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OLogy for Kids

OLogy for Kids
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Présentation | Mirage – réalité augmentée pour le numérique éducatif NOUVEAU ! Créez vos propres documents en réalité augmentée Qu'est ce que la réalité augmentée ? La réalité augmentée permet d’incruster des objets virtuels sur des marqueurs, qui sont des figures géométriques imprimées sur du papier. En pointant un smartphone ou une tablette vers ces marqueurs, l’utilisateur peut observer un objet (un bâtiment, une molécule, de l’information, des indices, …) sous tous les angles. Qu'est ce que la réalité virtuelle ? La réalité virtuelle permet d’immerger l’utilisateur dans un univers réel ou imaginaire, afin de simuler une situation problème à résoudre. Qui développe Mirage et dans quel but ? Mirage est développé par Marc Aurélien Chardine, professeur de sciences physiques au lycée Pierre Corneille à Rouen. Vous êtes professeur ? Les applications Mirage apportent de nouveaux outils pour les professeurs de toutes matières afin de rendre leur enseignement plus attractif. Vous êtes une entreprise ? Télécharger les applications Mirage

Portable Scanners, Mobile Translators, Reading Pens | Buy Online, Wizcomtech LTD Some of The Best iPad and Android Math Apps for Middle School Students January 22, 2016 In today's post, we have curated for you some of the best Math apps for middle school students. We included apps for both Android and iPad. The apps cover different mathematical skills and will definitely help students enhance their math learning and consequently perform better. Check them out and as always share with us if you have other suggestions to add to the list. iPad Math Apps for Middle Schoolers ‘Photomath is the world's smartest camera calculator! ‘Algebra Touch will refresh your skills using touch-based techniques built from the ground up for your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.’ 3- Mathmateer ‘While your rocket is floating weightlessly in space, the real fun begins! 4- Mathspace ‘Mathspace has arrived on the iPad/iPhone.- your favourite online Maths textbook, workbook and mark book just got better.Mathspace is the first computer based system that allows students to complete full worked solutions to problems online and receive instant feedback and help at every step.’

What Kids Can Do What Does E=mc2 Truly Mean? What does E=mc2, the most famous equation in history, mean? (Image Credit: PBS Space Time) Albert Einstein remains one of the greatest minds in history. His contributions to the fields of cosmology, physics and mathematics are unquantifiable, but arguably, the most important works were his theories of general and special relativity. Ultimately, they shed light on the intimate workings of the universe—from the nature gravity itself, to the outermost edges of black holes. If most people were to sum it up, they would say that the equation deals with the Mass–energy equivalence, which tells us that energy and matter are fundamentally the same thing. Over the course of a single year, we compile thousands of articles, and generate dozens upon dozens of high-quality videos and infographics. While the vast majority of websites have extensive teams of writers, editors, graphic designers, and videographers, FQTQ is run by just just two people: Jaime and Jolene.

Tessellations - M. C. Escher and how to make your own Tessellation Art Gravitational waves – your questions answered The final piece of Einstein's general theory of relativity, which has stubbornly evaded detection since his predictions a century ago, has been detected. Scientists announced today at a press conference they’ve successfully picked up gravitational waves, formed during the cataclysmic collision and fusion of two mammoth black holes 1.3 billion light-years away. Not only does this confirm Einstein’s predictions, it gives astronomers a new method of “seeing” the Universe. Nailing down gravitational waves – ripples through the fabric of space-time – has not been an easy task. Even Einstein was pessimistic about finding the miniscule vibrations. Indeed, in 2014 the astrophysics world was elated with the announcement that the Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarisation (BICEP2) telescope at the South Pole had picked up faint echoes of the Big Bang, only to have those hopes dashed when the signal turned out to be dust in our own galaxy. This time, though, it’s different.

Moon Phases / Lunar Phases Explained Have you ever wondered what causes the moon phases? We all know that its appearance changes over time. But why? © All Rights Reserved. Diagram Explanation The illustration may look a little complex at first, but it's easy to explain. Sunlight is shown coming in from the right. One important thing to notice is that exactly one half of the moon is always illuminated by the sun. So the basic explanation is that the lunar phases are created by changing angles (relative positions) of the earth, the moon and the sun, as the moon orbits the earth. If you'd like to examine the phases of the moon more closely, via computer software, you may be interested in this moon phases calendar software. Moon Phases Simplified It's probably easiest to understand the moon cycle in this order: new moon and full moon, first quarter and third quarter, and the phases in between. As shown in the above diagram, the new moon occurs when the moon is positioned between the earth and sun. The Moon's Orbit

Using Google Apps in a Math Classroom This week I am hosting some guest bloggers. This is a guest post from Bethany Mager. I have been teaching high school math for 12 years and I currently work to help teachers integrate technology in our 1:1 high school using Google Apps. Collaborative Challenge Problems The best part of using Google in the classroom is having students collaborate with each other on a document. Screenshots I love using online math tools in my classroom, including Desmos and GeoGebra. Images Of course, it’s true all math students must still do most of their work using pencil and paper. Students submitting images through Classroom also makes it really easy to share and discuss their or student work as a class. Forms One of the first things I used when we started using Google Apps was Forms.

COMMON CORE | Education Without Representation Ecco come funziona Mathpix, l'app che fotografa un'equazione e la risolve È un’app gratuita che riconosce le equazioni matematiche (scritte a mano) e le risolve in pochi secondi Pubblicato Più che un’evoluzione di una calcolatrice grafica è una sorta di Shazam del calcolo. Qualche giorno fa è stata lanciata Mathpix, una nuova app iOs (gratuita) che consente di puntare la fotocamera verso un’equazione matematica scritta a mano (con grafia leggibile) e calcolarne le soluzioni in pochi secondi. L’interfaccia di Mathpix si presenta come quella di una qualsiasi app per fotocamera: si trascina il reticolo sullo schermo sopra l’equazione e l’app la risolve e fornisce anche le risposte in termini di grafici del caso. Mathpix è stato concepito da Nico Jimenez, un dottorando di Stanford. Dopo averla provata, dobbiamo in effetti dire che l’applicazione è molto ben fatta, intuitiva e semplice nell’utilizzo, oltre che molto veloce. In sostanza, è uno strumento incredibilmente utile per un qualunque studente di una facoltà tecnico-scientifica. Segui

"Common Core" Teaches Communism Karen Schoen explains Common Core. “Hello Americans: Common Core IS NOT NEW. What is Common Core? 1. Although these items are dangerous, they are merely diversions to the real danger: Content and method of learning. 1. Charter schools will become industry specific training grounds using algorithms imbedded in technology to allow the government and industry to track your child into a career path in elementary school. 2. Whenever I give a seminar on Education, Common Core, Agenda 21, I am always asked why more parents are not involved. If civics was taught in school, the legislators would follow the Constitution and America would be a free society. Parents were trained to believe that their child should be dropped off at school, never question what the school is doing because after all the school knows what is best and the teachers have been trained. Once curiosity, creativity leading to invention is squashed, these desires do not go away they just manifest into something else. and parents

Super Teacher Tools Sports Themed Classrooms Throughout the month of June, I am going to run a Classroom Theme Series and feature a different popular classroom theme each day. Themes are a great way to tie everything in your classroom just have to be careful not to let them clutter your classroom :) Today we are going to lace up our sneakers for a Sports Theme! After gathering all of the ideas and creating my sports theme kit, I really want to use this as a theme. What a great way to emphasize teamwork and the importance of practicing something as a means of improvement. Use the acronym Together Everyone Achieves More Name your tables/reading groups sports or actual team names from your area. Instead of referring to your centers as “centers,” call them “positions.” Buy inflatable balls and bats and hang them from the ceiling. Cover pillows with sports team T-shirts. Refer to the childrens’ seating area as “The Bleachers.” Label your desk area as “The Coach’s Corner.” Hang a clipboard for each student. Our ___ Grade Goals Mr.
