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10 Qualities of an Effective Community Manager

10 Qualities of an Effective Community Manager
As more companies and more industries buy into the benefits of social media and community development, the number of job opportunities available for professionals with community-building skills also continue to grow. Companies are looking for professionals who can blend their skills to effectively deliver updates to a community, but also have the ability to tap into that community to collect feedback for a company to use for improving its product or delivering its message. While the job opportunities grow, so to do the number of professionals who include community skills on their resumes and profiles. On LinkedIn alone, the number of people who have added "Community Management" to their skills list is up 46% year-over-year. But being a quality community manager goes beyond having the knowledge and background to use social media networks. 1. It's no surprise that the person who is acting as a representative of the brand should have strong people skills. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Related:  Community

100 parole per comunicare il sociale: un glossario condiviso di Rossella Sobrero Migliorare la conoscenza tra i comunicatori (in particolare coloro che operano nelle imprese e nella PA) e le organizzazioni del Terzo Settore (associazioni di volontariato, di promozione sociale, Fondazioni, Organizzazioni Non Governative, etc.): questo l’obiettivo che si è dato il Gruppo di lavoro Ferpi Sociale nei suoi primi mesi di attività. Anche per questo è stato creato un Tavolo di confronto con il Terzo Settore che si è dato alcuni compiti: trovare un linguaggio condiviso, avviare partnership utili a portare a una contaminazione positiva tra comunicatori e operatori sociali, avviare lo studio di indicatori di efficacia e efficienza. Un percorso per consentire alle organizzazioni non profit di capire meglio il valore della comunicazione e l’importanza strategica della gestione delle relazioni e per permettere a chi opera in imprese for profit e PA di conoscere meglio ruolo sociale e valore economico del Terzo Settore. Le prime 100 parole

Five Free Web 2.0 Tools to Support Lesson Planning "Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on, an afterthought or an event." -- Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Educational Consultant, Curriculum Designers, Inc. Web 2.0 tools are online software programs that allow users to do a number of different things. They can be used to teach curriculum content, store data, create or edit video, edit photos, collaborate and so much more. These programs are often free and are used by teachers, students and sometimes parents, both in and out of the classroom, on a pretty regular basis. The question then becomes: are educators prepared to use these tools? Embracing the use of Web 2.0 tools in lesson planning may still be new to many educators. As we talk about Web 2.0 tools, here's one point I want to stress. With so many free tools available on the web today, how do we decide which will be the best fit for our use? 1. If you've not heard of Pinterest, what rock have you been hiding under? 2. 3. 4. 5.

Comment éviter, gérer et absorber une crise sur les médias sociaux ? Non cette fois je ne vais pas vous assommer en vous forçant à lire un article de 20 pages, j’ai beaucoup mieux !! La Cantine Numérique Rennaise a organisé le 26 juin dernier, une journée de conférences et de tables rondes sur le thème des médias sociaux. Des intervenants comme Damien Douani ou Jean-Michel Vergne ont par exemple parlé de réseaux sociaux d’entreprise. Pour ma part, j’ai été convié à un débat autour de la crise sur les médias sociaux. Voici le synopsis de la réunion : “Avec la montée en puissance de la prise de parole des consommateurs, les crises que doivent affronter les entreprises se déclarent sur des sujets très diversifiés et parfois inattendus ! Étant donné qu’une captation audio a été réalisée pendant ce rendez-vous, je vous propose de prendre un verre, un sandwich et de vous installer confortablement dans votre fauteuil afin d’écouter ces échanges très instructifs. Tout d’abord, la présentation de Marie Armand (9 min) Voici les grandes lignes de son intervention :

Conversation Agent Customers are going more and more online, and are becoming increasingly demanding. They choose when and where to ask questions, talk about issues and share complaints, blurring the line between Marketing and Customer Service. Social technologies have a way of blurring traditional (and I would add artificial) lines. Many brands have already accepted that customers turn to social networks for service and support, and they are listening and responding. I have 59 brands on the list so far. Customer service via social A new study from NM Incite (you'll need to fill out a form to download) explains why customers turn to social for service and support. Actually, the report doesn't truly get into why except to summarize recent data from surveying a representative group of 2000 U.S. social media users over the age of 18 using Nielsen’s online panel. It found that: - the majority of Twitter and Facebook users, 83% and 71% respectively, expect a response from a brand within the same day of posting

Outthink Inc. believes learning should be fun Most of us who pursued careers in publishing did so because reading, in some way, impacted us as kids. But kids today live in a vastly changed world, and tablets have now taken over. One in four adults owns a tablet. On Christmas Day this year, 51% of mobile activations were for tablets, not phones. As publishing migrates from print to pixels, and reading more directly competes with games, phones, and tablets for attention, we need to ask how those pixels might impact the futures of today’s kids the way print did for us. Despite a long career fueled by digital evolution, and ownership of multiple eReaders, mobile phones, and tablets along the way, I almost exclusively purchase print books for my kids. Technology took each of my daughters from ABCs to a second-grade reading level when they were four years old, opening a world of knowledge so vast and empowering that I find myself telling every preschool parent I meet. But it’s harder to justify extended iPad time for my eight-year-old.

La méthode des 5W et le Community Management ConseilsMarketing.Fr accueille Josias Yobou Community Manager dans l’agence de communication Shamma en Côte d’Ivoire La méthode des 5W, est une méthode anglophone qui permet de se poser un ensemble de questions relatives à une problématique (quelle qu’elle soit) dans l’optique de la résolution de celle-ci. L’usage de cette méthode est diversifié, elle est couramment utilisée dans la rédaction en ligne. Cette méthode commence à être aussi prisée dans le domaine du community management. Elle favorise l’efficacité du Community Manager(CM) dans l’exécution de sa prestation. En effet on a trop souvent tendance à dire que le CM est juste chargé de publier des statuts sur Facebook et Twitter, or dans la pratique c’est une autre réalité… Le CM, est le porte parole, le représentant d’une marque, d’une société, d’un produit… Ces différentes réactions peuvent être d’une grande utilité ou au contraire mettre en danger l’entreprise, et pas qu’en termes d’eRéputation ! Who/ Qui ? What / Quoi ?

5 Key Characteristics Every Social Media Community Manager Should Have Social media is an effective tool to engage your target audience, drive website traffic and, ultimately, boost sales; so why do so few companies employ a social media community manager? You know, the person that manages the whole thing? It seems crazy, in the midst of a global financial crisis, to suggest that companies should go to the expense of hiring a community manager to oversee their social media presences. But at our company, Tomorrow People , we've been developing our community management team and processes to real effect over the past 16 months. I also know that HubSpot invests in employees dedicated solely to managing their social media presence, as well as many other companies we work with -- and they're all seeing great results from it. First, what are the benefits of having a community manager? We've also noticed that employing a community manager drives approximately 30% more traffic to our website every month . Where does the community manager role fit? - Review, Pricing, Features, Comparison, Demo & Trial Key Features of Provides several alternative ways for users of your websiteHandles course listings across multiple regionsAllows courses to be priced in any currencyIntegrates with online payment providers Paperless processing of enquiries and registrationsFlexible workflow for your back officeRole based security and authorisation Overview of Course Sales is terrific new software which makes the business of selling training (including online sales) and managing a training company easier, more efficient and cheaper. Read full description for ↓ One place to manage your courses and delegates Course Sales provides an event and training course sales and administration platform aimed at organisations which deliver anywhere between thirty and several hundred training courses or events each year. * A wide variety of courses * Many delivery locations, even many different countries and currencies * Many office locations, or a virtual workforce Benefits
