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360-Degree Focus on Finance-IT-Risk Management Research Centers (tm), Financial Intelligence Research Reports on Everything You Need to Know from FinRM Global RISK Management Network, Financial Risk Management, Systemic Risk Management, Enterprise Risk Ma The Unexotic Underclass | The MIT Entrepreneurship Review May 19, 2013 The startup scene today, and by ‘scene’ I’m sweeping a fairly catholic brush over a large swath of people – observers, critics, investors, entrepreneurs, ‘want’repreneurs, academics, techies, and the like – seems to be riven into two camps. On one side stand those who believe that entrepreneurs have stopped chasing and solving Big Problems – capital B, capital P: clean energy, poverty, famine, climate change, you name it. On the other side stand those who believe that entrepreneurs have stopped chasing and solving Big Problems – capital B, capital P – that there are too many folks resolving anti-problems… BUT just to be on the safe side, the venture capitalists should keep pumping tons of money into those anti-problem entrepreneurs because you never know when some corporate leviathan – Google, Facebook, Yahoo! On the other other side, a side that receives scant attention, scanter investment, is where big problems – little b, little p – reside. Let’s keep walking. We need:

Pricing Strategies Home >> Pricing Decisions The use of a particular pricing strategy can trigger a significant increase in a company's total sales and profits. There are a number of pricing strategies that can be employed. This article aggregates the various strategies into categories and briefly describes each one. Cost-Based Pricing Strategies These pricing strategies are based on the cost of the underlying product or service. Absorption pricing. Value Pricing Strategies These pricing strategies do not rely upon cost, but rather the perception of customers of the value of the product or service. Dynamic pricing. Teaser Pricing Strategies These strategies are based on the concept of luring in customers with a few low-priced or free products or services, and then cross-selling them higher-priced items. Freemium pricing. Strategic Pricing Strategies These strategies involve the use of product pricing to position a company within a market or to exclude competitors from it. Limit pricing.

CFO Coaching | CFO Consulting | CFO Retained Search | The Strategic CFO Thomas Backlund | The entrepreneurial adventures of a homeless coder living in a tent in the forest 2015 State of the Union Address -- Text Analytics I collected tweets about the 2015 State of the Union address [SOTU] in real time from 10am to 2am using the keywords [obama, state of the union, sotu, sotusocial, ernst]. The tweets were analyzed for sentiment, content, emoji, hashtags, and retweets. The graph below shows Twitter activity over the course of the night. The volume of tweets and the sentiment of reactions were the highest during the latter half of the speech when Obama made the remark “I should know; I won both of them” referring to the 2008 & 2012 elections he won. Throughout the day before the speech, there weren’t many tweets and they tended to be neutral. Around 7:45-8:00 PM the largest negative sentiment occurred during the day. The highest sentiment/number of positive words came during the 15-minute polling window where the President quipped about winning two elections. Emoji Two topic-specific emoji counts were interesting. #Hashtags The following hashtag globe graphic is rather large. RTs The Speech Further Notes

Finance Articles - Self Study Guides to Learn Finance Analysis of Financial Statements Guide to financial statement analysis The main task of an analyst is to perform an extensive analysis of financial statements. In this free guide, we will break down the most important methods, types, and approaches to financial analysis. EBIT vs EBITDA What is the Difference between EBIT and EBITDA? IPO Process What is the IPO Process? Definition of WACC A firm’s Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) represents its blended cost of capital across all sources, including preferred shares, common shares, and debt.

How to Write a Summary Business Plan When writing a business plan, it's easy to get lost in the details. You want to demonstrate how you've studied the ins and outs of the marketplace and have crunched every conceivable number. But, really, writing a 100+ page business plan is not the best use of your energy. 'I vividly remember years of lengthy business planning cycles that literally produced books - encased in three-ring binders,' says Denise Barnwell, president of Transformation Marketing in West Orange, New Jersey. Fleshing out your business in such detail can be a worthwhile exercise for an entrepreneur, but the truth is that it's not likely anyone else will ever spend the time to read it – whether you're competing in a business plan competition or trying to raise money from investors. The shorter you can make your summary business plan, the better. Dig Deeper: How to Write a Great Business Plan How to Write a Summary Business Plan: A Few Don'ts Dig Deeper: 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Business Plan 1. 2. 3. 4.
