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RipeNear.Me - local food, home grown vegies, neighborhood fruit

RipeNear.Me - local food, home grown vegies, neighborhood fruit

This Device Can Purify Water, Generate Electricity And Connect To The Internet Watly is self-described as the biggest solar-powered computer in the world Alternative sources of electricity and safer methods for purifying water continue to be in-demand problems that many tech team are trying to solve. The creators of Watly claim to have solved both of these in one device—while also providing an Internet connection. Self-described as the biggest solar-powered computer in the world, Watly can generate electricity off a grid, create internet connectivity from virtually anywhere, and also purify water. The team estimates that over the course of 15 years, Watly can reduce more than 2,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions. The team explains more behind how the device works autonomously on its Indiegogo page: Watly generates the very same energy it needs to function. In addition, it can “collect and send any kind of data (videos, images, audios, texts, ratios, etc.) to the internet as well as to any other compatible communication device.” Watly

La plateforme mondiale pour le changement Squad App - Swipe with friends. Tonight. Charge Your Phone With This Potted Plant Using the natural system of photosynthesis, a novel way to channel electricity Due to the growing number of creative gadgets, soon we might not need our standard phone chargers. From a charger that converts fidgeting to electricity and a charger that uses water and oxygen to charge devices, the range of devices only continues to grow. So maybe we shouldn’t be surprised that now one team has figured out a way to charge mobile phones using a plant. On their Indiegogo page, they explain that this process actually happens quite naturally: The magic happens inside the plant pot, where energy created by the plant’s biological elements expelled after photosynthesis is transferred for our use in form of electricity. Users simply need to add water, shake the pot, add a plant to the pot and plug in to get battery power. Bioo

Change the World - About changetheworld is a California-based non-profit organization whose tools and activities are focused on easing and facilitating personal participation in local, national and/or global crisis and disaster relief. The mission of changetheworld is to inform, educate, support and empower citizens to contribute to activities of relief worldwide, as well as to strengthen need-based assistance through effective resource allocation and sustainability education. Our technology-based platform will establish a global community of well-intentioned and like-minded individuals and organizations and provide them with opportunities to: access information regarding needs from crisis and disaster relief projects worldwide; outline ways for the users to allocate their personal or corporate resources to effectively contribute to healthy, sustainable and equitable human and community development around those projects; and fund freight, transport and other forms of conveyance of resources to those in need.

Duizenden ouderen willen betalen voor gezelschap | Wetenschap gebruikt cookies om u een optimale gebruikerservaring te bieden Ja, ik accepteer cookies gebruikt cookies en vergelijkbare technologieën (cookies) onder andere om u een optimale gebruikerservaring te bieden. Ook kunnen we hierdoor het gedrag van bezoekers vastleggen en analyseren en daardoor onze website verbeteren. De serviceafdeling is te bereiken op telefoonnummer 088-0561561. Tiny Bicycle Flower Vases Are The Perfect Bike Accessory For Spring Bikes have always been the green alternative to cars, and now cycling just got even greener thanks to these adorable little bike vases! They were created by Colleen Jordan, an Atlanta-based designer and artist who runs Wearable Planter, a company dedicated to products that allow you to take plants and flowers with you wherever you go. The vases are 3D printed and finished by hand and they easily attach to the handlebars of your bike. As well as the vases, Wearable Planter also sells 3D printed jewelry, such as necklaces and badges that contain a tiny living plant. Colleen draws her inspiration from the world around her, but she was also motivated to start her company when professors at Georgia Tech and Lund University showed little interest in what she admits are her slightly far-fetched ideas. You can buy her bikes vases on Etsy, as well as her other products. More info: Etsy (h/t) You can buy her bikes vases on Etsy

allGreenup Vind een SeniorenStudent - SeniorenStudent I 3D-Print Vases To Give Plastic Bottle A Second Life My name is Libero Rutilo and I create a collection of design vases combining upcycling and 3D-printing technology. The project gives a second chance to such an unvalued object as a PET bottle, which would be normally thrown away after it has been used. The idea was to create a vase conserving only its silhouette. The vase itself represents an external shell with an inner neck fillet, so it can be screwed onto a bottle like a cap. The 3D-printed structure dresses the bottle and makes it disappear under its mesh. The collection includes four different designs: the first one, called “Spider vase”, is the most organic piece with its biomorphic pattern. The vases are available on Make it LEO website and Tessa’s Curated Boutique. More info: The line of 3D-printed vases includes four designs and gives a second life to plastic bottles The 3D pattern of “Knitted Vase” speaks from itself emphasizing extraordinarily fine details …so it can be screwed onto a bottle like a cap

Our Future Planet Verslag uit de kloof tussen arm en rijk ’s Morgens drinken de buurvrouwen koffie aan de even zijde van de Cameliastraat. In het zonnetje. ’s Middags is de zon gedraaid en dan drinken ze koffie aan de oneven zijde. Kunnen ze meteen een oogje houden op de kinderen die op straat spelen. ’s Avonds maakt het niet meer uit, waar ze zitten. Trouwens, op straat kletsen doen ze niet alleen als de zon schijnt. Ze hebben ook wel eens met z’n allen onder een grote plu gestaan. De Cameliastraat ligt midden in de Resedabuurt in Eindhoven. Slechts gescheiden door de Roostenlaan ligt verderop de Gaspeldoornbuurt. De kloof tussen verschillende groepen in de samenleving wordt steeds dieper, zo bleek deze week uit verschillende rapporten. Klik met je muis op de straten voor de verschillende huizen in twee aangrenzende straten in Eindhoven: Volks en gegoed We waren hier al eerder. De buurten grenzen aan elkaar, slechts gescheiden door de Roostenlaan. En verder? Dat was vroeger. Rinie Meijer: „Ja, daar praten we gewoon mee.” Een kloof? Diep vallen

Ja, het bestaat nu: modellenbureau voor planten Redactie | 12 april 2016, 13:33 Het is een pop-up winkel genaamd The Plant Agency. Het doel is: planten en bloemen op eigentijdse wijze dichter bij de consument brengen, door ze een prominente rol te geven in relevante media. Gratis te lenen Bureau The Gardeners bedacht het concept en verzorgde voor (het consumentenplatform van Bloemenbureau Holland)de productie, het pr-traject, de lancering en opening van The Plant Agency; een pop-up winkel waar stylisten, redacteuren, producers, bloggers, Instagrammers, designers en fotografen naartoe kunnen komen om kosteloos planten te lenen voor producties. De locatie van The Plant Agency in de Amsterdamse Pijp is ook te boeken voor shoots en producties tijdens de maand april. Maira Evers van The Gardeners: ‘Nog niet eerder is er een dergelijk concept gelanceerd, terwijl er wel degelijk al een tijdje behoefte aan is. Credits: Bureau: The Gardeners Creatie: Maira Evers, Kim Triesschein, Jarr Geerligs PR: Laurien Vest

One Small Act
