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PPC Books I Recommend You can learn a lot about PPC from reading blogs like this one, but sometimes there’s no substitute for putting a good book on your shelf. Here is a list of books I’ve read and personally recommend for learning about PPC. Disclosure: While the links below are affiliate links, I have read and use all of the PPC books listed here as references. In addition, I know most of the authors personally and can vouch for their knowledge. PPC Books Winning Results with Google AdWords, Second Edition by Andrew Goodman. Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Marketing: An Hour a Day, by David Szetela and Joe Kerschbaum. Advanced Google AdWords , by Brad Geddes. Website & Landing Page Optimization Books Web Marketing All-in-One For Dummies by John Arnold, Ian Lurie, Marty Dickinson, Elizabeth Marsten, and Michael Becker. Landing Page Optimization: The Definitive Guide to Testing and Tuning for Conversions by Tim Ash. Social Media Books Presentation Resources Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

Cursos de Estampado y Serigrafía Textil Why Is Facebook Blue? The Science Behind Colors In Marketing Editor's Note: This is one of the most-read leadership articles of 2013. Click here to see the full list. Why is Facebook blue? Not highly scientific, right? So how do colors really affect us, and what is the science of colors in marketing, really? First: Can you recognize the online brands just based on color? Before we dive into the research, here are some awesome experiments that show you how powerful color alone really is. Example 1 (easy): Example 2 (easy): Example 3 (medium): Example 4 (hard): These awesome examples from YouTube designer Marc Hemeon, I think, show the real power of color more than any study could. How many were you able to guess? Which colors trigger which feeling for us? Being completely conscious about what color triggers us to think in which way isn’t always obvious. Black: Green: Blue: Clearly, every one of these companies is seeking to trigger a very specific emotion: When we feel compelled to buy something, color can play a major role.

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Les publicités sur Facebook : Le guide pour les débutants Les publicités sur Facebook sont la clé d’une stratégie marketing efficace. Il est essentiel que les responsables des médias sociaux en saisissent l’importance pour booster la portée digitale de votre entreprise sans que votre budget en pâtisse. Dans ce guide, nous allons vous donner tous les tuyaux nécessaires pour faire de la publicité sur Facebook. Une fois votre lecture terminée, vous aurez toutes les cartes en main tant pour créer une campagne que pour suivre les performances de celle-ci. #1 – Qu’est-ce que la publicité sur Facebook ? La publicité sur Facebook permet aux entreprises de mettre en avant des annonces ou du contenu personnalisés en ciblant une audience en particulier. Grâce aux annonces que vous diffusez sur Facebook, vous obtenez des données sur vos clients et vos prospects. #2 – Les 3 bonnes pratiques d’utilisation des publicités Facebook Avant toute chose, gardez à l’esprit les trois bonnes pratiques suivantes : Commencez par définir vos objectifs. 1. 2.

100+ Attention-Grabbing Blog Post Title Templates That Work You’ve probably heard this a lot of times. But YES. Having a catchy title is the key to grabbing people’s attention. It's your golden ticket to increased traffic and wider audience. You need to elicit interest, emotion, and curiosity in your potential readers to make your blog post title as irresistible as possible. Plus, it plays a crucial role in improving your search ranking. For example, you're writing an article about starting a website, instead of using "Creating A Website" as a blog title, you'd want to write "How To Start A Website in 3 Easy Steps" or "How To Start A Website in Less Than 20 Minutes" instead. Not only it's more attractive, your post also get a higher chance of landing in the first pages in the search results since it's more specific and there's less competition for the latter phrase (a.k.a long tail keywords) than the former. You get it. So be creative. We all know the importance of a great title, but how can we really achieve this? 6 Quick Tips for writing titles 1. 2.

Video Tutorial — Reviewing Adobe Illustrator's Extensive Gradients Toolset Advertisement While vector based artwork lets designers take advantage of small file sizes and lossless scaling it can also be limiting when trying to add depth and richness to a design. Adobe Illustrator offers a plethora of gradient tools that can help artist produce more organic and vivid pieces. This extended video tutorial covers a wide variety of topics including basic gradient tools (0:30), the appearance pannel and multiple gradient fill layers (2:30), creating gradients with the blending tool (3:45), gradient strokes (6:30), gradient mesh (7:45), using gradients with type (14:00), wrapping gradients with envelope distort (16:30), and using opacity masks. Highlights and Takeaways: Please feel free to add your favorit gradient tips and tricks! It's done.

Storytelling for citizen leaders and nonprofit organizations Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur les concours Facebook Vous connaissez sûrement la caravane publicitaire du Tour de France ? Si elle connaît un tel succès, c’est avant tout car personne ne saurait dire non à un produit gratuit. En tant que responsable de marketing digital, il n’y a rien de plus beau que voir une foule se presser autour votre marque. La question est de savoir comment en arriver là : comment utiliser les médias sociaux pour attirer plus de clients ? Facebook regroupe plus de 1,9 milliard d’utilisateurs actifs. Bonus : Téléchargez notre guide gratuit pour découvrir comment accroître l’engagement sur les médias sociaux grâce à une meilleure connaissance de votre audience, à un ciblage plus efficace et à la simplicité de gestion des réseaux sociaux offerte par Hootsuite. Si vous avez une idée de concours, il est très probable qu’au moins une communauté Facebook soit séduite par votre offre. #1 – Règles de Facebook relatives aux concours #2 – Idées de concours Facebook Vous avez bien intégré ces règles ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 3. 4.

Archive - Malan Hey – Thousands of people are getting my private newsletter each week. Want in? Click the little link right there —> Sign up here. Browse or search the full archives below. November 2017 09: You’ve Been Hacked (2) October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 09: Seasons (6) August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 06: I’m Taking August Off (9) July 2015 June 2015 May 2015 April 2015 March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 09: Intermittent Fasting and Leangains (7)

Preparing Artwork for Screen Printing in Adobe Illustrator Advertisement Getting t-shirts printed is an ideal way to promote your business, organization or event. They are a promotional item that people can actually use, and they have the added bonus of being an advertisement for you. Although some printers prefer to create their own separations, it’s always good to understand the process. Printing Techniques As the t-shirt is going to be printed in three colors, we have to create separate artwork for each layer of color. Examples of Trap, Knockout and Overprint There are three artwork techniques commonly used for this type of printing: Trap, Knockout and Overprint. Screen printing is not always an exact printing technique, especially when printing onto fabric surfaces; for this reason the Knockout technique is rarely used, as it relies on printing a color precisely in a gap left on the bottom color. Preparing Your Artwork File 1. The most reliable way to produce artwork for screen printing is to manually prepare it in Adobe Illustrator. 2. 3. 4.

Facebook Workshop: Optimizing for Nonprofits Vos publications Facebook en deux leçons Que vous soyez un auto-entrepreneur, une multinationale ou une petite entreprise familiale Facebook est LE réseau social sur lequel vous devez être présent. Saviez-vous qu’au Québec 70% de la population a un compte et que 48% des gens consultent cette plateforme tous les jours? Que publier? Comment le publier? Si personne n’a réussi à trouver de formule magique, voici les premiers éléments de réponse! I- La publication Faites une publication courte (100-250 caractères), agrémentée d’une photo ou d’une vidéo pour rendre plus engageant votre message (d’autant plus que l’algorithme de Facebook favorise les contenus visuels).N’hésitez pas à susciter l’engagement avec une question par exemple, ou avec un “call to action”.Enfin, vérifiez toujours les statistiques des différentes publications afin de mieux cibler votre audience. II- La gestion du journal Tout ce que vous publiez n’a pas la même valeur pour vous.

The Finch Blog: PPC best practices and industry trends Details Written by Bjorn Espenes The paid search industry is riddled with broken promises. If you have hired an agency or an in-house search guru you have probably been burned; these people tend to promise the world but deliver very little. It seems there are unlimited promises made: we’ll give you amazing PPC exchange for an upfront fee, a fixed monthly price tag and a long-term contract, or a high fixed salary for an in-house guru. Why is this? Read more: Technology Is About To Fix The Broken Paid Search Industry For Advertisers Written by Kim Pratt Finch doesn’t leave it all to technology; our foundation is based on having an amazing team of experts that is coupled with the most innovative automated technology that paid search and shopping have ever seen. Read more: What is a Fincher?

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