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Des outils pour écrire 1. Pour commencer ton récit, choisis : un ou plusieurs personnages ; un lieu ; une époque ; un événement. 2. Imagine sommairement ton récit. Situation initiale : Présente ton ou tes personnages : Qui ? 3. Ecris ton premier texte (le début de ton histoire). 4. As-tu fait des descriptions suffisamment claires et précises pour qu'on comprenne bien ce que tu as voulu dire ? 5. Reprends ton conte depuis le premier texte et suit bien un embranchement pour vérifier que tes textes se suivent de manière cohérente : si tu as proposé par exemple de changer de personnage, vérifie que tu ne t’es pas trompé en cours de route… Vérifie aussi que chaque réponse renvoie bien à un texte.

Look + Listen = Learn Apprendre... Autrement! | «L'éducation est une atmosphère, une discipline et une vie» Charlotte Mason Times Table Worksheets – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 – Nineteen Worksheets / Worksheets Times Table Worksheets – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 – Twenty Four Worksheets Multiplication Multiplication – Basic Facts Multiplication – Cubes Multiplication – Horizontal Multiplication – Quiz Multiplication – Repeated Addition Multiplication – Test Multiplication – Vertical Multiplication Target Circles Multiplication Word Problems Multiplication-1 Digit Multiplication-2 Digit by 2 Digit Multiplication-3 Digit by 1 Digit Multiplication-3 Digit by 2 Digit Times table worksheets – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 2 times table drill worksheet – Download More Times Tables Worksheets 3 times table drill worksheet – Download 4 times table drill worksheet – Download 5 times table drill worksheet – Download 6 times table drill worksheet – Download 7 times table drill worksheet – Download 8 times table drill worksheet – Download 9 times table drill worksheet – Download 10 times table drill worksheet – Download 11 times table drill worksheet – Download Related

Accueil - DLPC: Documents et liens pour la classe Calendar Math -- the basics When setting up your Calendar, the first thing you will need to do is look at your state standards. Ask yourself, what are those key standards, that I teach once or twice, and the kids just don't seem to get it? For me, things like place value, prime and composite numbers, factors, and multiplication and division of large numbers came to mind. Those were the things I wanted to put on my Calendar. You can click the above link (or click here for 5th grade...the picture isn't working for some reason!) Once I had all of the things on my Calendar that I felt needed daily, constant review, I then went about setting up my calendar board. These are close up views of the boards I use. But this year, I have space again in my room (different set up) and I am able to have a dedicated board!! If you teach 5th grade, I have a special treat for you. I am also always asked if an editable version is available. Once you have the templates up and laminated, and your worksheet copied, you are ready to go!

Liste de tapuscrits Sommaire des tapuscrits trouvés sur le net : Le site d'Echo d'Ecoles : Ce site offre sur demande le tapuscrit souhaité, c'est génial ! CLIC Chez Lutin bazar (merci à toi petit Lutin) : ----> La tribu des préhistos de Françoise Demars : CLIC ----> Entre ciel et terre d'Eric Sanvoisin : CLIC ----> Cromignon de Michel Gay : CLIC ----> Le cheval des cavernes de Stéphane Frattini : CLIC ----> Sauvons les sapins, Romain Drac : CLIC ----> Les lettres de Biscotte Mulotte d'Anne marie Chapouton : CLIC ----> Petit ogre veut aller à l'école ,Anne Marie Gaudrat : CLIC ----> La nuit de la rentrée Joe Hoestland : CLIC ----> Le repas des sorcières de Claude Cattelain :CLIC ----->La légende du comte Dracula (texte + questions) :CLIC ------>Le carnaval des chats : CLIC ------>Vif le dauphin : CLIC ----->La petite poule blanche : CLIC ------>Gaspard le cafard : CLIC ----->Les biglettes de Timéo, Thomas Scotta : CLIC ----->La belle lisse poire du prince de Motordu, PEF : CLIC ---->Et si je me bagarrais : CLIC

Math Journal Sundays ... Kicked Up A Notch This post is dedicated to Mor over at A Teacher's Treasure. Last weekend I watched her video on Interactive Student Notebooks (click on the link to check it out for yourself) ... and I was so inspired I knew I couldn't wait to "kick it up a notch" again in my math journals. This was the piece I was missing in my math journals - and before I watched the video I didn't even realize I was missing something. I couldn't wait until September to start using the ideas in her fabulous resource, so we started using her strategies this week. This is the left side of the journals. After our test midweek, we started our next unit. We added a foldable underneath our interactive angle tool. The students also completed a "left side" for this activity, too. I'm so excited about the evolution of my math journals!!! Happy Sunday!!!
