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The flipping librarian

The flipping librarian
One of the things I am getting ready to do in September is to help a growing number of interested teachers flip. Just in case you’ve missed it, many educators are thinking about flipping. What is flipping? Flipping the classroom changes the place in which content is delivered. If the teacher assigns lecture-type instruction–in the form of video, simulations, slidecasts, readings, podcasts–as homework, then class time can be used interactively. The class becomes conversation space, creation space, space where teachers actively facilitate learning. Flipping frees face-to-face classroom time for interactive and applied learning, activities that inspire critical thinking, exploration, inquiry, discussion, collaboration, problem solving. According to teachers Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, considered by many the co-founders of the movement, the Flipped Classroom begins with one question: What’s the best use of your face-to-face class time? Does flipping work? Flipping for differences 1. 2. 3.

Related:  Week 9: Video for Instruction (*=Key reading)Support ReadingsCOLLECTION: Flipped Learning Resources

*The Science Behind Stories and Anecdotes – The Principal of Change When I first started putting this blog/portfolio together in 2010, I wanted to think of a name for it. To some, the title of their blog is something that has actually held them back from starting it in the first place. They have great ideas but they can’t find that “perfect” title. High Schools to TikTok: We’re Catching Feelings “On other media you’re hiding your flaws,” Mr. Callahan said. “Here you’re showing them off.” Aaron Eddy, 17, a senior at Whitesboro High School in Marcy, N.Y., said that it’s the authenticity part that he thinks makes the app so compelling. He said he likes how he can be “crazy” on it without judgment. Morgan Townsend, a 17-year-old senior at West Orange, said that she makes TikToks of notable life moments for the memories.

Flipped Learning Network Ning Supported file types: .doc/.docx, .xls/.xlsx, .ppt/.pptx, .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp Max file size: 25 MB Supported thumbnail types: .jpg/.jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmpMax upload size: 500 kB You completed:Flipped Classroom And Flipping Strategies 10 Pros And Cons Of A Flipped Classroom 10 Pros And Cons Of A Flipped Classroom by Mike Acedo Many of us can recall instances in our lives where we found ourselves idly sitting in a classroom, eyes glazed over, half listening to our teacher as they lectured in front of the room.

Top Ten Screencastify Tips 1. Extension for Chrome This chrome extension lets you create screencasts directly from your browser on your laptop or desktop. Capture audio and video easily. Learn More > 2. 9 Resources to Flip Your Classroom The flipped classroom model reverses homework and classwork, so that students can learn at their own pace on their own time. Educreations- free accounts and $$ accounts EDpuzzle- students watch videos and add their comments as they are watching; EDpuzzle lessons now integrate with Google Classroom.

23 Things for Digital Knowledge There are many options for watching, downloading, and sharing video online. For Thing 10 we’re looking at video platforms to compare their usability, licensing options, and accessibility as well as ways to generate your own videos. YouTube YouTube was created in 2005 as a website for users to share original video content. *UDL and The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture In response to all of the attention given to the flipped classroom, I proposed The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture and The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture for Higher Education in which the viewing of videos (often discussed on the primary focus of the flipped classroom) becomes a part of a larger cycle of learning based on an experiential cycle of learning. Universal Design for Learning has also been in the news lately as a new report Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Initiatives on the Move was released by the National Center on UDL, May, 2012. This post describes the principles of Universal Design for Learning and how they naturally occur when a full cycle of learning, including ideas related to the flipped classroom, are used within the instructional process. Universal Design for Learning

8 Excellent Blended Learning Tools for Teachers September 25, 2015In its basic and simplest definition, blended learning is an instructional methodology, a teaching and learning approach that combines face-to-face classroom methods with computer mediated activities to deliver instruction. The strengths of this instructional approach is its combination of both face to face and online teaching methods into one integrated instructional approach. In today's post, we are sharing with you a set of some useful web tools you can use for blended learning:1- Blubbr Blubbr is a cool web tool that allows users to create quizzes around YouTube videos. These are basically interactive video quizzes ( called Trivs ) that you can create for your students and which they can answer while they watch the selected video clip. The quizzes are also feedback supported meaning students will get feedback as they answer each question.

*10 facts about Americans and YouTube YouTube is one of the most popular online platforms in the United States. The video-sharing site serves as a forum for entertainers, commentators, businesses and others, and Americans use it in a variety of ways, from getting the news to learning new skills. At the same time, YouTube has faced scrutiny – as other online platforms have – about issues including online harassment, misinformation and the impact of technology on children. 7 Tools for Adding Questions and Notes to Videos Short videos from YouTube and other sources can be quite helpful in introducing topics to students and or reinforcing concepts that you have taught. Watching the video can be enough for some students, it's better if we can call students' attention to specific sections of videos while they are watching them. The following tools allow you to add comments and questions to videos that you share with your students. Vibby is a service for breaking YouTube videos into segments and inserting comments into those segments.

CloudSchool a simple and elegant platform for instruction I recently discovered CloudSchool, incredibly simple (and free) platform for creating and sharing standards-aligned instruction. The teaching space (LMS) allows you and any teacher partners to deliver full courses or individual lessons. The WYSIWYG interface makes it easy to create and publish media-rich lessons, assignments and homework. CloudSchool can also be a platform for professional development. After signing up, teachers are given a Teaching Space with an address of their choice (like:

Flipping the Library: Tips from Three Pros Through the use of innovative technologies and online resources, school libraries can now be available to students wherever—and whenever—they need them. “Flipped” or blended learning offers students the power of personalized instruction, through a mix of virtual and face-to-face interactions, at a student’s own pace. Embracing this concept is a must for student engagement and the future of the profession, say school librarians Joyce Valenza, Brenda Boyer, and Michelle Luhtala.

IDEA WATCH: School Libraries, Librarians, and Project-Based Learning–“Flexing” Library Spaces for Learning Last spring, our AP environmental science class teacher gave her students an assignment: Find something environmental about our school and community that they wanted to change, form a class community, and propose solutions to the problem. Each class brainstormed and voted on a problem they wanted to address, and then formed subcommittees for publicity, finances, etc. So how did the library fit into this venture? For one thing, the classes used me as the research expert, calling me in for advice on where to find information, who to contact, and who the experts were in the field.
