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50 Stats You Need to Know About Content Marketing

50 Stats You Need to Know About Content Marketing
Related:  sanjanasinghh

Content Marketing Statistics That Prove Its Effectiveness Content Marketing is the Future. Content marketing is more than just a hot topic. Experts everywhere are calling it the future of marketing and for good reason. In a noisy world, we as consumers have become very adept at avoiding advertising. Click through rates on banner ads are plummeting – in fact you are more likely to survive a plane crash than click on a banner ad. The way to stand out in the world (social media, search engines, email, mobile, directories, etc.) is with great content. Content Marketing Stats that Prove the Case Here are some great stats pulled from an even greater online presentation. Go read the full presentation to appreciate the full power of content marketing. How Do I Get Started with Content Marketing? Sadly, I see few local businesses doing content marketing really well, but those that do are wildly successful. Content marketing is not out of reach, it just requires effective tools, a little education and a partner willing to help. Just get started now.

How to optimise your images for SEO Images are increasingly important to the customer experience and search yet many sites are not optimised to take advantage. In the early days of the web images were typically small and of low quality. We all remember the little animated men at work icons that littered the web in its infancy. However, as users have moved from dial-up to broadband connections, the number, size and quality of images on the web has increased significantly. The following graph shows this rapid increase: Some facts about images: 100bn images are captured and made available online each year.750m camera equipped mobile phones are sold each year.100m digital cameras are sold each year. Images are important to search. R.J Pittman, Google Director of Product Management, Feb 2009: Image search makes up about 5.7% of all Google Searches and 5% of all search is image related. However, very few websites are optimised to take advantage. So what can be done to capitalise on this free traffic? Cookieless domain Image filename

Link Building Services, Thematic Link Building, One Way Link Building Techmagnate is a leading link building company India. With over five years of experience in link building services, we have helped several websites in the U.S., U.K., Australia and India achieve top rankings in search engines. We offer thematic one-way link building, focusing on quality links that actually deliver. Why Link building services? One way link building helps build Link Popularity which is a crucial piece in the SEO process. Why choose Techmagnate for link building services? Unlike most link building companies, we follow stringent quality guidelines. Pure thematic link building from websites related to your business.Focus on quality links from websites with good content and high Page Rank.All links are built manually with targeted keywords in the anchor text.We do not build paid links.We do not indulge in spamming or building links from adult/offensive websites. The link building process Link building and Link Popularity In brief, your Link Popularity Rating is a combination of:

What are Important SEO Ranking Factors? Search Engine Marketing Blog Backlinks and anchor text are two of the most talked about search engine ranking factors. But what about the other important factors? We may not think about internal links, social mentions and local citations as much, but they all make up the pieces of a very big pie. More than anything, Google always seem to be pushing the idea of “quality content“. We previously discussed that here. Although this vague piece of advice won’t help on its own, it’s something to always keep at the back of your head. If you haven’t taken a look at 2013′s local search ranking factors, you can do so here. Social signals are another mysterious factor of search engine rankings. Let’s face it. The underdogs of ranking factors can’t just be pushed aside.

CMS Development, CMS Website Design, CMS Web Development When you need to focus on business development and operations, the last thing you need to worry about is how your website looks and functions; or the fact that you’re not well-versed with programming or web design. Enter Content Management Systems, or CMS’. The advantage of a CMS platform is, quite literally, being able to manage all of your web content without spending a lot of time on back-end development. Two of the most popular open source CMS’ in the market today are Joomla and Wordpress. And we have a team of developers with specializations in each. Enlisting with a Wordpress or Joomla CMS developer saves you valuable time and resources that you may not be able to dedicate for web development and establishing infrastructure. Techmagnate’s CMS developers are fully-trained and equipped to handle all of our clients requirements, including being able to customize on open-source platforms. Technologies We Work With: JoomlaWordpressCS-CartDrupalMagento

Application Development, Custom Web Apps Development, Software Application Development How to protect corporate data from angry ex-employees Network World - The vast majority of employees who leave a company are honest, upstanding corporate citizens. But you never know when someone might leave on bad terms and then attempt to hack back into your corporate systems. Protecting company assets from former employees is more difficult in today’s world where corporate data can live in so many places, from the cloud to the employee’s BYOD smartphone. Here are steps to protect corporate data from former employees. De-provision all devices According to Joe DiVito in PricewaterhouseCoopers’ risk assurance practice, de-provisioning should be the first step in protecting data. [ALSO: 12 of the worst data breaches of 2013] "Many organizations wrestle with de-provisioning. He adds that companies need processes in place that provide notice of terminations to all application owners." "There is a level of control risk associated with the design and operation of user provisioning controls.

Gmail’s Ongoing Email Slowdown Nearing Resolution Good news! Today you can blame your non-responsiveness to all those important emails you’ve been ignoring on Google itself. The company’s online email service Gmail has been experiencing issues leading to delayed emails and attachments failing to download, the company confirmed. Earlier this morning, Google said an estimated 0.24 percent of its Gmail user base was affected by these problems, but in an update released later this afternoon, the delays were said to being affecting “less than 50 percent of Gmail users.” Given the wording of that announcement, it sounded like, at first, things were getting worse instead of better. Google has been providing regular updates regarding the situation throughout the day, the first appearing at 10:25 a.m. Updates released at 12:43 p.m., 1:45 p.m., 2:05 p.m., and 2:45 p.m. At 3:00 p.m. We reached out to Google via email for comment on what may have caused this issue, and other details, but you know…

Google Will Start Blocking NPAPI Plug-Ins In January 2014, Will Whitelist Silverlight, Unity & Others The name “Netscape Plug-in API” (NPAPI) sounds like a relic from another age of browsers, but Chrome, Mozilla and other browsers still support this architecture for writing browser plug-ins today. But its time is quickly coming to an end. Mozilla will block NPAPI plugins in December and Google today announced that Chrome will start blocking webpage-instantiated NPAPI plugins by default in January 2014. Starting today, Google also won’t accept any new apps or extensions that contain NPAPI-based plug-ins in its Web Store. As Google notes, NPAPI-based plugins were the first to bring video and audio support to browsers. Google argues that most users won’t notice this change. Developers who currently have apps or extensions that use NPAPI can still update them until May 2014.

Well said, content marketing is totally based on quality which is going to be very competitive for those who are just starting the content marketing. by sanjanasinghh Sep 26
