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Touché: Touch and Gesture Sensing for the Real World.

Touché: Touch and Gesture Sensing for the Real World.
Disney Research, Pittsburgh. Touché is a new sensing technology that proposes a novel Swept Frequency Capacitive Sensing technique that can not only detect a touch event, but simultaneously recognize complex configurations of the human hands and body during touch interaction. This allows to significantly enhances touch interaction in a broad range of applications, from enhancing conventional touchscreens to designing interaction scenarios for unique use contexts and materials. For example, in our explorations we added complex touch and gesture sensitivity not only to computing devices and everyday objects, but also to the human body and liquids. Importantly, instrumenting objects and material with touch sensitivity is easy and straightforward: a single wire is sufficient to make objects and environments touch and gesture sensitive. Research paper Touché: Enhancing Touch Interaction on Humans, Screens, Liquids, and Everyday Objects. Sato, M., Poupyrev, I, and Harrison, C. Awards Contact Related:  Interactivité

Xth Sense | Res, a matter. The Xth Sense™ (2010-14) is a free and open biophysical technology. With it you can produce music with the sound of your body. The Xth Sense captures sounds from heart, blood and muscles and uses them to integrate the human body with a digital interactive system for sound and video production. In 2012, it was named the “world’s most innovative new musical instrument” and awarded the first prize in the Margaret Guthman New Musical Instrument Competition by the Georgia Tech Center for Music Technology (US). Today, the Xth Sense is used by a steadily growing community of creatives, ranging from performing artists and musicians, to researchers in physiotherapy and prosthetics, and universities and students in diverse fields. Check the video below to see what the Xth Sense can do! The Xth Sense users forum lives at Createdigitalnoise/xth, and you can connect with us on Facebook too. Ominous | Incarnated sound sculpture (Xth Sense) from Marco Donnarumma on Vimeo. Schematic and Tutorial Framework

100円ノート メモ術 きっと皆さんも子供の頃に経験があると思います。 多分、授業中に描いていたのではないでしょうか? 上の図のように、右側に曲げて絵を描いたら、今度は左側に曲げて絵を描く。 そして、教科書を普通に置くと何も見えないのに、曲げるとさっき描いた絵が見えてくる。まるで騙し絵のようにです。 この原理を応用したのが「超メモ術」なのです。 超メモ術を使っていると、知らないうちに超メモ術的思考回路になるのかも知れません。 Microsoft Researchers’ “3-D Audio” System Is Like Oculus Rift for Your Ears Just as a new generation of virtual reality goggles for video games are about to hit the market, researchers at Microsoft have come up with what could be the perfect accompaniment—a way for ordinary headphones to create a realistic illusion of sound coming from specific locations in space. In combination with a virtual reality device like the Oculus Rift, the new system could be used to make objects or characters in a virtual world sound as well as look like they are at a specific point in space, even if that is outside a person’s field of view. Microsoft’s researchers refer to the technology as 3-D audio. In a demonstration of the technology at Microsoft’s Silicon Valley lab, I put on a pair of wireless headphones that made nearby objects suddenly burst into life. That somewhat eerie experience was made possible because less than a minute earlier I had sat down in front of a Kinect 3-D sensor and been turned briefly to the left and right. Tashev’s system is a new twist on an old idea.

Basic English Weekly sounds: gel-based speakers, sound to control devices and Audio Branding Congress program New post on Weekly Sounds, with the best resources on the world of Sound and Audio. Our picks of the week Most interesting news of this week are in the field of research, where many sources reported on going experimentations related to the use of Sound in novel and never seen directions. First article is about Harvard University, where Researchers build an audio speaker out of stretchy transparent gel, a flexible speaker with ionic able to produce high-quality sound. Sound Gives Objects A Human Touch reports the work of two researchers from Japan’s University of Tsukub, consisting of an experiment to use the phenomenon of sound resonance of objects to control a mobile or desktop device. Watch the video below to know more. The term 5 is ending for Carlo and then it’s time for game audio final project: read Drink coffee, kill the freaks from outer space and accomplish the game audio final project! Audio Branding congress 2013 finally published the final program for Moscow edition. Follow Me:

音階の視覚化 ● 図形で測る音程関係! それぞれ 異なった響きのハーモニィーとなります! それは、ピアノは「平均律」、バイオリンは「純正律」、三味線は「邦楽的純正律」 それぞれの楽器で、調律の基準となる音程関係(楽律)が異なっているためです。 ※ 「平均律」は、1オクターブを12等分した音程で構成される楽律。 ピアノやオルガンなどの鍵盤楽器、木琴やビブラフォンなどの打楽器、 主に、演奏中 音程を変えられない楽器に用いられています。 ※ 「純正律」は、音程を簡単な整数比に保ち、和音が完全に融合するようにした楽律。 バイオリンや三味線、トランペットや尺八など、楽器全般に用いますが、 音程の幅は、演奏の技量及び感性(音色の好み)によって 大きく左右されます。 ● 「平均律」と「純正律」の比較 ※ 音程関係を、「足し算」や「引き算」で測れる単位 セント(cent)にすると、 図形の長さで 比較表示することができます。。 ●平均律のセント換算⇒1オクターブ(完全8度)=1200c 、短2度=100c 、長2度=200c 、短3度=300c、長3度=400c 、 完全4度=500c 、増4度(減5度)=600c、完全5度=700c、短6度=800c、長6度=900c、短7度=1000c、長7度=1100c ● 純正律(振動数比 F1:F2) のセントの換算式は ⇒ C=(1200/log2)×log(F2/F1) 純正律の長3度(ド:ミ)=約386.3c、純正律の短3度(ミ:ソ)=約315.6c、純正律の完全5度(ド:ソ)=約702.0c ※平均律と純正律を比べると⇒ 長3度(ド:ミ): 400C(平均律)-約386.3c(純正律)=約13.7c(平均律が広い) 短3度(ミ:ソ): 300c(平均律)-約315.6c(純正律)=約-15.6c(平均律が狭い) 完全5度(ド:ソ): 700c(平均律)-約702.0c(純正律)=約-2.0c(平均律が狭い) つまり、ピアノ(平均律)の長三和音は、「ミ」の音が約13.7セント高すぎて、濁ったハーモニィーになります。 バイオリンの長三和音では、演奏技術さえ正しければ、振動数比が「3:4:5」となる美しいハーモニィーです。 三味線では、バイオリンと同様に美しい響きを出せるのですが、習慣上 長三和音を用いない為に、 ● 「純正律」の長音階 完全に融合する「純正律」の音階は演奏できないことになります。

Syntact™ | Ultrasonic Syntact™ musical interface is introducing a new paradigm in the field of human-computer interaction design. It is redefining the possibilities of musical interaction and enabling a playful and physical engagement in musical creation. The revolutionary technology behind Syntact™ provides contact-free tactile feedback to the musician. Applications Live music creation and performance Virtual reality / telepresence Public interactive multimedia installations in museums, galleries, science centres etc. Features Control input: Syntact™ is operated via optical hand-gesture analysis. Tactile feedback: The feedback section of the instrument uses the analog audio output of any software or hardware synthesizer, instrument, sequencer or any kind of audio generator. Control panel: The musician can use the control panel to: Select/activate and visualize different image descriptors Adjust descriptor scaling Visualize audio (available only for the integrated mapping solution) Integrated mapping solution: Sales

Breakthrough In science and medicine and across the humanities, Harvard has a legacy of transformative intellectual breakthroughs. As the University officially kicks off its 375th anniversary celebration, contemporary faculty members explain moments in Harvard’s history that revolutionized their areas of expertise, and in the process changed the world. Surgical Anesthesia Allan M. Designated Drivers Barry R. The Invention of GIS Charles Waldheim Chair, Department of Landscape Architecture John E. Shrunk down an Arduino to the size of a finger-tip! by Open Source RF RFduino: A finger-tip sized, Arduino compatible, wireless enabled microcontroller, low cost enough to leave in all of your projects! The RFduino has Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy built-in, which enables it to wirelessly talk to any smartphone that has Bluetooth 4.0. Currently we have several open source apps built for the iPhone which were used in our demos. Open source Android apps are next. The RFduino has a Nordic 32 bit ARM Cortex-M0 processor, so it has more power then the UNO, however it still runs the same, simple Arduino code the UNO runs, so there is no need to learn any new programming language or environment. The RFduino GPIO lines all support, Digital IO, Analog ADC, SPI, I2C, UART and PWM. The RFduino is similar to the Arduino UNO or DUE, except the RFduino is a fraction of the cost and size, in addition has wireless smartphone connectivity built-in! Up to now, adding wireless to an Arduino required an additional wireless shield which adds cost and size. - Armen

エラー率わずか0.00000625% 日本の物流システムの高い精度と速度はよく知られたところ。これは徹底的なコンピューター化と日本の道路・通信インフラの優秀さがもたらすものです。 しかしインドはもっとすごかった。社会的なインフラがまだまだ未整備なのにも関わらず、伝票もPOS端末も携帯電話も一切なんにも使わずに毎日20万食の昼食を時間通りに届ける「ダッバワーラー」という驚異のシステムが存在しているのです。一体どんな人達なのでしょうか。 ダッバーワーラーとはミスは1600万回に1回、驚異の低エラー率超複雑なネットワークを人力で運営するダッバーワーラー達なぜダッバーワーラーは超低料金で超優良サービスを提供できるのか? ダッバーワーラーとは インドの人達には、3食きちんと調理した温かい物を食べる、という食文化があります。 必然的にインドの労働者はお弁当を運ぶ人が多くなるのですが、これはどこの国でも大問題。 これを解決するのが「ダッバーワーラー」と呼ばれる人達。 これが「ダッバー」金属のお椀を重ねてひとまとめにできます。 「お弁当を家から職場に運ぶ」単純な仕事に聞こえますね。 ミスは1600万回に1回、驚異の低エラー率 ダッバーワーラーと契約しているのは現在、東京の渋谷区の人口と同じくらいの20万人ほど。 言葉は簡単ですがちょっと計算してみましょう。 20万個×1日2往復×月25日で、なんと1ヶ月で1000万回もダッバーが行ったり来たりするのです。 それではこのうち、配達間違いなどのミスはどれくらいあるのでしょうか。 そのエラー率、実に1600万回に1度。 いくらなんでもウソだろう、と思って色々と検索してみたのですが「月に4回くらいミスが出る」「ウチに来てもらっていたがミスは20年で3回くらいだった」など、数字にバラツキはあるものの相当低い数字なのです。 これは一体どういう数字かアメリカの空港で荷物が紛失する確率と比べてみましょう。 もう一度言いますが、電車が誤差30秒で発着し国中でパケット通信ができる日本の話ではありません。 超複雑なネットワークを人力で運営するダッバーワーラー達 ダッバーワーラーは超・几帳面です。 朝9時頃、各家庭からお弁当を集めて回るダッバーワーラー達。 ピックアップされたお弁当は駅ごとに集荷され鉄道で目的地の最寄り駅まで運ばれます。 駅に荷物が着いたら自分の受け持ちの地域の包みをピックアップして持って行きます。 動画はこちらから。

New Digital Musical Instruments: Control And Interaction Beyond the Keyboard - Eduardo Reck Miranda, Marcelo M. Wanderley The incredible delivery system Every day, approximately 4,000 dabbawallahs deliver 160,000 home-cooked lunches from the kitchens of suburban wives and mothers direct to Mumbai’s workers in “the world’s most ingenious meal distribution system.” (Hey UPS, how’s that for logistics?) Dabbawallahs pick up the home cooked lunches in the suburbs, hop on trains, and deliver them, via bike, to Mumbai office workers. Later on, they pick up and bring back the same empty tiffins (the name for the metal containers used). Despite the lack of fuel, computers, or modern technology involved, a tiffin goes astray only once every two months. Code The mostly illiterate crew of deliverymen relies on a color coding system to route lunches to the proper recipients. Tiffins in the wild. The code explained. The dabbawallahs even deliver in the pouring rain or during political strife. Tiffin boxes The tiffins themselves are pretty ingenious too. At Squidoo, a user named Enigmaa8 lists “10 things I love about Tiffin Boxes”: 1. Want your own?

New Interfaces for Musical Expression Dabbawala Mumbai dabbahwalas Dabbawala loading lunch boxes on a train A dabbawala; also spelled as dabbawalla or dabbawallah; is a person in India, most commonly in Mumbai, who is part of a delivery system that collects hot food in lunch boxes from the residences of workers in the late morning, delivers the lunches to the workplace utilizing various modes of transport, predominantly bicycles and the rail trains, and returns the empty boxes back to the customer's residence that afternoon. They are also made use of by prominent meal suppliers in Mumbai where they ferry ready, cooked meals from central kitchens to the customers and back. "Tiffin" is an Anglo-Indian word, derived from obsolete English slang "tiffing" (to sip),[1] for a light lunch or afternoon snack, and sometimes, by extension, for the box it is carried in. For this reason, the dabbawalas are sometimes called tiffin wallahs. Etymology and historical roots[edit] A dabba, or Indian-style tiffin box. Box coding Supply chain[edit] Coordinates:
