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Related:  Coding

Hopscotch, Programming Designed for Everyone: coding for kids Waterbear: Welcome Hopscotch HD for iPad Robo Logic Codecademy: Code Hour Make iOS, Android and Flash Games with Stencyl Build Worlds If you're used to graphics editors like Photoshop, you'll feel right at home in the Scene Designer. Familiar features, such as a selection tool, zooming, grid-snapping and flood fill, will help you quickly craft complex worlds out of Actors, Tiles and Terrain. Create Actors Drop in graphics from your computer to create Actors on the fly. Browse Game Assets When it comes to game development, most of us aren't Jacks of all trades. Easy Scratch Project Ideas for Kids | Computer Programming for Kids Scratch is an amazing programming environment for children to learn about computer programming. It’s graphical environment is so easy that most of us and kids as young as in 2nd grade will know how to work with it in less than an hour. Almost all kids and adults interested in computer programming will like to do more with it and in the process we may need some easy and interesting Scratch project ideas. There are thousand of projects are shared on Scratch website but let’s make a list over here to start with. This list shows beginner’s level Scratch project ideas. If you have already installed Scratch on your computer you will like to explore following Scratch projects. 1. We will keep updating this list.

RoboLogic Lite Innovative ways to get kids coding By Laura Devaney, Managing Editor, @eSN_Laura Read more by Laura Devaney Coding grows in popularity as advocates show students the fun side of programming Along with an increased call for more science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) funding is a movement to boost computer science’s visibility, due in part to the demand for qualified educated computer science professionals to fill a growing number of vacant spots in the field. Computer science fields, including coding and computer programming, are some of the fastest-growing field. But coding and computer science still struggle to attract women. (Next page: How to get more students coding)

Code Monster from Crunchzilla <h2>Code Monster gets kids excited about programming. It is a combination of a game and tutorial where kids experiment with learning to code. <p> Code Monster use Javascript. I'm Code Monster! Getting Started Lesson 1 BACK How to Play | Lesson Sections | About | FAQ | Terms of Use | Privacy | Contact | © 2015 How to Play Code Monster teaches kids and adults a little about Javascript programming! It's easy to play. Click on the Reset button if you really mess up your code and want to start over on a lesson. Code Monster saves what lesson you are on, so feel free to stop at any time and come back later. Have fun! About Code Monster from Crunchzilla is an interactive tutorial for kids that focuses on action. Projects start with simple boxes and colors, rapidly progressing into exciting experiments with simple animation and fractals. Code Monster is a gentle and fun introduction to programming concepts. Code Monster is based in Seattle, WA. Frequently Asked Questions Sure! Terms of Use Oh my.

Gamestar Mechanic Hopscotch HD for iPad 4 Ways To Teach Computing To A New Generation Of Kids Programming conferences are unlikely places to find teachers. But at the recent PyCon UK conference, in the Coventry Technocentre owned by Coventry University, teachers and programmers were working together and sharing their relative expertise. Why? Because they care deeply about teaching computing to young people. The UK government recently mandated that computer science be taught in British schools as a replacement for the much maligned IT curriculum that taught basic (and severely outdated) secretarial skills, with not much room for anything else. This has resulted in an explosion of innovative ways to teach computing to kids and teenagers. Python Few programming languages are quite so well suited for teaching beginners and children as Python. Python is a language that embraces simplicity and readability, and the Python developer community is infamous for being welcoming, conscientious and helpful. Raspberry Pi They’re cheap too, costing a paltry $25. Minecraft Or, is it? Scratch

Raspberry Pi: Baking Pi – Operating Systems Development This course has not yet been updated to work with the Raspberry Pi models B+ and A+. Some elements may not work, in particular the first few lessons about the LED. It has also not been updated for Raspberry Pi v2. Welcome to Baking Pi: Operating Systems Development! You can now help contribute to this tutorial on GitHub. This website is here to guide you through the process of developing very basic operating systems on the Raspberry Pi! This course takes you through the basics of operating systems development in assembly code. Rather than leading the reader through the full details of creating an Operating System, these tutorials focus on achieving a few common tasks separately. 1 Requirements 1.1 Hardware In order to complete this course you will need a Raspberry Pi with an SD card and power supply. 1.2 Software In terms of software, you require a GNU compiler toolchain that targets ARMv6 processors. 2 Lessons
