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10 Private Social Networks for Discreet Interaction

10 Private Social Networks for Discreet Interaction
You're sick of all the mainstream social networks. The constant baby pictures, your oh-so-in-love couple friends, your creepy co-worker who Likes every single one of your photos. If you want to trim down your social networking, or if you would rather not friend your Aunt Josephine or your boss on Twitter and Facebook, consider switching to a more private network. These 10 private social networks ensure you always have a space to share photos, collaborate on a group project for work or school, or organize a carpool to this week's neighborhood softball game. 1. Everyme Image courtesy of Apple Like Google+, Everyme sorts your contacts into circles, allowing users to share content with one or more circles at a time. 2. 23Snaps For parents who can't resist the urge to post baby pictures, meet 23Snaps. 3. Like 23 Snaps, Notabli allows users to privately share photos and videos of their children with other family members, with the added benefits of audio, text messages and drawings. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Related:  Social Networks

Social Media is Hard: The 2013 Landscape of Social Networks in One Infographic Facebook Finally Gets Hashtag Support Hashtags are coming to Facebook to help users better surface conversations. Support for the all-but-ubiquitous topic organization system was rumored in March and will roll out to a small percentage of users Wednesday. Facebook will roll out hashtags to more users in the coming weeks. The social network wants to make it easier for users to find content already on Facebook, and functional hashtags are the first step. According to Facebook, many users already post hashtags anyway, so why not make them work. Hashtags will be both clickable and searchable, so, for example, topics like #NSALeaks or #NBAFinals will now exist. Hashtags from other services, such as Instagram, are clickable as well. Twitter user Chris Messina created in 2007 the hashtag as we know it today.

Creare mappe mentali: i migliori programmi Le mappe mentali sono indispensabili per chi lavora online, soprattutto nel settore web marketing. Tutti usano le mappe mentali: il SEO, il blogger, il web designer. Ognuno sfrutta questo strumento per scopi differenti, e c’è sempre una grande esigenza di programmi per creare mappe mentali. Sì perché la tua mappa mentale ha bisogno di un aiuto, di un supporto. Ha bisogno di un tool utile per generare e schematizzare i vari nodi. Anche questa è un’esigenza. Cosa sono le mappe mentali Le mappe mentali sono una rappresentazione grafica del pensiero. “Tutti gli elementi di una mappa mentale devono essere ricchi di immagini fantasiose e colorate, perché da un lato rendono gradevole la rappresentazione, dall’altro stimolano l’emisfero cerebrale destro, le cui funzioni supportano facoltà come la creatività, la memoria, la fantasia, l’intuizione” (fonte Wikipedia). Differenza tra mappe mentali e concettuali C’è confusione tra questi strumenti. A cosa servono le mappe mentali

How to print brochures for cheap How to print brochures for cheap If you have ever design brochures for companies, you will know that some of them are budget conscious and are not willing to spend too much per brochure. This is especially so if they are printing many copies and want to print brochures for cheap. Black and white brochure design Black and white brochure designs are cheaper to print as no color is used. A very elegant use of black and white colors White words on black background is a simple way to create good designs There are just so many ways to do black and white. Brochures with 2 colors If you think black and white is too boring, you can add 1 or 2 colors without increasing the cost too much. The easiest way to make colors stand is to use black and white background A very clever use of 2 colors. Brochure design with great typography Another way to keep printing cost down is to make your brochure simple. A very creative typography that lets readers fill in the blanks Avoid costly materials

6 Core Principles to Tap the Power of Social Community Participation Gartner reports that many business and IT leaders fail at utilizing social media effectively because they do not understand mass collaboration. Many businesses use a “provide and pray” approach, expecting online community participation to just happen. It’s just one of the reasons why communities fail. What happens instead is that users have an initial interest and then lose that interest as they discover that the platform is too difficult to use collaboratively. Applying the six core design principles creates a better social media environment for meaningful collaboration and social community participation, Gartner says. 1. User and community participation is the driving force behind successful mass collaboration. The design becomes driven by this goal instead of making a social outlet where people can easily participate in the conversation and add meaningful content. 2. A purpose must be meaningful, identifiable and clearly defined for the target audience. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Don’t feed the troll Don’t feed the troll N’y voyez aucun rapport avec les chères créatures que vous pourrez trouver dans de nombreux ouvrages comme par exemple Le Seigneur des Anneaux de J.R.R Tolkien. Le troll présent dans la Moria n’a en effet aucune raison d’être ici si ce n’est pour aiguillez vos sens et associer une image aux personnes/messages que nous allons commencer à décrire Qu’est-ce qu’un troll ? Un troll est un message posté par un internaute dans le but de détruire l’intérêt d’un sujet de discussion en semant la zizanie dans celui-ci, ou de lancer un faux débat grâce à un message provocateur à l’encontre d’une communauté spécialisée. Pour imager cela, imaginez vous sur un forum réservé aux technologies mobiles, l’un des inscris à ce forum pose des questions sur l’iPhone, se demandant s’il est intéressant pour lui de se rendre sur ce type de téléphone. Félicitation, vous venez de troller ! Vous venez en effet de poster un message totalement dénué d’arguments et contre productif au possible. - Toute l'actualité des plateformes sociales (blogs, wikis, réseaux sociaux, microblog…) et du Social Business (marketing + CRM + commerce) Social Envy - Study Finds Facebook Causes Depression And Isolation BERLIN - Social networks like Facebook make many things easier. You can find out right away if Alex got the job or not, and you can not only read about Marie’s vacation, but you can also see all those pictures of her on the beach, too. There’s also a downside to this. Researchers have conducted tests that show that people who spend a lot of time scrolling on Facebook are more socially isolated and more frequently depressed than those who do not. The question, of course, poses itself: are lonely people more drawn to social networks – or does constant surfing result in loneliness over time? While it wasn’t able to answer the question conclusively, a joint research study conducted by Berlin’s Humboldt University and the Darmstadt’s Technical University did however reveal that spending time on social networks could lead to negative feelings. The German researchers, led by Dr. The never-ending “envy spiral”

Community Management : La réaction aux critiques Cet article a été publié il y a 1 an 10 mois 2 jours, il est donc possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. De toutes les tâches du Community Manager, la réaction aux remarques et critiques des internautes sur les différentes plateformes sociales est probablement celle qui est la plus complexe. Autant mettre en place une veille, créer des comptes sur différentes plateformes, poster des contenus incitatifs, … requièrent un apprentissage mais sont relativement accessibles même si certaines erreurs de Community Manager sont encore monnaie courante, autant gérer la relation humaine est complexe. Cet article a pour but d’essayer de distinguer les comportements et de mettre en évidence des pistes afin d’adopter la réaction la meilleure qui soit. 1-. Avant toute chose, le premier conseil à appliquer en toute circonstance est de garder du recul. 2-. a. Commençons par ce type de commentaires hyper excessifs. b. c. C’est bien entendu faux. 3-. a.
