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What’s the Difference Between “Doing Projects” and “Project Based Learning”?

What’s the Difference Between “Doing Projects” and “Project Based Learning”?
Related:  Opetus, oppiminen

Myrskyisä murrosikä - Aivosolut järjestäytyvät uusiin asemiin | Ihmeelliset aivot Teini-ikäisen vanhemmat tietävät, että murrosikä tuntuu muuttavan lapsen persoonallisuuden melkeinpä yhdessä yössä. Vanhempien, opettajien ja muiden auktoriteettien sana ei enää paljoa paina eikä teini tunnu muutenkaan ottavan huomioon muuta kuin omat mielihalunsa. Ennen murrosikää aivojen hermosolumassan, harmaan aineen, määrä kasvaa ja murrosiän lähestyessä määrä alkaa taas pienentyä. Murrosiän myllerrystä selittävät muutokset johtuvat paitsi hormonitoiminnasta niin myös aivojen rakennemuutoksista. Ennen murrosikää aivojen hermosolumassan, harmaan aineen, määrä kasvaa ja murrosiän lähestyessä määrä alkaa taas pienentyä. Harmaan ja valkean aineen määrien muutokset jatkuvat ohimo- ja otsalohkossa varhaiseen aikuisuuteen, jopa 25 vuoden ikään asti – eli aivojen osalta murrosikä jatkuu paljon pidemmälle kuin yleisesti on määritelty. Tiedolliset taidot kehittyvät Ihmiselämän toisella vuosikymmenellä aivojen tiedonkäsittelyky tehostuu ja nopeutuu. Empatiakyky kateissa Lue lisää

The 8 Elements Project-Based Learning Must Have If you’re contemplating using Project-Based Learning or are already trying out the latest craze to hit the modern classroom, you should know about this checklist. It details if you’re actually doing it correctly. For example, does your project focus on significant content, develop 21st century skills, and engage students in in-depth inquirty (just to name a few)? If not, you might want to reconsider your PBL approach. See Also: What Is Project-Based Learning? The checklist is by the PBL masters over at BIE and they’ve outlined 8 different ‘essential elements’ that must be present in a project in order for it to be considered PBL. These elements are actually useful for even more than PBL. What do you think about this PBL Checklist? Via TeachBytes and

10 Apps For More Organized Project-Based Learning Project-Based Learning, by definition, is flexible. It encourages learner-centeredness, provides the possibility of more authentic work, and allows learners to self-manage and self-direct in places they used to have their hands held. But this has its drawbacks. Learning is a capacity-building endeavor that seeks to, well, build capacity will ironically depending on that same capacity to progress, There are a variety of ways to support students in project-based learning, including organized digital learning spaces that support creative thinking, collaboration, and ultimately project management. 1. Platform: iOS How It Can Help: Pure overkill for most classrooms, but if an extremely powerful productivity and project management is what you need and you’ve got a $50 iTunes card burning a hole in your pocket, this could be just what the doctor ordered. 2. Platform: iOS 3. Platform: Android & iOS How It Can Help: 4. Platform: iOS 5. Platform: Android & iOS 6. Platform: Android & iOS 7. 8. 9. 10.

work - mediaweaver - Gmail Highly trained, respected and free: why Finland's teachers are different In a quiet classroom adorned with the joyful creations of small children, Ville Sallinen is learning what makes Finland’s schools the envy of the world. Sallinen, 22, is teaching a handful of eight-year-olds how to read. He is nearing the end of a short placement in the school during his five-year master’s degree in primary school teaching. Viikki teacher training school in eastern Helsinki describes itself as a laboratory for student teachers. The school’s principal, Kimmo Koskinen, says: “This is one of the ways we show how much we respect teaching. Welcome to a country where teaching is a highly prized profession. Finland is going through a deep economic crisis, and there are financial pressures on schools, just as there are on the rest of the public sector. “Teachers need to have this high-quality education so they really do know how to use the freedom they are given, and learn to solve problems in a research-based way,” Krokfors says. “We want to produce cognitive dissonance.

The 7 Powerful Idea Shifts In Learning Today by Terry Heick, : Shift_Learning: The 7 Most Powerful Idea Shifts In Learning Today So we’re taking a stand here. This is all incredibly subjective, but so are the VH1 Top 100 Hair Bands Videos and those are fun, am I right? So subjective it is. Utopian visions of learning are tempting, if for no other reason than they absolve us of accountability to create itright now, leading to nebulous romanticizing about how powerful learning could be if we just did more of X and Y. But therein lies the rub: Tomorrow’s learning is already available, and below are 7 of the most compelling and powerful trends, concepts, and resources that represent its promise. The Challenge of Implementation It’s challenging enough to manage a traditional learning environment where the curriculum is handed to you, and meetings are set, and you’re simply there to manage; adding more ingredients to the mix seems like asking for trouble. None of it is really complicated—it just requires new thinking. 1. 2.

10 Practical Ideas For Better Project-Based Learning In Your Classroom By Jennifer Rita Nichols, TeachThought Intern Teachers are incorporating more and more projects into their curriculum, allowing for much greater levels of collaboration and responsibility for students at all levels. Project- based learning is a popular trend, and even teachers who don’t necessarily follow that approach still see the benefit to using projects to advance their students’ learning. Projects can be wonderful teaching tools. They can allow for a more student-centred environment, where teachers can guide students in their learning instead of using lectures to provide them with information. The increase in classroom technology also makes projects more accessible to students. Despite general agreement about the benefits of using projects and project-based learning in general, it must be noted that all projects are not created equal! This may happen fairly often because teachers are wary about being able to assign grades to the final assignments handed in to them by students.

Opettajan valmentava työote ja kohottava kohtaaminen Jokainen oppilas pitäisi kohdata koulussa yksilönä. Näiden kohtaamisten voima on suurempi kuin voimme kuvitella. Voimme kohdata oppilaita siten, että he lähtevät tilanteesta paremmalla mielellä kuin millä siihen tulivat, tai päinvastoin. Valmentava työote on kohottavaa kohtaamista. Opettajan tehtävä on kysyä kysymyksiä ja auttaa niiden avulla oppilasta löytämään ja asettamaan itselleen sopivia tavoitteita. Oppilaalta ei voi vaatia asioita joihin hän ei pysty. Valmentava työote on lempeä myös opettajalle itselleen. Oppilaiden onnistumiset ovat opettajan työn paras palkkio.
