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Peace and Collaborative Development Network - Building Bridges, Networks and Expertise Across Sectors

Peace and Collaborative Development Network - Building Bridges, Networks and Expertise Across Sectors
PCDN is the leading global portal connecting over 31,800 individuals and organizations engaged in peacebuilding and collaborative development. To learn more about the network see: What others are saying about PCDN: The PCDN has emerged in a short time to become an absolutely essential resource for the peacebuilding field. Nowhere else can one find the tremendous range of information -- from articles on innovative ideas, to job postings and event announcements. PCDN supports its community members in very tangible ways.

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Craig Barton: Statistical Associates: Editorial Board (listed alphabetically) Micah Altman Director of Research - MIT Libraries Head/Scientist, Program on Information Science Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution USA Craig Barton Dissertation Chair The Graduate School Northcentral University USA Nate Breznau Postdoctoral Fellow Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of Sociology Germany Jonathon A. Cooper Assistant Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice Director Criminology Advising Center Indiana University of Pennsylvania USA GPI Map - 2010 < Global Peace Index < Vision of Humanity through See the latest peace news and research Contact us Vision of Humanity is an initiative of the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP). IEP have offices in New York and Sydney. For more specific inquiries related to the peace indexes and research, please contact IEP directly.

How Reliable Are the Social Sciences? The Stone is a forum for contemporary philosophers and other thinkers on issues both timely and timeless. Public policy debates often involve appeals to results of work in social sciences like economics and sociology. For example, in his State of the Union address this year, President Obama cited a recent high-profile study to support his emphasis on evaluating teachers by their students’ test scores.

How to teach Peace Day In an unsettled world, the UN International Day of Peace on 21 September is an opportunity to reflect on peace and reconciliationboth globally and in our personal lives at school and home. It is also a day of practical action, to make acts of peace and observe a day of worldwide ceasefire and non-violence. We have some powerful resources on the Guardian Teacher Network to use on Peace Day and beyond. Peace One Day (POD), founded by filmmaker Jeremy Gilley, has some stirring and engaging resources.

Independent Researchers for Hire - Locations Note: To ensure fairness, this list displays in random order each time it is viewed. Be sure to view the entire list. Diane RovedoHallett’s Comet140 Beech StFranklin, MA 02038Telephone: (774)571-0281E-mail: hallettscomet@gmail.comResearch Specialty: Historical and genealogical records research (including photographic and still images) at all NARA facilities in New England and New York; The American Antiquarian Society and its affiliates; Presidential Libraries in the Northeast, and State Libraries. Other research inquiries considered, including Land, Court, and Military Records. Cynthia CampbellThe Center for African American Genealogical Research, Inc. (CAAGRI)225 Industrial Ct Ste 100Fredericksburg, VA 22408Telephone: (540) 785-9925E-mail: research@caagri.orgResearch Specialty: African American, Native American, Census, Military, Court Records, Genealogy and Family History, Civil War, Slavery.

What Should We Call Social Media OK, I am apparently very late to the party, but this was a revelation and I can’t just not share. I apologize in advance if I’m posting something old. So you know this really stupid thing that happens with links? It’s actually the worst thing in the world. WELL, to fix the problem, all you have to do is copy & paste the link here. Global Campaign for Peace Education A Note from the Editors: Each month the GCPE newsletter features a lead article highlighting perspectives on peace education research, practice, and policy from peace educators from around the world to provde readers with multiple perspectives on our wide and rapidly developing field. We encourage you, the readers, to critically engage with these perspectives as you reflect upon your own work and practice. We also invite you to contact us with your comments and for the possibility of contributing articles for future issues. The challenge of abolition of war will be addressed at the International Institute on Peace Education (IIPE) 2014, taking place July 6-13 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Participants will inquire into how peace educators, activists, and scholars contribute to the challenge of the global war system and transcending a century of worldwide wars. Dialogue is the most consciously engaged of these practices at IIPE.

Becoming a consultant For the right person, working as an independent consultant can have many advantages, including setting one's own schedule and priorities, working with a variety of clients, and developing a wide range of personal skills and experience. However, like any start-up, launching your own consulting business involves some financial risk and a great deal of personal commitment. While working independently often provides for greater personal freedom, it may also involve an inconsistent workload and an unpredictable income. Consultants must be well-organized and self-disciplined in order to effectively manage their time and resources while working with several different clients at any given time.
