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Related:  words, linguistics, semantics and semiotics

Word Freak: Heartbreak, Triumph, Genius, and Obsession in the World of Competitive ScrabblePlayers There is a great moment in WORD FREAK when the author, Stefan Fatsis, considers his obsession with Scrabble and wonders if it's healthy. In normal literature, such a moment might be devoted to doomed romance or drug addiction. There's something wonderfully nerdy about the fact that in WORD FREAK it involves a board game. Fatsis originally planned to write WORD FREAK as a journalistic account of an odd but harmless subculture. Scrabble was then just another board game in his living room; if writing the book would make him a better player, it was a byproduct hardly worth mentioning. In retrospect, Fatsis' decision was not only incredible, but also inevitable. If this sounds like a typical underdog story, it shouldn't. Fatsis' knowledge of the Scrabble world is hard earned. Fatsis works hard to be seen as a typical Scrabble player, but he never quite blends in with his peers.

Haiku Traffic Signs Bring Poetry To NYC Streets If you're walking or biking around New York City this weekend you might look up at a busy intersection and see signs like these: John Morse/NYC DOT Traffic warning street signs written as haiku are appearing on poles around the five boroughs, posted by the New York City Department of Transportation. "Poetry has a lot of power," Morse tells NPR's Scott Simon. Take, for example, these signs that urge pedestrians, drivers and bikers to walk, drive and ride responsibly: Accidents aren't funny, but Morse's artful treatment gets a serious message across in a powerful way. The bold colors and clever words take signs that would otherwise fade into the background into the forefront. "There's a lot of visual clutter ... all around us," Morse says. Morse says one delightful and unexpected consequence of the project is that it has brought some haiku poets out of the woodwork.

Howl by Allen Ginsberg For Carl Solomon I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night, who poverty and tatters and hollow-eyed and high sat up smoking in the supernatural darkness of cold-water flats floating across the tops of cities contemplating jazz, who bared their brains to Heaven under the El and saw Mohammedan angels staggering on tenement roofs illuminated, who passed through universities with radiant cool eyes hallucinating Arkansas and Blake-light tragedy among the scholars of war, who were expelled from the academies for crazy & publishing obscene odes on the windows of the skull, who cowered in unshaven rooms in underwear, burning their money in wastebaskets and listening to the Terror through the wall, who studied Plotinus Poe St. Moloch! Moloch! Moloch! Visions! Dreams!

The Idler Poetry as a Vehicle for Social Change Skip to main content Login/Join You are here Home » Resources social justice, digital poetry, poetry, social change Resource Poetry as a Vehicle for Social Change Poetry as a vehicle for social change is a collection of lessons and poetry that has been used in middle and high school classes in Central Texas. Additionally, in the following pages of the resource, I've included student examples of this work. Related External links Social Action Collective Next Log in or register to post comments 0 Posted by Jennifer Woollven on Jul 23 2011 Browse this Resource Bookmark this page Jump to Comments Share post ShareThis Copy and Paste

Beatles Timeline A very noteworthy entry into this Beatles Timeline: On this date, Paul McCartney performs a free concert before an unprecedented crowd of "around 500,000" at the Coliseum in Rome. Said Paul, "I'm completely blown away - it was one of the most fantastic evenings of my life and I'm so chuffed that at my stage in the game this was the biggest show of my entire career," wrote the Daily Post. The day before, Paul held a charity concert at the Coliseum before a crowd of 400 people who paid up to $1,485 in an internet auction for tickets. Proceeds of $285,000 were raised from the concert and will go towards "Adopt-A-Minefield" and to archaeological projects in Rome. May 17Lennon on drugs: the Beatles' secret testimony on marijuana in Canada In a major news article by the Ottawa Citizen, veteran music reporter Norman Provencher reveals the circumstances as to why John and Yoko's drug testimony was held in "secrecy" before the Le Dain Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs.

Project Bow's FAQ: Why is it called a lexigram when it looks like a word? At this point in his development, Bow no longer needs lexigrams. He is literate and he spells out his own words. Bow developed literacy at the age of five and half years. Now, you might be thinking: "Hey, that's not a lexigram. So the question is: what is a lexigram and how do we recognize one? A lexigram is a symbol that stands for a word. Is the photo for the English word "banana" that I've posted above a "spelled-out" word or a holistic lexigram? Like beauty, whether or not something is a lexigram is in the eye of the beholder. Some Examples of Bow's Lexigrams in Both Hebrew and English Why use lexigrams? Chimpanzees cannot produce speech that humans can comprehend. When choosing sign language, one can select a particular sign language used by the deaf community, such as ASL, or finger spelling, as was used in the case of Helen Keller, or one can decide to make up one's own sign language especially for the child or chimpanzee in question. A Brief History of Lexigrams Proto-Semitic Aleph

Beatdom | Literary Magazines Database Circulation: 1,000 to 2,500 Genres Published: Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Fiction Representative Authors: William S. Formats: E-publication, Print Reading Period: Jan 1 to Dec 31 Reporting Time: Less than 3 months Accepts Electronic Submissions: Yes Accepts Simultaneous Submissions: Accepts Unsolicited Submissions: Editorial Focus Beatdom is a young magazine concerning, inspired by, and moving on from the Beat Generation. Tips From the Editor Beatdom accepts essays on the Beat Generation or later countercultures. Contact Information Free Words Free Words in Free Press Exciting news: Free Words Forever will be the inagural volume of the new Free Press library. This summer and fall you are invited to contribute to the creation of an open-access publishing house, a "Free Press," to be launched at Röda Sten contemporary art center in Göteborg, Sweden. A project of artist Sal Randolph, Free Press will accept all kinds of writing from the public; contributions in any language can be as short as a single word or as long as an encyclopedia and can include manifestos, statements, documentations, studies, stories, recipes, poems and whatever you can imagine. "Even in the age of the internet, book publishing is a walled garden where editors and commercial interests filter out most of what is written," says Randolph. "To publish is to 'make public,' and the published materials of the world create their own kind of public space, a city of books where readers and writers are citizens. This is an article about adipex-p for sale review.

AP Poetry Terms AP English Poetry Terms (Presented by Dennis Carroll of High Point University at AP Workshop) Listed and defined below are literary terms that you will need to know in order to discuss and write about works of poetry. You are already familiar with many of these. l. alliteration- the repetition of identical or similar consonant sounds, normally at the beginnings of words. “Gnus never know pneumonia” is an example of alliteration since, despite the spellings, all four words begin with the “n” sound. 2. allusion- a reference in a work of literature to something outside the work, especially to a well-known historical or literary event, person, or work. 3. antithesis- a figure of speech characterized by strongly contrasting words, clauses, sentences, or ideas, as in “Man proposes; God disposes.” 4. apostrophe- a figure of speech in which someone (usually, but not always absent), some abstract quality, or a nonexistent personage is directly addressed as though present. Milton!
