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» Teaching Materials Zinn Education Project
Related:  Esclavage

CRDP-LR : Le français dans tous ses états, n°38 La démarche est pourtant lente et prudente : Montesquieu reste extrêmement timoré ; Voltaire lui-même ne prend pas position sur le fond ; il faut attendre Rousseau, dans le Contrat social, l’Encyclopédie (article " traite ") et surtout Condorcet (Réflexions sur l’esclavage des nègres), pour qu’une dénonciation formelle et théoriquement argumentée apparaisse. Enfin, l’évolution de la sensibilité collective au XVIIIe siècle favorise la remise en cause du système : les témoignages de voyageurs sur le traitement infligé aux esclaves émeuvent un public européen cultivé de plus en plus épris de " sensible " ; le goût de l’exotisme, le mythe du " bon sauvage " (voir Rousseau, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre) entraînent une révision de l’image du Noir, qui devient positive, donnant lieu à une série d’œuvres littéraires célébrant les esclaves (Zimeo de Saint-Lambert dont le héros est chef de " nègres marrons " ; L’Esclavage des nègres ou l’Heureux Naufrage d’Olympe de Gouges, joué en 1781).

Great Black Music - Les musiques noires dans le monde 7 Useful YouTube Channels for History Teachers One of my favorite things about Netflix streaming is that I can watch some great history documentaries on my laptop or tablet. As much as I enjoy a good documentary I also know that not everyone does. I also know that many students get bored by documentaries very quickly. On the other hand, short video clips can be helpful to help teachers illustrate a point or present a point in a different manner. If you're a history teacher, particularly a U.S. Hip Hughes History is a channel that Greg Kulowiec shared on Twitter a couple of weeks ago. Dizzo95 is the first YouTube channel that came to mind when I started to build this list. The U.S. The New York Historical Society has a YouTube channel that at first you might not think has anything of relevance to teachers and students outside of New York, but on further investigation you will find content like this playlist of videos about Frederick Douglass. World History & Other Stuff contains just what the title implies.

Sojourner Truth Biography Sojourner Truth is best known for her extemporaneous speech on racial inequalities, "Ain't I a Woman?" delivered at the Ohio Women's Rights Convention in 1851. Synopsis Born in New York circa 1797, Sojourner Truth was the self-given name, from 1843 onward, of Isabella Baumfree, an African-American abolitionist and women's rights activist. Born Into Slavery Born Isabella Baumfree circa 1797, Sojourner Truth was one of as many as 12 children born to James and Elizabeth Baumfree in the town of Swartekill, in Ulster County, New York. After the colonel's death, ownership of the Baumfrees passed to his son, Charles. Becoming a Wife and Mother Around 1815, Truth fell in love with a slave named Robert from a neighboring farm. Early Years of Freedom The state of New York, which had begun to negotiate the abolition of slavery in 1799, emancipated all slaves on July 4, 1827. Sojourner Truth's early years of freedom were marked by several strange hardships. Fighting for Abolition and Women's Rights

The ALL-TIME 100 Albums - TIME In 1959, Miles Davis had already remade jazz in his own image several times over. The Birth of Cool introduced a smooth, sophisticated approach, and then Walkin’ heated things up again. His classic ’50s quintet raised the bar for small-group improvisation. But when he assembled an unprecedented all-star team (featuring John Coltrane and Cannonball Adderley on tenor and alto saxophones, and the masterful pianist Bill Evans) for the two-day sessions that became the Kind of Blue album, Miles left his most lasting mark. The open-ended songs, barely sketched out around “modes,” or scales, rather than chord changes, were given just one or two takes — and the glorious results, the best-selling jazz disc of all time, are simultaneously delicate and powerful, and teeming with life. Next Here’s Little Richard

Presentations and Activities - For Teachers Presentations look across the American Memory collections to investigate curricular themes. They include historical background, helping to tell the story behind the theme. American Memory TimelineA comprehensive look at America's history, through primary sources... a teacher's wish, come true! TeachersStudents (Gr. 8- 12) The Branding of AmericaWhat are "brand name" products? ElectionsHow have elections changed over time? TeachersStudents (Gr. 5- 12) Fill up the CanvasWhat was the historical significance of the Lewis and Clark expedition? TeachersStudents (Gr. 4-12) From Fantasy to FlightUse these Resources from the Library of Congress documenting the history of flight the dreams, fantasies, experimentation and inventions that came before and after the historic achievement of the Wright brothers. TeachersStudents (Gr. 5-12) The Great American PotluckWhat can we learn about a nation from its food? TeachersStudents (Gr. 4- 12) TeachersStudents (Gr. 6-12) TeachersStudents of all ages

Sojourner Truth Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Sojourner Truth Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Née dans l'ancienne colonie hollandaise du comté d'Ulster, au sein d'une famille de 13 enfants, elle ne parlait que le néerlandais lorsqu'elle fut vendue à l'âge de 11 ans. De par sa condition d'esclave, elle fut unie contre son gré à Thomas Jeffery Harvey, un esclave plus âgé. En 1827, elle s'enfuit de la ferme de John Dumont, son troisième maître, pour trouver refuge au Canada avec Sophie, la plus jeune de ses filles, alors enfant en bas âge, et cela un an avant l'abolition de l'esclavage dans l'État de New York (1828). En 1857, Truth se déplaça dans le Michigan, où elle continua à défendre sa cause. Après la guerre civile, Sojourner Truth s'attacha à faciliter la recherche d'emplois des réfugiés noirs. En 1997, le robot de la mission sonde spatiale de la NASA Mars Pathfinder fut baptisé "Sojourner", en la mémoire de l'abolitionniste Sojourner Truth. Hommage[modifier | modifier le code]

l'histgeobox Lists of Images on Popular Topics (Prints and Photographs Reading Room, Library of Congress) Architecture | History and Events | People (portrait lists) | Related Resources Prints & Photographs Division staff have selected sets of images on frequently requested topics, focusing on images for which there are no known restrictions. Architecture History and Events People (portrait lists) Related Resources Several Library of Congress American Memory sites also offer selected images on particular themes:

Olaudah Equiano If it weren’t for “The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano”, or “The Gustavus Vassa”, the world may not have known about Equiano from a closer perspective. Both these books were written by the author/poet himself, where he talks about his early life and coming of age experience. Olaudah Equiano was somewhere around 1745 (the exact date is unknown and mostly misrepresented in most of the biographies), in “Eboe” – Guinea. In different areas of modern Nigeria, “Eboe” is known as Igbo or Ibo. At the age of 11, young Equiano was playing in the local vicinity of his tribe, when out of nowhere; a group of hooligans kidnapped him and his sister. Olaudah Equiano’s biography is present in different forms. Based on the biographical records of Olaudah Equiano, late authors have written that Equiano’s origins maybe didn’t have a sense of legitimacy. The Summer of 1754: Of all the years that Equiano lived, the Summer of 1754 was somewhat different.

Pata Pata Parmi les mélodies qui me hantent depuis ma plus lointaine enfance, figure un refrain lancinant et tenace qui revient sans prévenir aux moments les plus inattendus. Lorsque le corps occupé à quelque tâche aussi fastidieuse qu’essentielle permet à l’esprit avide de flânerie, de puiser motif à évasion dans ses archives intérieures. Pas une mélodie mais un film, une épopée que dis-je une saga illuminée de soleil, de fraternité et de lutte. Tout ça en un éclair, le temps d’une petite ritournelle sifflotée sans y prendre garde. C’est ainsi, par sa chanson phare Pata Pata, longtemps après qu’elle l’ait interprétée pour la première fois, que j’ai connu l’incomparable Miriam Makeba... Et invariablement cela me ramène en un clip décapant à Alger fin des années 60, un de ces moments fondateurs et mythiques comme l’histoire en connaît peu mais un épisode que je connais mieux que si je l’avais réellement vécu.

Google Labs News Timeline News Timeline [] is a new Google Labs feature, which organizes news stories and other information by date. It allows users to view news and other data sources on a browsable, graphical timeline. The Google engineer who built it, Andy Hertzfeld, says he was inspired by Google Maps, but instead of letting people navigate through space, he wanted to let them navigate through time. The depth and richness of the available datasets is impressive: news, magazines, blogs, TV shows, music, video games,... As this news will distract you from your work anyway, you can also check out the recent Google Labs Similar Images page, which lets you refine image searches by visual similarity. Via TechCrunch.

Olaudah Equiano Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Olaudah Equiano, né vers 1745 à Isseke au Biafra dans l'actuel Nigeria et décédé dans le Cambridgeshire le 31 mars 1797, plus connu en son temps sous le nom de Gustavus Vassa[1], fut un esclave, affranchi, marin et écrivain britannique calviniste[1] d'origine africaine, qui vécut principalement dans les colonies britanniques d'Amérique et au Royaume-Uni. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Page de garde de The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa the African, written by himself (1789). Il devint une figure influente de l'abolition de l'esclavage et accompagna l'installation des premiers anciens esclaves noirs jusqu'à Freetown au Sierra Leone[3]. Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] ↑ a, b, c, d et e Nelly Schmidt, L'abolition de l'esclavage : cinq siècles de combats XVIe-XXe siècle, Fayard, Paris, 2005, p. 137↑ Les origines d'Olaudah Equiano sont controversées. Sons of Africa
