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Make Your Own Electrolyte Energy Drink

Make Your Own Electrolyte Energy Drink
Gatorade, PowerAde, electrolyte pumped-up sports drinks…they’re good for you, right? You see athletes chugging down bottles of the neon-colored liquid in every ad and real life, surely they do something, and they do. They help you maintain your body’s balance of electrolytes during or after periods of heavier exercise. But when you look closer, you’re really just paying an outrageous price for glorified, brightly colored, sugar water. An overload of processed and refined sweetener (in the case of sports drinks, high-fructose corn syrup) is never a good thing. And while artificial flavors and colors don’t technically do much to your health, a part of me just shies away from the idea of ingesting things that are “fake.” We’ve been led to believe by certain companies that we need an extra-special drink to recover from some sweat. Ingredients: Lemons, limes, oranges, salt, honey, water, coconut water, sugar, strawberries. Lay-Low Recipe You will need… Directions Bright ‘n Early Recipe Related:  HomemadeDiseases

Video: 6 Home Remedies for Acid Reflux Acid reflux is painful. Food and acid splash into the esophagus and cause belching, heartburn and, in some severe cases, chest pains. Some individuals have experienced pain so intense they thought they were having a heart attack. If you suffer from acid reflux, you need to take inventory of your life and determine what’s causing or exacerbating the problem. 1. Increasing natural production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is the first step to preventing acid reflux symptoms. I also recommend taking a plant derived Betaine HCL supplement before meals. 2. Processed foods and sugars are almost a guaranteed way to exacerbate acid reflux and create a bacterial imbalance in the stomach and intestinal tract. 3. Enzymes are found in abundance in raw food but the act of cooking food over 116° Fahrenheit destroys the health promoting enzymes. 4. I recommend taking one tablespoon of raw organic apple cider vinegar mixed in about 4 ounces of purified water before each meal. 5. 6. – Dr.

Home Remedies for Cramps [Menstrual and PMS] For many years, I would treat any pain that came my way with a big dose of prescription or over-the-counter medications. Muscle pain. Headaches. PMS. Menstrual Cramps. Now, I take a more natural approach. In addition to being mindful of what I eat (I have far fewer symptoms when I avoid chemically-laden processed food), I drink an herbal tea that helps alleviate, and even prevent cramps. Here are the Key Players Nettle Nettle is well-known as a uterine tonic. The calcium content makes it an excellent herb to take for easing leg cramps and muscle spasms. (Learn how to identify and harvest your own nettle here, or purchase organic nettle leaves here.) Alfalfa Alfalfa is rich in essential vitamins and minerals, like those found in nettle. (Purchase organic alfalfa leaves here.) Lady’s Mantle Lady’s Mantle is an astringent herb that works well on hollow organs like the uterus. (Purchase organic Lady’s mantle here.) Red Raspberry Leaf (Find red raspberry leaf here.) Lemon Balm Ingredients Directions

Make Your Own Detox Drink for Daily Enjoyment & Cleansing Whether you’re just trying to steer clear of the sugary drinks, or aim to really help your body flush out any toxins lurking in your system, this refreshing blend of foods and flavors will satisfy your tastebuds needs. Included: Watermelon/cucumber, lemon/lime, mint leaves, and water. Why Watermelon (or cucumber): Watermelon helps the body flush out toxins because it contains the organic compound citrulline, which is an amino acid that has been shown to help the liver and kidneys filter and get rid of ammonia. Why water: H20 is just plain good for us, but it’s thought that it helps flush nasty toxins and waste through our system, giving organs like the liver and kidney an easier time doing their job. Why lemon (or lime): Lemon or lime juice helps stimulate and regulate the digestive track (which is why it’s so helpful with constipation, heartburn and gas), stimulates bile production, and thins out bile, which allows it to flow more freely. Watermelon & mint Cucumber & lemon. Flavor Tips

Greener Eating: Search results for cafe rio These are really good in taco salad! Squeeze a little lime on top, and voila! (Marian found the original recipe here.) I'm posting pressure cooker instructions. If you don't have a pressure cooker, just adjust the liquid amount and cook the beans as you normally would. 1 lb dry black beans, rinsed and sorted 1 c. tomato sauce/juice/whatever 3 1/2 c. water 1/2 large sweet onion (or 1 regular onion), chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced 1/2 T. salt 1 to 2 T. cumin (depending on desired spiciness) • Put all ingredients in a pressure cooker. • Cook on high pressure, 50 minutes, natural release.

Make Your Own All-Natural Sleep Aid “Nothing cures insomnia likethe realization that it’s time to get up.”~Author Unknown I am fairly confident that most of us, at some time in our lives, have experienced trouble sleeping. For some of us sleeplessness can come during times of transition…like when we move into a new home or travel. Then there’s the type of insomnia that carries on for a couple to three weeks and is usually caused by anxiety or stress. On the other hand, it’s chronic insomnia — or poor quality of sleep occurring three or more nights a week for months at a time – which can be a real cause for concern and generally requires an investigation to uncover the root cause of the problem. Tips to Help You Sleep Root causes for insomnia include a variety of medical, physical and lifestyle components. But in the meantime, there are several tips you can follow that may help you sleep better. Create a bedtime routine. Herbs that Help Herbs such as: An All-Natural Sleep Aid And the secret is the Valerian. Ingredients Method 1. 2.

10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts Warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which has over 100 types. Different types affect people in different ways, usually depending on the strength of their immune system. Some strains (like the one that causes common warts) are relatively harmless, while others can pose much more serious problems. Because warts are caused by a virus, they can be spread to other parts of your body and to other people as well. If mainstream methods have not worked for you (or you’d rather avoid treatments involving strange chemicals) try some of these straightforward home remedies for warts instead. 1. ACV is an all-star in the world of home remedies, so it’s not surprising that it’s first on a list of how to get rid of your wart. You will need… -Roughly 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar -Cotton balls or a piece of cotton cloth -A bandage, gauze, or another piece of cloth Directions Soak a cotton ball or a piece of cotton fabric in apple cider vinegar. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Tips:

Sandra's Easy Cooking: Ginger, Lemon and Honey Tea Ginger your life.... I am pretty sure that most of you are familiar with Ginger or Ginger root, but if not let get through some facts and benefits of Ginger. Ginger is a native Asian vegetable(herb). Ginger is also a Rhizome which means mass of root. Meaning, If a rhizome is separated into pieces, each piece may be able to give rise to a new plant. There is two kinds of ginger available, young and mature. Ginger have pretty strong flavor and I wouldn't recommend for you to eat it alone, instead it's used in varieties of dishes, desserts and teas too. When it's cooked of course strong flavor from fresh ginger disappear but overall increases and transformers any dish in more flavorful taste. Ginger is well known as a natural remedy for centuries reliving motion and morning sickness to helping cancer patients especially after chemotherapy. Additional benefits: A review published by the National Institute of Health lists ginger as a plant with one of the highest amounts of antioxidants. Lemon

Zesty Cilantro Lime Roasted Chicken If you're new here, you may want to sign up for FREE weekly updates delivered to your inbox featuring Real Food recipes, nutrition & health articles, and special discounts or promotions. P.S. This post may contain affiliate links to products or services I use, enjoy, or recommend. By making purchases through these links, you are supporting the companies or products I believe in, and you're supporting Food Renegade. Chicken from pastured hens is split, marinated in a blend of cilantro and lime, and oven roasted to create this flavorful dish shared with us by Megan Keatley of Health-Bent. Roasted chicken is a comfort meal that speaks to all regions of the U.S. Zesty Cilantro Lime Roasted Chicken The Players The How-To Get your chicken out of the fridge pronto. Now we’re going to split the chicken in half — trying to get it to lay flat as it can. In your food processor, puree the lime zest & juice, green onions, garlic, olive oil and salt. Preheat your oven to 400F.

MYO Natural Ginger-Based Pain Killing Press Photo credit: A world famous researcher on the therapeutic effects of common household spices, Dr. Krishna Srivastava, conducted a study at Odense University in Denmark, and found that ginger is a superior pain relieving remedy, more so than many of the over the counter pain relievers sold today. Common over the counter pain remedies such as ibuprofen and naproxen, although effective on some types of pain, have no effect on the production of cytokine. Cytokines are substances that can have an inflammatory effect in the body and are a major contributor to pain signals the body receives. In this study, both betamethasone and ginger were effective in reducing cytokines but ginger has absolutely no side effects, something betamethasone cannot claim. Dr. This study was published in the Journal of Pain and it mentioned that both raw ginger and powdered ginger all had the same effectiveness against inflammation and pain. SEE ALSO: Natures Best Pain Killers Right from Your Kitchen!

15 Natural Remedies for Heartburn & Severe Acid Reflux Heartburn is something that most adults will experience during their lifetime. It is characterized by an uncomfortable burning sensation right behind the breastbone that often times creeps up the throat, and is a symptom more so than a disease. It is caused by acid reflux, which occurs when the ring of muscle that allows food into your stomach (the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES) relaxes when it shouldn’t. The result is acid from your stomach goes back up your esophagus, which then causes the sensation of heartburn. 1. A spoonful of sodium bicarbonate, or teaspoon-full to be exact, can help put an end to the gnawing, burning, sensation of heartburn caused by acid reflux. You will need… -1/2 teaspoon or 1 teaspoon of baking soda -a glass of fresh water Directions Mix either a ½ teaspoon or 1 single teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water that is no more than 8 ounces. 2. You will need… -1/2 cup aloe vera juice 3. You will need… -1 piece of sugar-free gum 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

25 Great Quotes to Inspire and Brighten Your Day Here’s a collection of great quotes by some of the most inspirational men and women that ever walked this earth. Hopefully you’ll find them inspirational in some way. If you do like them and find them helpful, check out our similar posts by visiting the links listed below. We have created over 20+ of these galleries, so there is lots more to be seen. Also, be sure to inspire your friends, family and coworkers by sharing some great quotes with them. More popular quotations: – 25 Inspirational Quotes – Great quotes to ponder upon Check out all of our galleries with nice quotes here: More great quotes:

Raspberry Jell-O Salad Sarah Hatfield, No Whey Mama – Here’s my friend Tracy’s raspberry salad recipe. This is going to be a part of our dairy-free Thanksgiving. Photo credit: Kraft Foods Raspberry Jell-O Salad approximately 35 ounces of applesauce* 2 small or one large package of raspberry Jello 16-20 ounces of frozen raspberries Set the raspberries out to thaw a bit while you heat the applesauce until it starts to boil. *Tracy usually buys a large (50 oz.) jar of applesauce and measures out the amount she needs. If you liked this post, please share it … Tagged Christmas, egg-free, food allergy-friendly, gluten-free, grain-free, nut-free, peanut-free, soy-free 25 Ways to Use Aloe Vera That Will Blow Your Mind! Photo credit: Aloe Vera is one of the most popular houseplants around. It’s easy to grow, and has a reputation for being great in the kitchen for common household burns. Most people, however, have no idea about the almost magical healing compounds that this spiky little houseplant contains. Inside the leaves of these plants is a clear, sticky, gel-like substance that has a long history of being used for both health and beauty purposes. Aloe vera is known to have at least 6 types of natural antiseptics, which can kill viruses, bacteria, and fungus. If you decide to take this gel orally, be sure you get the OK from your doctor. Keep reading for 25 fascinating ways you can use aloe vera that will blow you away! 1. Dab some of the gel onto herpes sores and let the gel dry. 2. You can make your feet baby soft by mixing half a cup of oatmeal, half a cup of corn meal, and about 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel. 3. Don’t bother with those chemically filled shaving gels! 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
