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Hackers Ouverts | Hackerspace nomade d'Île de France First Reflection From The Innovation Labs • Teched Up Teacher We are about a month into Innovation Lab, and even though that may sound like a lot, I only see each class once a week for an hour. In all, since we’ve had some days off since the start of school, I’ve only seen most classes twice. Not a lot, but between observations and collecting data, I’m starting to see some trends. Sickles Studios, our elementary school Innovation Lab is off to a great start. This is the first year for our Innovation Labs. As you can see, kids are pumped for the class. I think I have an explanation for why that is. What may also surprise some is the lack of interest in coding. To further spark my students interest in coding and to improve students’ learning overall, I’ve put out a call to our very talented parent community. I’m proud of the response the labs are getting from the educational community. I’m also excited with how well the Fresh Air curriculum is working. That being said, there’s always room for improvement. I’m also not thrilled with Heroic Traits.

Université de Cergy-Pontoise : l'expérience Fab Lab Emmanuel Vaillant et Camille Stromboni | Publié le , mis à jour le Installé à Gennevilliers, le "Fac Lab" de l’université de Cergy-Pontoise (UCP) est le premier Fab Lab implanté au sein d’une institution universitaire. Fab Lab pour Fabrication Laboratory… Ce concept, initié il y a dix ans aux Etats-Unis, se veut ouvert tous les publics: des professionnels, des enseignants aux étudiants et autres passionnés de bidouillage. Pour en profiter, il suffit de s'y rendre. Depuis son ouverture en février 2012, quelque 150 à 200 personnes se retrouvent ainsi chaque mois autour d’une découpe laser, d’une imprimante 3D ou autre fraiseuse numérique pour réaliser un prototype, tester une idée, explorer une technique. "Ouvrir l'université sur la société" "Le Fac lab entre complètement dans les missions de l'université. Deux enseignants sont en charge de la structure, Emmanuelle Roux et Laurent Ricard. Visionner la vidéo : Un Fab Lab, à quoi ça sert ? La vague des Fac Lab

Evolving Our Makerspace: The Conclusion For those of you who haven’t been following along with my last few posts, our fifth and sixth grade student-run business, FH Gizmos, landed a manufacturing contract with Slack. Slack tasked us with making 50 desk toys for employees to use in their new education center. To read an indepth account of our experience check out this awesome article from a local paper, Red Bank Green. For those of you that have been following along, we did it! This past week, the last week of school, we received the first of fifty S-shaped fidget spinners! The year ended with a bang. Further, as we end the year on these high notes, I have a much clearer idea on the final evolution of our makerspace. Fair Haven Innovates: Fair Haven Innovates is Fair Haven school district’s 21st century life, careers, and technology program. The Innovation Lab (4th and 5th grade): The Innovation Lab is where 4th and 5th graders learn the skills they’ll need to be successful in the world of tomorrow. Until Next Time,

Conférences ** /!\ les vidéos commencent à arriver, restez accordés ! /!\ ** Retour d'expérience de la fablab AIR - Olivier Richard Il y a plusieurs années, des enseignants de Polytec'Grenoble ont ressenti le besoin de dynamiser les projets à l'adresse des étudiants, de favoriser les échanges entre les filières et les acteurs extérieurs à l'école (associations, entreprises, milieux de la recherche). ogv / webm / mp3 / ogg ogv / webm / mp3 / ogg FabLabs, hackerspaces, makerspaces - Camille Bosqué Une redéfinition du Design par l’autoproduction ? Les FabLabs et formes dérivées des makerspaces sont un phénomène émergent à la marge du monde industriel. webm / ogv / mp3 / ogg webm / ogv / mp3 / ogg Hacktivisme et ONG/MEDIA - Fo0 L'importance des liens et des échanges avec les projets des pays du Moyen Orient Talk sur l'hacktivisme et ONG/MEDIA, y présenter les ateliers / formations effectués dans le moyen-orient principalement, aux bloggers, activistes, journalistes, etc ... pdf / url Ligthning talks et

098: Makerspaces with Diana Rendina | Coffee For The Brain In this episode I speak with Diana Rendina. Diana is a media specialist/teacher librarian at Tampa Preparatory School, an independent 6-12 school in Tampa, Florida. Previously, she was the media specialist at Stewart Middle Magnet School (also in Tampa) from 2010-2017. Before working in education, she worked for Hillsborough County Public Libraries. She has seen the library world from both the public and the school side of things. She is the author of two books. You can discover more about her on her website Direct Link: Episode can be found here CHECK OUT THE SHOW AND EPISODES ON ITUNES The show is now on Spotify! The show is also now on Google Play The show is also now on Stitcher Topics We Explore How does a media specialist balance all the hats a media specialist has to wear along with creating and operating a makerspace? Show Notes & Quotes Social Media Website – Books

Open Atelier Making Use of The Makery | Elmhurst Public Library The Makery is reserved specifically for the use of creating. Patrons may use other areas in the Library to read, relax, or do other work not related to DIY projects.Children younger than middle school-age must be directly supervised at all times by a parent or caregiver while in the Makery.It’s important to keep safety in mind while using the Makery. If you’re unsure what to do, ask!The Makery is not available as a meeting space. To request a scout visit, please visit our Scout Services page. To request a tour of the Makery, please fill out our Tour Request Form or email Get Inspired Come to the Makery with a project in mind. Get Prepared Go to the equipment page to see what kind of materials you need to bring with you in order to complete your project. Get Familiar Watch YouTube videos or manufacturer equipment videos to familiarize yourself with the machines. Get Planning Allow enough time for your visit. Get Involved Get Extras Get Smart Get Making

Accueil | ArtLaboArtLabo Get to Know a Glowfolk: Middle School STEM Teacher, Mr. Brandon Western - The Glowforge Blog We chatted with Brandon Western, a middle school STEM teacher at a K-8 school in Central Florida, to learn about how he’s using Glowforge in his classroom to teach his students how to design, create and be innovative. We can’t wait for you to get to know Glowfolk Brandon, so let’s jump in! Brandon, thanks for chatting with Glowforge! Tell us about yourself, your role, and where you work. I’ve been teaching at my current school for 9 years now, starting as a science teacher, and I’ve been the STEM teacher now for 4 years. My school is a K8 school, with students living nearby, and phenomenally supportive parents. What do you love most about what you do? I’m lucky enough to teach in a school and district that trust me to engage the students in meaningful learning, and challenge them in unique, creative ways. How did you first learn about Glowforge, and why did you decide to get a Glowforge for your school? My classes are full of 25-30+ eager students each class period. It’s a secret!

FABLAB > SummerLab Nantes 2013 Organisée pour la première fois en 2008 au LABoral Centre d’Art de Gijon (Espagne), un SummerLab est une rencontre ancrée dans les valeurs de la culture libre, une opportunité pour travailler ensemble en mode interdisciplinaire (créateurs, chercheurs, activistes…) dans un cadre favorisant coopération et échanges ouverts. Il s’organise autour de groupes de travail thématiques dont le croisement favorise l’émergence d’opportunités d’apprentissage ouvert et de collaborations. Les contenus des groupes de travail sont divers et dépendent des participants. Du 8 au 13 juillet 2013, PiNG ouvre au sein de l’Ecole d’architecture de Nantes un laboratoire-atelier afin de faire se croiser les communautés du hacking, de la culture libre et du DIY avec celles de la production collective, locale et participative. Les participants sont invités à co-produire le programme de cette semaine en proposant des ateliers, conférences, débats, perfomances, balades (…). Tout est possible !

Fablab Caen Basse-Normandie
