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The Math Worksheet Discover The Forest Start Your Own Adventures... The forest and the outdoors are a place for adventure, learning, fun, and discovery! There are so many possibilities. It might be tough deciding where to begin. Check out these games and activities, which can help get you going. Forest Snapshot Game Get behind the lens and take photos of your favorite forest friends in their natural settings. Junior Ranger Program Join! Fun activities you can take offline!

1001 Math Problems Soutien scolaire gratuit - Sommaire SUITE À LA DISPARITION DE FLASH DE NOS ÉCRANS, IL FAUT DÉSORMAIS UTILISER LA NOUVELLE VERSION (Sans FLASH) Soutien scolaire gratuit - Ressources pour l'école élémentaire - Activités en ligne - Cours en ligne - Fiches imprimables Mathématiques - Français - Histoire - Géographie - Sciences Rechercher dans cette école : Des ressources théoriques et pratiques dans presque tous les domaines : Toutes les activités triées par classes : Des défis pour toutes et tous dans tous les domaine : La Clé du Dirlo est toujours en vente !... Rendez-vous dans la Boutique de l'école ^^ !... Copyright J'ai créé cet espace pour partager mon travail et en faire profiter le plus grand nombre. En effet, comme tout site, "L'école du Dirlo" relève de la législation française et internationale sur le droit d'auteur et la propriété intellectuelle. Si vous souhaitez utiliser mon travail d'une autre façon, merci de me contacter.

2nd Biannual NGSS STEM Education Conference Download the conference schedule and a map Session 1 Arms & Arteries: Adventures in Biomechanical Engineering Looking for ways to integrate engineering into your life science and biology classes? Try biomechanical engineering! Join us as we engineer ways to unclog arteries and construct prosthetic arms while incorporating key scientific principles and NGSS Science & Engineering Practices along the way. Download Session PDFs Session 2 Environmental Engineering: Life in the Bay Water Together we’ll design and build tools for exploring bay water. Session 3 Seismic Engineering Feeling a little shaky on how to teach engineering in your earth science unit? Session 4 Build a Battery of Batteries Come explore the physics and chemistry of simple batteries! Session 5 Build a Better Motor We’ll start by taking apart a spring-powered motor to see how it stores and releases energy, and then we’ll take apart a small electric motor to see how the magnets, wire coils, and electrical connections are arranged.

Puzzle Page Each week we'll upload a brand new puzzle, taken from the extensive library of Mathematic Teaching Journals. You can view all of our journals if you become a member today, for as little as £25 a year! Membership gives you access to the entire library, dating all the way back to issue 1. That is a LOT of puzzles AND articles AND research AND MATHS! Puzzle 3 - Taken from MT199 Puzzle 2 - Taken from MT198 Puzzle 1 - Taken from MT195 Le périmètre et l'aire - La classe d'Irys Par Irys10 dans Mathématiques le 15 Décembre 2013 à 11:25 Rappel ! On appelle polygone une figure plane fermée, limitée par des lignes droites, et ayant plusieurs côtés. Voici des documents sur les polygones, ils sont excellent ! Le périmètre est la mesure du contour d’une figure. L'aire est la mesure d'une surface.

Generadores online de material educativo Por Rosana Larraz | Actualizado el 11.02.14 | Publicado el 03.30.08 En esta sección encontrarás más de 150 herramientas gratuitas que permiten crear materiales didácticos (información, ejercicios, actividades, etc.) sin necesidad de tener que bajar un programa a tu ordenador. Si buscas herramientas que precisan la descarga de un programa o aplicaciones web gratuitas para crear material didáctico que no entran dentro de la categoría de “generadores”, consulta la sección dedicada a herramientas de autor y aplicaciones web gratuitas. En Cuaderno Intercultural nos esforzamos por actualizar y ampliar nuestros contenidos regularmente, te agradeceremos que nos hagas llegar tus sugerencias, comentarios y opiniones. Generadores de cuadernos, libros y publicaciones digitales Cuadernia online (Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de Castilla-La Mancha). Generadores de webquest y cazas del tesoro 1,2,3 tu WebQuest generador de webquest de Aula 21. Generadores de cuestionarios y ejercicios

Daily Hexa-Trex | Nucleus Learning | Nucleus Learning Unsolved Hexa Trex: Art With Mr. E: Line Design w/ Shading- The Steps Another MNPS art teacher showed me this project several years ago, and I really liked it. I tweeked it a bit here and there, but it is basically as he showed me. The students LOVE IT! I do this with 4th grade, but I guess you could try it with other grade levels. All you need is paper, Sharpie, and colored pencils! Start by drawing a curve line across the paper. Add 8 dots across the line. You will then start connecting the dots. This is a students work that's a great example of what it should look like.

Puzzle Levels Explained | Find the Factors The object of the FIND THE FACTORS 1 – 10 (or 1 – 12) puzzle is to write the numbers 1 to 10 (or 1 to 12) in the top row and again in the first column so that once the factors are found, the puzzle works as a multiplication table. All of the puzzles require a basic, but not necessarily quick or perfect, knowledge of all the multiplication facts from 1 to 10 or from 1 to 12. Each puzzle has only one solution, and it can be found using logic. Even though some of these puzzles can be completed by 3rd grade students, I know adults who have math or science related degrees who also solve them regularly regardless of the level of the puzzle. Once a level has been mastered, work on mastering the next level as well. Within each level some puzzles might be more difficult than others for a person to complete. Level ONE puzzles allow a person with only a limited understanding of division or factoring to solve and complete a puzzle. Like this: Like Loading...

Accueil Find the Factors | A Multiplication Based Logic Puzzle
