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OpenSPARC T1 processor

OpenSPARC T1 processor
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Linux Fund: OGD1 Available for Grant Application and Purchase! The Open Graphics Device v1 is an open hardware prototyping platform based on a fully programmable FPGA semiconductor. The OGD1 features dual DVI-I outputs and 100-pin IDC connector for exceptional video and I/O flexibility. The Open Graphics Project designed and maintains the OGD1, and all of its schematics are available under an open source license. Linux Fund has build twenty-five OGD1's, ten of which will be given to developers who are committed to advancing the platform and twelve of which will be sold to cover the manufacturing costs. Developers: How to apply to receive an OGD1 The goal of this developer program is two-fold: To guarantee solid open source operating system driver support and to stimulate innovative uses of this unique computing platform. Interested developers are invited to write with a description of their background, technical qualifications and how they would use an OGD1. Limit one per customer.

La lib ration des Kurdes n'est pas un acte de bravoure Il convient de revenir sur la libération des Kurdes de l’Ile de Beauté par les juges des villes de Nîmes, Toulouse, Lyon, Marseille et Rennes trop souvent présentée par les médias comme un acte exceptionnel de bravoure ou de bravade de la part des juges. Il n’en est rien puisque les juges n’ont eu qu’à constater les innombrables fautes de procédure commises par les services de la préfecture de Bonifacio et du ministère de l’Immigration et mises en évidence par les avocats. Ces juges, gardiens des libertés individuelles en vertu de la Constitution de la République française, ont fait leur travail comme beaucoup le font chaque jour dans les dizaines de tribunaux de France lorsqu’ils constatent des irrégularités dans les procédures de reconduite à la frontière d’étrangers en situation irrégulière. Rappelons brièvement ce qu’est une irrégularité de procédure, car trop souvent elle est assimilée à l’absence d’une virgule ou d’un point dans un procès-verbal de police.

Quantum Computing: Will It Be a Leap in Human Evolution? Quantum computers have the potential to solve problems that would take a classical computer longer than the age of the universe. Oxford Professor David Deutsch, quantum-computing pioneer, who wrote in his controversial masterpiece, Fabric of Reality says: "quantum computers can efficiently render every physically possible quantum environment, even when vast numbers of universes are interacting. Quantum computers can also efficiently solve certain mathematical problems, such as factorization, which are classically intractable, and can implement types of cryptography which are classically impossible. Quantum computation is a qualitatively new way of harnessing nature." Quantum computing sounds like science fiction -as satellites, moon shots, and the original microprocessor once were. To leapfrog the silicon wall, we have to figure out how to manipulate the brain-bending rules of the quantum realm - an Alice in Wonderland world of subatomic particles that can be in two places at once.

RepRap RepRap is humanity's first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine. RepRap takes the form of a free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. Since many parts of RepRap are made from plastic and RepRap prints those parts, RepRap self-replicates by making a kit of itself - a kit that anyone can assemble given time and materials. It also means that - if you've got a RepRap - you can print lots of useful stuff, and you can print another RepRap for a friend... RepRap is about making self-replicating machines, and making them freely available for the benefit of everyone. is a community project, which means you are welcome to edit most pages on this site, or better yet, create new pages of your own. RepRap was the first of the low-cost 3D printers, and the RepRap Project started the open-source 3D printer revolution. RepRap was voted the most significant 3D-printed object in 2017. About | Development | Community | RepRap Machines | Resources | Policy

Bill Gates s'en prend la crini re toute neuve de Berlusconi | Silvio Berlusconi, écoute un discours au Sénat en 2001 (Dylan Martinez/Reuters) C’est sa façon de dénoncer ce mauvais élève de la coopération internationale qu’est l’Italie. Bill Gates, dont la fondation philanthropique publie un rapport sur les aides publiques au développement, s’en est directement pris à Silvio Berlusconi dans une interview accordée au quotidien Frankfurter Rundschau, évoquant une lettre qu’il lui a adressé : « Cher Silvio, je suis désolé de vous rendre les choses plus difficiles, mais vous ignorez les pauvres de ce monde. » Au Süddeutsche Zeitung, même remarque concernant Berlusconi, mais un peu plus personnelle : « Les gens riches dépensent beaucoup plus d’argent pour régler leurs problèmes personnels, comme la calvitie, qu’ils ne le font pour combattre le paludisme. » Bill Gates fait allusion à la large couverture qu’a accordé la presse italienne aux faiblesses capillaires du Cavaliere. Capture d’écran du site de la Répubblica

Getting Started With The Raspberry Pi Is Not As Easy As Pie The super low cost computer called the Raspberry Pi is mind-blowing and awesome. As TechCrunch recently reported, the $25 to $35 mini computer on a circuit board is designed to give kids around the globe an easy way to learn computer programming. But the Raspberry Pi is not like a computer you get from Apple or pickup at the local Best Buy. It’s not as simple as plug and play. It takes a bit of extra work and time. And you need to be a hacker before you can get it working. I got my hands on one of the 400,000 units that have been sold. While a $25 to $35 computer makes a nice headline, the odds are good it’s going to cost you several times that amount to get it going. You will need to connect a power supply, monitor, USB keyboard, mouse, SD memory card, and an Ethernet connection. Diagram by Paul Beech and via website I had online help from the quick start guide on the website, their wiki and support forums. Power Monitor USB Keyboard & Mouse SD Memory Card

Welcome Rando sanglante dos de moullet - Lib ration Montons dans les combles de Luc Moullet. Lui-même y grimpe d’un coup d’échelle branlante : il nous emmène voir sa «filmothèque» après avoir annoncé : «Je ne suis pas quelqu’un de très normal. Je vis toujours un peu à côté de la réalité.» Tourisme. Un gimmick, critique celui-ci, consiste à voir des métaphores partout. Les Alpes du Sud, ce sont en effet le décor des Contrebandières, d’Une aventure de Billy le Kid et du récent Prestige de la mort, où Moullet vantait les avantages d’être décédé. C’est à peu près ce que fait Moullet en posant son regard d’entomologiste myope sur le réel, dressant des listes (comment frauder le métro, ouvrir une bouteille de Coca ou tuer par folie) et, ici, interviewant une foule de témoins ou de conteurs qui, dit-il, «semblent très normaux au premier abord», mais mettent parfois en scène leurs récits de meurtres maquisards avec une inquiétante vivacité. Moullet redécore ainsi le genre télévisé du fait divers. Zigouillages.

World's Smallest Hard Drive Built of Atoms Just 96 atoms make up one byte of magnetic storage space. - Scientists have built a magnetic storage device made of 96 atoms. - The advance could lead to tiny hard drives able to store 200 to 300 times more information than they can today. Hard drives could one day be the size of rice grains, powering music players so small they would fit inside your ear. Scientists at IBM and the German Center for Free-Electron Laser Science have built the world's smallest unit of magnetic storage, using just 96 atoms to create one byte of data. Conventional drives require a half a billion atoms for each byte. The advance could lead to tiny hard drives able to store 200 to 300 times more information than they can today. PHOTOS: 5 Computer Techs to Replace Silicon Chips "An effect that is common in nature can produce this information storage idea," said Sebastian Loth of CFEL, lead author of the research, which is being published today in the journal Science. BLOG: Scientists Build Self-Replicating Molecule

Hardware Hackers Create a Modular Motherboard | Gadget Lab An ambitious group of hardware hackers have taken the fundamental building blocks of computing and turned them inside out in an attempt to make PCs significantly more efficient. The group has created a motherboard prototype that uses separate modules, each of which has its own processor, memory and storage. Each square cell in this design serves as a mini-motherboard and network node; the cells can allocate power and decide to accept or reject incoming transmissions and programs independently. The design, called the Illuminato X Machina, is vastly different from the separate processor,memory and storage components that govern computers today. “We are taking everything that goes into motherboard now and chopping it up,” says David Ackley, associate professor of computer science at the University of New Mexico and one of the contributors to the project. A modular architecture designed for parallel and distributed processing could help take computing to the next level, say its designers.

untitled Nous connaissons l’issue, pour l’instant provisoire, du procès politique du siècle annoncé par la presse: le 28 janvier, relaxe de Dominique de Villepin. La partie civile, Nicolas Sarkozy, n’a pas obtenu la condamnation de l’ex-Premier ministre, Dominique de Villepin, dont-elle était le ministre de l’Intérieur. Elle avait pourtant parlé lors d’une conférence de presse à l’étranger tenue avant le procès de «coupables» et non d’accusés. Le procureur de la République de Paris, Jean-Claude Marin, avait commencé par requérir la relaxe à la fin de la procédure d’instruction puis avait finalement requis oralement la condamnation de Dominique de Villepin, comme le souhaitait le président de la République. La relaxe de Dominique de Villepin, outre les conséquences pour sa vie personnelle et politique puisque qu’il est reconnu innocent, rappelle un principe de base du droit pénal: pas de condamnation sans texte. Réagissez à l'article

Top 10 Supercomputers Like this story? Get the latest data center news by e-mail or RSS, or follow us on Twitter or Facebook. The twice-a-year list of the Top 500 supercomputers documents the most powerful systems on the planet. Many of these supercomputers are striking not just for their processing power, but for their design and appearance as well. K SUPERCOMPUTER, RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS), Japan The “K” supercomputer, a joint project by Fujitsu and the RIKEN center, has overtaken China’s Tianhe-1A system to gain the top spot on the updated list. TIANHE-1A, National Supercomputing Center, Tianjin, China The Tianhe-1A, the most powerful supercomputer in the world as of November 2010. The Chinese Tianhe-1A system at the National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin slipped back into second in the latest survey, achieving a performance level of 2.6 petaflop/s (quadrillions of calculations per second). JAGUAR, Oak Ridge National Laboratory NEBULAE, China
