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Flipped Classroom 2.0: Competency Learning With Videos

Flipped Classroom 2.0: Competency Learning With Videos
The flipped classroom model generated a lot of excitement initially, but more recently some educators — even those who were initial advocates — have expressed disillusionment with the idea of assigning students to watch instructional videos at home and work on problem solving and practice in class. Biggest criticisms: watching videos of lectures wasn’t all that revolutionary, that it perpetuated bad teaching and raised questions about equal access to digital technology. Now flipped classroom may have reached equilibrium, neither loved nor hated, just another potential tool for teachers — if done well. “There is no place for them to hide. The two teachers admit when they started flipping their classrooms they put everything into video form. “The best use of class time is to meet the individual needs of each learner, not driving the class with predetermined curriculum,” Sams said. [RELATED READING: Can TED Talks Really Work in the Classroom?] “The flipped classroom is not about the video. Related:  Allmänt lärande

27 Simple Ways To Flip The Classroom We chat about flipping classrooms every week on Edudemic and it’s for good reason: this relatively new classroom organization style has been adopted by countless teachers around the world. Typically, the kind of adoption flipped classrooms has seen is reserved for major things like the Common Core or even iPad integration. But flipped classrooms has teachers, administrators, and students all engaged and placing the learning on center stage rather than the teacher. See Also: What’s A Flipped Classroom? If you’re looking to take the first step(s) toward flipping your classroom, online course, or other form of education … this visual by Mia MacMeekin ( check out her awesome blog here and her popular ‘ 27 Ways To Be A 21st Century Teacher ‘ visual we ran here) details some bite-size ideas for anyone looking to flip the classroom.

Learning studies och lesson studies Learning studies kan kortfattat beskrivas att lärarna (förslagsvis i ett lärarlag) inledningsvis kommer överens om ett lärandeobjekt. Det vill säga något eleverna ska kunna eller som lärargruppen vill att eleverna ska kunna relaterat till kursplanemålen. Ett sådant lärandeobjekt kan vara att behärska procent eller att förstå =tecknets betydelse. Lesson studies Detta är en form av gemensam professionell utveckling. Lesson study har sitt ursprung i Japan där det lyfts fram som en av de starkaste framgångsfaktorerna för elevernas höga prestationer i matematik. Learning studies What is lesson study Resultatdialog 2010 under rubriken Det andra steget: lärares forskningsresultat som gemensam resurs.

The "Flipped" Classroom and Transforming Education Recently, I wrote a post regarding some ideas that I did not believe that would transform school culture. Although most agreed on two of the ideas that I shared, there was a large contingent of educators that argued regarding the “flip” and are very passionate about what it can do for the classroom (one even referred to me as a “nut” for even suggesting this!). Also, Forbes magazine talked about the Khan Academy and the “flipped classroom” being one of the most important stories of 2012. Whether it was inspired by Salman Khan or by educators, it has certainly stirred a movement: Entire school districts are now reworking their curriculum, pedagogy, classroom structure and technology around Khan Academy videos. The net result of these changes is that students in Khan-centered schools don’t watch Khan videos in the classroom. As I see how passionate educators are regarding this idea, I can definitely see why it has merit. The Year of the Learner We need to do more.

Why I Gave Up Flipped Instruction A little over a year ago I wrote a post about the flipped classroom, why I loved it, and how I used it. I have to admit, the flip wasn’t the same economic and political entity then that it is now. And in some ways, I think that matters. Here’s the thing. When I recently re-read the post, I didn’t disagree with anything I’d said. Yet my brief love affair with the flip has ended. When I wrote that post, I imagined the flip as a stepping stone to a fully realized inquiry/PBL classroom. What is the flip? The flipped classroom essentially reverses traditional teaching. When I first encountered the flip, it seemed like a viable way to help deal with the large and sometimes burdensome amount of content included in my senior Biology & Chemistry curricula. My flipped experiments I first encountered the flip in a blog post. My students loved the idea of trying something that very few other students were doing. We began to shift What was my role? The flip faded away The flip is gone for good No.

The Flipped Class: Myths vs. Reality Editor's Note: On the heels of our viral posts in over 100 countries about the flipped classroom earlier this year (links below), we asked Jon Bergmann if he could share some of the feedback he was receiving in light of the notable interest about this topic. The timing couldn't have been more perfect since he was about to leave for a conference about you-guessed-it, the flipped class. Here is Part 1 of our three part series The Daily Riff. The Flipped Class: What it is and What it is Not by Jon Bergmann, Jerry Overmyer and Brett Wilie There has been a lot of interest in the flipped classroom. The traditional definition of a flipped class is: The Flipped Classroom is NOT: A synonym for online videos. Originally published The Daily Riff July 2011 Jon Bergmann is one of the first teachers to flip his classroom and has recently co-authored a book on the the Flipped Class which is to be published by ISTE press. Jerry Overmyer has teaching experience in secondary and college mathematics.

FlipKlipp – skapa och dela öppna lärresurser De senaste par åren har ”det flippade klassrummet” varit ett av de hetare ämnena i svenska diskussioner kring undervisning och lärande, men själva konceptet är egentligen amerikanskt. Kort sagt innebär det att den traditionella modellen för klassrumsundervisning vänds upp och ner. Istället för att läraren gör sin genomgång under lektionen och sedan ger eleverna i läxa att arbeta med sin förståelse av det som gåtts igenom, får eleverna genomgången i läxa, oftast som film. Konceptet bygger på ett konstruktivistiskt lärandeperspektiv: läraren ska vara ”guide on the side” och hjälpa eleverna att utveckla sin förståelse och att reflektera kring sitt lärande istället för att vara ”sage on the stage” och försöka förmedla sin egen kunskap. Karin Brånebäck, som arbetar som 1-7-lärare i Täby, hör till dem som gör på det här sättet och som även kombinerar det med en strävan att integrera it och nya lärandeperspektiv i undervisningen. - Den mentala flippen är avgörande, betonar Sophie Österberg.

Välkommen till en kunskapsbank för Learning study och Lesson study! | Learning study The Teacher's Guide To Flipped Classrooms Since Jonathan Bergman and Aaron Sams first experimented with the idea in their Colorado classrooms in 2004, flipped learning has exploded onto the larger educational scene. It’s been one of the hottest topics in education for several years running and doesn’t seem to be losing steam. Basically, it all started when Bergman and Sams first came across a technology that makes it easy to record videos. And voila: a movement began. A 2014 survey from the Flipped Learning network found that 78% of teachers said they’d flipped a lesson, and 96% of those that tried it said they’d recommend it. What is a flipped classroom? Once a new idea becomes a buzzword, pinning down the definition can become a tad more challenging. That gets the idea across, but it’s a bit of a mouthful. Most people hear “flipped learning” and picture kids watching videos at home, but proponents of it suggest that it doesn’t have to be exclusively about videos. The Benefits of Flipping Your Classroom 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Educators Evaluate 'Flipped Classrooms' Published Online: August 27, 2012 Published in Print: August 29, 2012, as Educators View 'Flipped' Model With a More Critical Eye Includes correction(s): September 4, 2012 Benefits and drawbacks seen in replacing lectures with on-demand video A growing number of educators are working to turn learning on its head by replacing traditional classroom lectures with video tutorials, an approach popularly called the "flipped classroom." The movement was inspired partly by the work of Salman Khan, who created a library of free online tutoring videos spanning a variety of academic subjects, known as the Khan Academy, which many view as a touchstone of the flipped-classroom technique. The term "flipping" comes from the idea of swapping homework for class work. However, as most educators who have begun to use the technique are quick to say, there are a multitude of ways to "flip" a classroom. —Illustration by Chris Whetzel "That's not how all of us learn," he said. Mr. Sharing Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

9 Video Tips for a Better Flipped Classroom -- THE Journal Flipped Classroom | November 2013 Digital Edition 9 Video Tips for a Better Flipped Classroom Early adopters share how schools can find success with teachers and students alike--even when the technology seems as topsy-turvy as the lessons. In 2007, when Colorado high school teachers Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams began experimenting with recording their lectures in order to spend class time on deeper face-to-face learning with students, they probably didn't foresee the major movement that would grow up around what came to be called the flipped classroom. But six years later, the growth in interest remains exponential, suggesting this is far more than a fad. Just since January 2012, the number of active members on the Flipped Learning Network's Ning site has grown from 2,500 to more than 15,000. Today, it seems, there is no one correct way to flip the classroom, and approaches vary both by subject and educational philosophy. 1) Devise a flipped strategy.
