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How to Use Eye Contact to Improve Your Business and Love Life

How to Use Eye Contact to Improve Your Business and Love Life
In our first post in this two-part series on eye contact, we discussed the importance of eye contact and some of the reasons we don’t always feel comfortable looking someone in the eye. But just because eye contact is a great thing and a vital tool for improving the quality of all your face-to-face interactions with others, doesn’t mean that more eye contact is always better or that all eye contact is created equal. You have to do it right—at the right time and in the right way. How to do that is what we’ll be exploring today. We’ll start off with a primer on how to make good eye contact in general conversational situations, and then we’ll tackle eye contact tips for specific scenarios. General Principles for Making Effective Eye Contact Eye contact begets eye contact. But don’t be a creeper. Thus good eye contact is based on mutuality. “In order for eye contact to feel good, one person cannot impose his visual will on another; it is a shared experience. Don’t overdo it. Hide your eyes. Related:  ukundrotaite

Social Intelligence Competencies Predict Transformational Leadership Style and Effectiveness Richard Branson on Self-Awareness for Leadership Growth Editor's Note: Entrepreneur Richard Branson regularly shares his business experience and advice with readers. Ask him a question and your query might be the inspiration for a future column. Q: What are the key personal characteristics that go hand-in-hand with business success? -- Titto Mbuvi All sorts of people find success as entrepreneurs, in every profession and area of life. Like most other companies, we at the Virgin Group have experienced a number of failures along with our successes -- it is so easy to get things wrong. This is what happened when we launched Virgin Cola in 1994. But as time went on, we realized that we'd failed to adhere to our own rules. With Virgin Cola, we were so intent on repeating our model that led to previous successes that we didn't notice the problems with our idea. I've found that knowing your business and yourself can also help you to know when to follow your instincts, so you can find the courage to move ahead and ignore the advice of naysayers.

60 Inconvenient Personal Development Truths I know you want to be the best you can be. We all do. But sometimes we look for success in the wrong places or we try to achieve it in the wrong ways. Here are 60 inconvenient truths about personal development to help you stay on track. The acquisition of knowledge doesn’t mean you’re growing. And remember, the extra mile is the stretch of road that’s never crowded. Photo by: Moiht Related 101 Simple Truths We Often Forget It‘s not where we stand but in what direction we are moving. January 15, 2012 In "Hacks" 9 Addictions 90% of Us Struggle With We are addicted to our thoughts. May 17, 2015 In "Aspirations" 10 Good Reminders for Stressful Times “Fall seven times, stand up eight!”

Can You Really Improve Your Emotional Intelligence? - Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic Who wouldn’t want a higher level of emotional intelligence? Studies have shown that a high emotional quotient (or EQ) boosts career success, entrepreneurial potential, leadership talent, health, relationship satisfaction, humor, and happiness. It is also the best antidote to work stress and it matters in every job — because all jobs involve dealing with people, and people with higher EQ are more rewarding to deal with. Most coaching interventions try to enhance some aspect of EQ, usually under the name of social, interpersonal, or soft skills training. The underlying reasoning is that, whereas IQ is very hard to change, EQ can increase with deliberate practice and training. But what is the evidence? Nearly 3,000 scientific articles have been published on EQ since the concept was first introduced in 1990, and there are five key points to consider: Everyone can change, but few people are seriously willing to try. 2. 4) Some techniques (and coaches) are more competent than others.

How To Stand Out At Work Nowadays, it seems like many employees at work really zone in on the job requirements of their position. Some employees will make sure they stick within their job requirements and do not do much more. Others will work very hard at their job and excel in it. However, there is a minority group of employees who really step up and contribute in any way they can. So, how can you stand out at work? If you want a chance to advance in your company, you will have to be a part of that latter group. If you do your job and do it well, you will brand yourself into a person really good in that job. What Else Am I Supposed To Do Besides My Job? I think many people do not realize while you were hired to do a job, it’s also your responsibility to be a part of the company and to do whatever it takes for the company to be successful. These are the top 10 things that I think are important for everyone to do. 1. Start with your own job and if you have a way it can be done more efficiently, suggest it. 2. 3. 4.

How To Finish A Presentation (Speeches) Having trouble getting the reaction you want from an audience after finishing your presentation? This video from VideoJug will give you the tools you'll need to leave your audience wanting more. Hi, I'm Simon Bucknall and in 2008 I won the European Championship of Public Speaking. At the Art of Connection we help ambitious professionals to connect with their audience. And we do it by bringing world class communication's expertise into the training room. To enable our clients to persuade, influence and inspire others. It's true in part, but what's really important about the conclusion to any speech or presentation is the call to action. That change could be large or small, but it has to be a change of some kind. And again, that's wrong. And that means that the last impression your audience has of you is the energy that was in the room for that final question. Two words that you should never end a presentation with are the words Thank You.

What Do Interns Want? 10 Characteristics That Attract Exceptional Interns - Intern Program Tips What Do Interns Want? 10 Characteristics That Attract Exceptional Interns Some employers believe that the current economy means companies have their choice of available interns. They think that, due to a shortage of employment opportunities, interns must be indiscriminately searching for any organizational opening. As a result, some companies have gotten lax in terms of learning what students really want in an internship; they’ve gotten lethargic about program development and promoting themselves to peak the interest of interns. While it is true that some companies have cut spending on internship programs, if you want to attract the top talent and achievers, you need to create a program that appeals to students. So what do interns look for when choosing a program? 10 Features Interns Look for in an Internship Program 1. Yes, many of these criteria are outside a company’s control. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. So how will interns know whether your internship program is top notch?

A Winter Weekend Cleanse Happy 2015, dear friends! I wasn’t sure about doing a detox post this year simply because it seemed predictable, but over the past couple weeks, my body told my brain to stop thinking so much and just do what I feel. Smart body. There are many reasons people feel the need to press the reset button this time of year. But how can we make this really easy? One smoothie. Detoxifying Habits It’s true that certain foods and herbs can aid in the detoxification process, but what else can we do to boost our cleansing process on a daily basis? Exercise: Moving our bodies is essential for balance and overall health because it creates the conditions to breathe deeply, stretch, circulate the blood and lymph, and sweat. Dry skin brushing: Dry skin brushing helps stimulate your lymphatic system, which is responsible for ridding the body of toxins. Take a sauna: Although it is a major eliminative organ, most people’s skin is very inactive. Below is a sample plan for the Winter Weekend Cleanse.

Simple Cultured Cabbage (Sauerkraut) This post may contain affiliate links. For more information, please see our privacy policy. How to make Homemade Sauerkraut (aka Simple Cultured Cabbage) a delicious tangy addition to many dishes. A potent health tonic brimming with gut-healing probiotics. Easy to make at home with just two ingredients! Gratitude can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. – Melody Beattie Cabbage and sea salt. One thing I love about making my own ferments is that I can control the taste. 8 Health Benefits of adding Fermented Foods to your meals Salt Matters Using a good clean salt without additives is important. Finely ground salt incorporates faster, helping the cabbage release juice more quickly which creates more brine and ensures a healthy ferment. Salt Ratio: Salts have different densities and weights. Flavorings Feel free to add flavorings to the kraut- caraway seeds, fresh ginger, fresh turmeric, onion, garlic cloves, dill or dill seeds, etc. Benefits of using Airlocks

When you should look them in the eye. by jgiggles Feb 27
