If you’re looking for hands on learning activities to do with your class, Preschool Inspirations is the place to be. 6. More reflective in style, Teacher Tom is a goldmine. 7.Childhood 101 If you go back and look closely you’ll probably realize that much of what you’ve pinned on Pinterest comes from Childhood 101. 8. Hands on : As We Grow is another resource-rich website. 9. 10. What are your favorite early childhood resources?
Journey North Instructional Strategies What Are Instructional Activities? Reading and Writing Connections Instructional activities are methods that educators use to help students engage in learning. Best-practice strategies provide for optimal engagement that develops enduring learning. Journey North’s lessons and activities provide teachers with a wealth of resources that engage students in real-world investigations that incorporate content area reading strategies (CARS). Journey North’s lesson utilize research-based instructional strategies to help students develop essential skills as they delve deeply into their understanding of the world through texts with real people, events, and issues.
untitled Child Development - Family and Consumer Science Skip Navigation A-Z Site Index UEN » Career & Technical Ed » Family & Consumer Sciences » Child Development » Child Development - Family and Consumer Science Share Growth and Development Neonate-Overview Neonate-Physical Neonate-Safety Infants-Physical Infants-Cognitive Infants-Social/Emotional Toddlers-Physical Toddlers-Cognitive Toddlers-Social/Emotional Preschoolers-Physical Preschoolers-Cognitive Preschoolers-Social/Emotional School-Age Children-Physical School-Age Children-Cognitive Adolescence Neonate - Overview Overview (pdf) Teacher Information Neonate Lecture (pdf) The Neonate - Key (pdf) Crying (pdf) Student Worksheets The Neonate (pdf) Transparencies Body Proportions (pdf) Birth Through Six Months (pdf) Fontanel (pdf) Crying Infants Guide (pdf) Coping with Crying (pdf) Neonate - Physical Neonate - Safety Infants - Physical Infants - Cognitive Infants - Social/Emotional Development Toddlers - Physical Toddlers - Cognitive Toddlers - Social/Emotional Preschoolers - Physical Preschoolers - Cognitive
Think-Pair-Share Variations Learning is a collaborative venture. The more we can provide opportunities for our students to think, collaborate and learn from each other – the more we are preparing them for their futures! Do you use the strategy Think-Pair-Share in your classroom? The Think-Pair-Share strategy is a three-step collaborative learning structure developed by Dr. Frank Lyman in 1981. It is a relatively low-risk and is ideally suited for instructors and students who are new to collaborative learning. The General Strategy: Think-Pair-Share – Teacher asks a question or provides a prompt.Students are given time to THINK about their responses.Students PAIR up and discuss their responses.Student pairs SHARE their ideas with a larger group. Do you want to spice it up with additional variations? The strategy Think-Pair-Share, along with a variety of twists, is a versatile strategy that can be used before, during or after a reading, viewing or listening activity. Formulate-Share-Listen-Create - Mix-Pair-Share –
Educators - Teaching Children Philosophy Have you ever thought of using children's literature to teach philosophy to elementary school children? It may surprise you to know that children's books often raise deep philosophical issues and that children love to think about them. This website contains all the materials that you need to lead philosophy discussions with your students. We've chosen a set of books that we think are remarkable for their philosophical content, and we have assembled questions to use to initiate a philosophical discussion. Leon Lionni's book, Let's Make Rabbits, for example, raises questions about how we know that something is real. Doing philosophy with children is a great way to improve their verbal skills. Take a look at our Book Modules for a wide range of children's books you might be interested in teaching. On the course part of the site, you will also find our Elementary School Introduction to Philosophy curriculum. NEW ADDITION TO THE SITE FOR EDUCATORS! Let us know how it goes!
A warm embrace that saves lives - Jane Chen In 2000, the United Nations adopted a set of Millennium Development Goals (MDG), one of which is reducing child mortality. MDG4 targets a two-thirds reduction in child mortality between 1990 and 2015. What are the leading factors in child mortality, and how likely is it that MDG4 will be met? BBC Learning Styles Survey Copyrighted image Credit: The Open University fades away... For ten years, give or take, was the online home of Open University and BBC programming. Over the last few months, though, we've been moving into OpenLearn, creating one home for all The Open University's free learning content. You can use the navigation at the top of this page to explore what we have on offer. Most of the content from has been brought across; if you've landed here after typing or searching for an URL then you're probably looking for something that fitted into one of these categories: Open2 forums We still want you to join in, comment and share your views. Open2 blogs All the blog content from Open2 is here on OpenLearn - it might be that you're trying to find a specific URL for the content that isn't being recognised by OpenLearn. Other Open2 pages If you can't find something and would like us to look into why, alert us through the comments section on this page.
Anti-Slavery Day - 18 October Circle Frog Paper Craft This frog craft can be used to teach a variety of skills including practicing shapes, scissors, colors, fractions and counting. You don't have to use all the thoughts for lessons... just choose the ones you're working on with your child. Materials you'll need: scissors, glue, printer, paper, Optional: CD ROM - the large circle will fit on a CD rom if you'd like to make this a CD Rom craft Thoughts for Lessons: This craft has lots of nice large circles to cut out -- good scissor practice! The mouth is a half circle. verbally instruct the children on how to assemble the shapes using the colors of the shapes. arrange the circles into piles of very large, large, medium and small show the children two circles and ask -- is this one bigger, smaller or the same size as that one. Count the circles Assembly Directions: Assemble the eyes (stack a large green, medium white and small black circle). Templates: Close the template window after printing to return to this screen. Template (color) or (B&W)
untitled 80 Easy Creative Projects for Kids 9 years of parenting, 4 years of co-op preschool and 5 years of blogging means that my family and I have tried just about a gazillion projects for kids…. okay maybe not a gazillion but certainly in the hundreds! Some projects have made the blog, others are favorites from other bloggers, and some are just simple creative prompts and activities you can set-up in a matter of minutes. Here is a collection of 80+ EASY CREATIVE PROJECTS FOR KIDS we have tried over the years. This post contains affiliate links to products I love and recommend to my readers. Pictured Projects are shown in ITALICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 3D Heart Print our template here and make a colorful 3D heart! 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Place the clear beads in a bowl of water. 8. 9. 10. 11. Materials: A variety of dried flowers, bowl or cup, Ziploc baggies, paper towels, stapler 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.