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Article: Planning CLIL lessons

Article: Planning CLIL lessons
By John Clegg To overcome the language barrier, CLIL teachers need to plan their lessons to include language support as well as content teaching. John Clegg explores the strategies that can be applied. Teaching in L1 If you teach a subject in the first language (L1) of your learners – or in a language in which they are fluent – there are some things which you normally feel you can count on. a) Basic language ability Most teachers feel they can count on their learners being able to use the language of learning; in other words that they can talk without struggling with vocabulary and syntax; that they can listen with reasonable understanding to people talking at some length about a topic; and that can read and write at least at a minimally skilled level. If you teach your subject in a second language (L2), you know that you normally can’t count on these things. b) Academic language proficiency The truth is that schools don’t often teach these skills explicitly. Teaching in L2 Related:  clil

A framework for planning a listening skills lesson In this article I intend to outline a framework that can be used to design a listening lesson that will develop your students' listening skills and look at some of the issues involved. The basic frameworkPre-listeningWhile listeningPost-listeningApplying the framework to a songSome conclusions The basic framework The basic framework on which you can construct a listening lesson can be divided into three main stages. Pre-listening, during which we help our students prepare to listen.While listening, during which we help to focus their attention on the listening text and guide the development of their understanding of it.Post-listening, during which we help our students integrate what they have learnt from the text into their existing knowledge. Pre-listening There are certain goals that should be achieved before students attempt to listen to any text. While listening When we listen to something in our everyday lives we do so for a reason.

CO-CLIL HANDBOOK Language in content instruction download pdf As its title indicates, it is a Handbook with a specific focus on Language in Content Instruction. It offers information, advice and encouragement on the everyday practicalities of a wide range of relevant matters such as the learning of vocabulary, the role of grammar, the teaching of listening, speaking, reading & writing, the development and the application of thinking skills and learning strategies, the opportunities offered through task-based instruction and the possibilities which arise in the area of assessment and evaluation. KEY COMPETENCES FOR LIFELONG LEARNING European Reference Framework download pdf Competences are defined here as a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the context. AM I READY TO BE A TEACHER TRAINER? Read on the web download pdf CLIL: A lesson framework download pdf See the video The you tube video is called “Why CLIL?”. European Framework for CLIL Teacher Education download pdf

Cereali integrali e raffinati: tra mito e realtà - Project inVictus Giustamente quasi tutti prediligono, o dovrebbero farlo, i cibi integrali rispetto a quelli raffinati. Tuttavia non è tutto oro quello che è integrale e non è sempre tutto da scartare quello che è raffinato. In Cina negli ultimi 30 anni è scoppiata un’epidemia di diabete e di persone affette da insulino resistenza, contemporaneamente, in questo lasso di tempo, i cinesi sono passati da un’alimentazione completamente integrale a mangiare riso brillato. E’ questa la causa di questa impennata di malattie metaboliche? Indice e carico glicemico tra alimenti raffinati ed integrali L’errore di fondo nell’esaltare eccessivamente i cereali integrali sta nel pensare che biochimicamente siano completamente diversi rispetto a quelli raffinati. Biodisponibilità nei cerali integrali e raffinati Un’altra questione riguarda il contenuto di vitamine e minerali tra i cereali integrali e quelli raffinati. Prima di concludere un’ultima precisazione. Perché i cinesi sono diventati diabetici?

Useful links for CELTA Anyone following my blog will know that CELTA took over my life in August last year (2014), and will continue to dominate until the same time this year (2015). I’ve been building this list in my head for a while, and it’s finally time to get it onto the blog. It’s arranged into categories, with subtitles and topics in bold to help you navigate. There’s a lot here, so just use the bits you need as you need them rather than trying to look at all of them – if not, you’ll end up being overwhelmed! A quick way to find what you need it to press CTRL + F (CMD + F on a Mac) and type a key word connected to what you’re struggling with, like ‘TTT’, ‘instructions’ or ‘writing’ – this will take you straight to the relevant section. Please let me know if any of the links are broken so I can update them, and feel free to add suggestions to the comments. Before the course CELTA is a very intensive experience, and it’s important to know what you’re getting yourself into. Is the CELTA worth it? Top Reading

CLIL activities and materials | Lenguas extranjeras y algo más En esta entrada, me gustaría facilitar a los profesores CLIL enlaces útiles e interesantes sobre algunas de las materias. Ni son todos los que están, ni están todos los que son, pero es cierto que, al ser un tema relativamente nuevo, hay poca literatura sobre él, lo que hace que la elaboración de unidades resulte complicado. Lo que he realizado ha sido unas cuantas búsquedas, observado y analizado el material, y añadido aquello que he considerado que puede ser provechoso en el aula. La puesta en práctica y su posterior evaluación… te toca a tí ;). Espero que lo que describo a continuación te sea de utilidad. Ten en cuenta que algunas actividades para descargar son totalmente gratuitas, como las de Teaching English, mientras que otras, como algunas de One Stop English, requieren suscripción o son de pago. En primer lugar, podrás ver enlaces sobre metodología y cómo organizar la clase. Vamos allá. Esta Wiki llamada Coordinación Bilingüe es un verdadero tesoro. Material CLIL por áreas Arte

untitled English-Portuguese Glossary about Vegetables alfalfa sprouts (Medicago sativa) - alfafa arracacha (Arracacia xanthorriza) - mandioquinha, b atata-baroa arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) - araruta artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) - alcachofra arugula, rucola (Eruca sativa L.) - rúcula asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) - aspargo aubergine (eggplant in the US) (Solanum melongena) - beringela barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) - cevada basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) - manjericão bay leaf (Laurus nobilis L.) - louro bean sprouts (Vigna radiata L.) ou (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.) - broto de feijão beet, beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) - beterraba bell pepper, sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. annuum) - pimentão amarelo, pimentão vermelho black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) - feijão-preto broad beans, fava beans (Vicia faba L.) - favas broadleaf wild leek, wild leek, leek, elephant garlic (Allium ampeloprasum L.) - alho-porró, alho-poró, alho-porro broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck ) - brócolis cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) - repolho

GOING BILINGUAL. ESSENTIAL SECONDARY CLIL Mobile Learning and The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture I have jumped onto the Flipped Classroom craze to take the opportunity to propose and discuss an experiential model of education (ala John Dewey and Kurt Hahn), one that has experience at its core and provides learning options for all types of learners. In this model, the videos, as they are discussed in the flipped classroom. support the learning rather than drive it. My series on the Flipped Classroom – The Full Picture includes the following posts: This post continues the series by providing an overview of The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture using mobile devices. Each phase of the model has suggestions and ideas for mobile-driven learning activities which can be implemented on most devices. This supports Bring Your Own Devices programs and increases the chances students will use similar learning activities on their own devices outside of the classroom environment. Engaging Experience Photo and/or Video Examples of Real Life Situations. Concept Exploration Meaning Making Like this:

CLILingmesoftly | The practice and theory of CLIL 7+1 tips to make CLIL work with your class CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) has been adopted by a growing number of schools and language schools for a number of reasons, including more opportunities for language practice, motivation for learners who are interested in subjects other than English and developing 21st century skills. Yet, many educators often feel that the syllabus and previously followed practices, hinder CLIL and their students are deprived of the opportunity to reap benefits from its implementation. Indeed, habits from the past may jeopardize the efforts of the leadership and the teaching staff to facilitate learning and raise the standards. The following tips may help towards creating an environment that will allow CLIL to be fruitful and boost language production and reception : 1. Balance testing with language production time Tests are tangible, measurable and go down well with parents who feel that their kids are closely monitored. 2. 3. Νο! 4. 5. 6. 7. +1 Be consistent and patient

Five of the best CLIL resources online - CLIL Media In the posts on this website I usually share my opinion on CLIL as well as share some ideas of others. This time however, I would like to share CLIL resources that I think are really worth your time and can be used to advance both your knowledge of CLIL as well as help you with ideas for your lessons. 1. Peter Sansom’s Blog Peter Sansom is a Dutch Art and Design CLIL teacher who shares his lesson ideas on his blog. His regular updates and easy to read articles are a must read for every art teacher who uses CLIL. 2. CLIL and Drama, a perfect combination according to this website. Do you teach drama? 3. As CLIL has become a world wide phenomenon, a lot of research has been done to study its effects and results. If you are interested in more information regarding the research into CLIL, this is your place to be. 4. Combining CLIL and ICT was a theme of CLIL Magazine not long ago, and this website has taken this to the next level. 5. Ever in need of ideas? Conclusion

CLIL Learning Activities Repository
