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CoRD: Remote Desktop for Mac OS X

CoRD: Remote Desktop for Mac OS X
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xrdp Bcfg2 documentation 1.3.5 — Bcfg2 1.3.5 documentation *Screens The Instant Screen Door - instant walk through, magnetic screen doors* How I Created My Own Cloud Using BitTorrent Sync, Raspberry Pi & Owncloud I’ve had a Raspberry Pi lying around the house for a few months now. Every once in a while I’ll take it out and tinker around with it. When BitTorrent released the BitTorrent Sync Alpha a few weeks back, I decided to see what kind of options I had for using the program with my Raspberry Pi. BitTorrent Sync is awesome. If you don’t know about it, you can read all about it here. In a nutshell, it allows you to sync folders between machines using P2P. If you have a DIY attitude and aren’t afraid of a few terminal commands, then read on to learn about how I did it. First, you’ll need the following: A Raspberry PiUSB Keyboard for setupUSB Mouse for setupSD card (faster, the better)A thumb drive (I like using this for its low profile). Step 1: Setting up Raspbian Fire up your favorite torrent client and download the Raspbian “wheezy” image. I won’t go in to full detail on how to write the images to the SD card. When that is done, plug the SD card into your RasPi and fire it up. cd /home/pi . df -h

Puppet (software) Puppet is a tool designed to manage the configuration of Unix-like and Microsoft Windows systems declaratively. The user describes system resources and their state, either using Puppet's declarative language or a Ruby DSL (domain-specific language). This information is stored in files called "Puppet manifests". Puppet discovers the system information via a utility called Facter, and compiles the Puppet manifests into a system-specific catalog containing resources and resource dependency, which are applied against the target systems. Any actions taken by Puppet are then reported. Puppet consists of a custom declarative language to describe system configuration, which can be either applied directly on the system, or compiled into a catalog and distributed to the target system via client–server paradigm (using a REST API), and the agent uses system specific providers to enforce the resource specified in the manifests. It is model-driven, requiring limited programming knowledge to use.[4]

Neuromorphic engineering Neuromorphic engineering, also known as neuromorphic computing,[1][2][3] is a concept developed by Carver Mead,[citation needed] in the late 1980s, describing the use of very-large-scale integration (VLSI) systems containing electronic analog circuits to mimic neuro-biological architectures present in the nervous system. In recent times the term neuromorphic has been used to describe analog, digital, and mixed-mode analog/digital VLSI and software systems that implement models of neural systems (for perception, motor control, or multisensory integration). A key aspect of neuromorphic engineering is understanding how the morphology of individual neurons, circuits and overall architectures creates desirable computations, affects how information is represented, influences robustness to damage, incorporates learning and development, adapts to local change (plasticity), and facilitates evolutionary change. Examples[edit] Neuromemristive Systems[edit] See also[edit] References[edit]

Remote Desktop with Raspberry Pi Do you want to remote into your Raspberry Pi and see a graphical desktop? It’s actually really easy. If you don’t want to dedicate a monitor or the TV to the pi but still want to use it, here’s your solution. Ok, another Raspberry Pi article. Due to the overwhelming response I’m going to keep putting stuff up here as I hack and play around, and hopefully it gets people even more stoked about this awesome product. If these tutorials seem “too basic” remember they’re not targeted at hardcore techies, they’re geared towards kids and newbies, which all of us were at one time. Anyway, so let’s say you’re like me and you have a bunch of computers around all the time. Pretty cool, right? Configure the Pi Make sure your Pi is connected to the Internet, and your local network containing the other machines you want to connect with. To set this up, you’ll need the Pi to run a service that your other computers can connect to. I chose xrdp for this, as I’ve had good experiences with it in the past.

Five areas of documentation that need continuous monitoring (The Invisible Thread) When I first started working on DevOps-related software, continuous monitoring didn't sound like something that was big enough to be one of the pillars of a new software methodology. My dev-centric background was part of why I discounted monitoring, but I also figured that if we were already automating things like deployment and testing, wouldn't the tools already record things like test results? Big deal! Then, early in my DevOps work, I had a long talk with Bill Higgins (@BillHiggins), who at the time was one of the architects in charge of those projects. So I'm a continuous monitoring believer now, and I'm looking for ways that better monitoring can help in my work documenting software with IBM Rational User Technologies (@RationalUT). Accessibility tests Within IBM Rational, we use IBM Rational Policy Tester as part of our accessibility testing and compliance certification. Translation word counts Style-checking scores Trademarking and legal check Web statistics

Brick Patio Mortar Repair DEAR TIM: I have a lovely brick patio that has mortar between the brick. After pressure washing it this past weekend, I noticed several locations where the mortar has disintegrated. Most of the mortar is in excellent condition, but a few places need to be repaired. Some of the voids are 1 inch deep, while others only need perhaps one-eighth inch of mortar. DEAR HOLLEAY: Brick patio designs are as plentiful as blossoms in spring, but a traditional brick patio that has been mortared in place is one of my personal favorites. These deep joints can be filled with new mortar using the special grout-bag tool. When I am building a brick patio like the one you and I have, I use a special mortar that will withstand years of Mother Nature's abuse. I suggest you repair the defective joints in your patio with the same type of mortar mix I used when I installed my patio. The first thing you need to do is look very closely at your existing mortar joints. Column 621

petrockblog/OwncloudPie IT Documents and Policy Templates Documents listed here are free to download and employ as a template in your own organisation. IT Acceptable Use Policy A model policy for you to copy and adapt to the needs of your organisation. IT Acceptable Use Policy ITAUP, Word document format, 47KB ITAUP, Rich Text document format, 17KB ITAUP, Plain text format, 12KB Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies A formative policy for adapting the trends of BYOD to the needs of your organisation. Bring Your Own Device Policy BYOD, Word document format, 20KB BYOD, Rich Text document format, 17KB Risk A template for you to copy and adapt to the needs of your organisation. Risk Assessment in a Nutshell Risk Assessment check list, Word document format, 28KB Computer Theft - Reducing the Risk Thefts, Word document format, 16KB Health & Safety for Computer Users Health & Safety pointers and further sources of help, Word document format, 20KB IT Strategy IT strategy made simple, PDF, 13 pages Download An Introduction to IT Service Operation. Data Protection

Debian and Ubuntu Server Packages for BitTorrent Sync - BitTorrent Sync - BitTorrent Forums BitTorrent® Inc. delivers for Linux users only a raw binary file without any deployment concept or setup system. It's up to the user to create a reliable startup and shutdown logic, manage configuration files, internal storage directories and everything else related to file and directory permissions, application update and various other aspects. The BitTorrent Sync Server Package (btsync) is the ideal solution for all users that want to deploy BitTorrent Sync on Linux servers running Debian or other derived distributions like Ubuntu, Raspbian, Linux Mint or similar. The BitTorrent Sync Server Package is designed to run one or more BitTorrent Sync background processes (called "instances") on servers where no specific user is usually logged on. The server version is particularly suitable for the following use cases: The most easy and fast way to install the repository is to paste that at a terminal prompt: sh -c "$(curl -fsSL
